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Abandoned Character (FSS Indomitable) Aden Drake

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I would like to see more under physical and the last few skills.
@Enutter Were you still interested in playing this character?

Here are my recommendations for this character sheet:

Physical Description:
I think that adding some smaller details like complexion, eye color, hair color would be ideal for having other characters be able to identify your character.

You have him listed as Borderline anti-social. Is he just shy? Does he detest people? Is he just distrusting of people? Is he just a loner?
Coming off as ignorant is fine, does he speak using fancy words that he doesn't know the meaning of or is his worldview just very narrow due to his limited experience? Please take these questions into consideration, it will help you to better write him and help you decide on how he will interact with other characters in a plot.

I do see some minor spelling errors in your history post, but this looks fine.

I do like that this character has decided to go out and seek his fortune to escape the farming life from a planet that I don't see used too often as a starting location. I think it would be helpful to consider what he's looking for out in the vast expanse of freedom. Is he just seeking fame and fortune? Just wanting to travel the world? Why does he want to join this particular ship? Did he just see the job listing and go, "That ship looks awesome! I want to work on that!"?

It's okay if he just wants to seek fame, adventure, love of a good woman/man/genderless being. These are all just things to keep in mind. Some IC employers may ask such questions in the hiring process to join a plot to get a feel for their crew.

Social Connections:
You currently have Social connections blank, which is fine since I assume it's a placeholder but i would recommend just putting N/A for now. It's also fine if you don't want to include Social Connections, since he still has to make those.

@Ametheliana , since skills are an optional section was there anything else that you wanted to see more of in this character's profile?
Reactions: Wes
I was only tagged as I am the Nep Co FM and am very active in the character forums. Could also be one or the other.

I don't think this plot is still going, either. @Krusher99 hasn't been around since June.
Cool. It just means that is this player comes back, he can try to jump into another plotship.
I'll check back in after those updates based on what you asked for are made.
Reactions: Kim
Player hasn't logged on in over 6 weeks. Marked as abandoned.
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