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RP [FT6] Blackhawk and Darkjasper, Aside Ep. 1: "...Was This Planned?"

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Inactive Member
"The Icebox" - Common Room
1700 hours local time

Jasmine was taking this small bit of downtime to herself. She had just finished going on a run and was still in her shorts and tank, cooling off with some water. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, including the braids. The Demolitions expert for FT6 had no markings on her anywhere, natural or manmade. She kept it that way on purpose. The only things special about her that her team knew were her eyes being specially desgined so that she could look inside things to figure out how to difuse a bomb as needed. She could have taken a lot of other additions, but she had opted only for those. She didn't want to have too much too soon...though one day she did plan on synching with computers. It would make her job easier to store all that information somewhere she could easily access it.

Zylis had been wandering around the complex, quite a bit on his mind. Normally, some sort of training would be all he needed to clear things, but for whatever reason the young Jiyuuian couldn't shake his homesickness. His hands were taped up and his hair was pulled back, a thin layer of sweat apparent on his Minkan form. He had been in the CQC training area, the poor punching bags had shown signs he'd been in there, worked probably harder than they'd been in a long time. The only and only thing he would ever thank Yamatai for would be the new body, and even then, it would most likely be an offhanded thanks at best.

Needing some water since he'd completely drained his extra large bottle while hitting the bags, Zylis made his way toward the Common Room. Entering the room, he fluffed his sleeveless T-shirt in an attempt to cool off while he scanned the room. It seemed Jasmine had just finished working out as well, his eyes scanned over her once again, lingering a touch too long before he made walked over to get a cold bottle of water. "Evening Agent Blackhawk, how was the run?" He offered as he passed.

Jas was not quite prepared to be confronted with another of her team members so soon. She covered that up, though, by smiling at the Minkan and shrugged a little. "Evening, Agent Darkjasper. The run was fine. How are those punching bags treating you?" She had already noted his taped hands. Her honey eyes take in his form, clearly liking what she saw. Though, for her sake, she liked the eye-candy of those she was working with. She knew that, regardless, they would have to be professional at most times.

Elven ears twitched hearing her speak his name. Something about the way his name rolled off her tongue stuck with him. Cold water in hand, he waited on the refreshment to reply to her. "Well, let's just say that they haven't taken a beating like that in a while..." He took one long, slow gulp, savoring the icy cold fluid down his throat. His eyes respectful held eye level for now, trying to read her.

Jas chuckled softly as she shook her head, her ponytail swaying. "A lot of the men here try to say that. It's so amusing!" She laughed, but not in a cruel way. Getting up, she sauntered over to him. "What of your knuckles? Did they survive better than the bags?"

He looked to his hands, showing her that the tape was well worn. "I owe "The Icebox" a new bag. Though in my defense, I don't honestly think it was secured very well." He was being modest as the bag was torn from the last impact it took from him then crashed against the wall, the chain holding it up had snapped.

She tilted her head as she examined his knuckles, her ponytail swaying forward over her shoulder. "That may very well be. I'm sure others had been hitting on it before you came along." She peeked up at him, smiling a little at her own private joke. She always thought of the bags as girls...since it was mostly men that hit on them more often than women.

His frost blue orbs caught her honey colored ones for a moment seeing the specks of green, catching him off guard slightly. "I... uh, yeah you're probably right." He could feel a slight blush come to his face, mostly because of her smile. Another sip of water, this time being an excuse to look somewhere other than her face, her eyes. The swaying of her ponytail caught his attention. "Do you normally run by yourself... Jasmine... right?" He was usually much quicker than that, but he found himself stumbling a little in his thoughts.

Jas laughs and nods, "Yes. I prefer to be alone in my thoughts when running." She had to not let those blue eyes distract her. She couldn't figure out why she wanted to just stare into them. He was just like the others here...wasn't he? She liked how he said her full name. "I usually go by Jas, though."

"Of course, I can understand how that goes." Noting how he chose not to spar with anyone today. Sometimes it was just better to deal with things on your own, or so he thought. "Usually Jas...? I'll do well to remember that then." He said as he stepped back toward the counter and set his half gone bottle of water down. "Would you mind helping me get this tape off?" He asked, not because he couldn't do it himself, but because it wouldn't take as long with an extra set of hands.

Jas nodded and set her own bottle of water next to his. She reached forward and took one hand in both of hers, frowning some as she tried to get what was left of her nails under the tape to tear it away. "Perhaps one day we could spar...or run with each other." Her naturally tanned skin pinked some as she blushed, trying to not let what other images were going through her mind be spoken. Now was not the time!

His ears twitched again, this time at her touch. "Perhaps a knife or some scissors would make things a bit easier..." His eyes on her hands, struggling to get under the tape. "Either would be welcomed whenever, though I should probably watch out for you with gloves on." She was a little smaller framed than most field agents, similar to him as they both didn't show their strength outwardly, but he could tell she had a fiery spirit to her. "This little flower has quite the allure to her, doesn't she..." He thought as he reached into a drawer to find a knife, unable to hide his subtle smile.

Pulling her hands back just a little, she chuckled softly, "Alright. Knife it is." She took the knife and expertly cut the tape, being sure to keep the blade itself from cutting him. She was relieved that he didn't try to be all gentlemanly and say something stupid like most would. She removed the tape and balled it up, placing the knife back down on the table. "There. That should do it."

The way she handled that knife, there was no doubt she was well trained with them. A clean slice through the material freed his hands, allowing his bound skin to breath once again. He had a way of binding them too tightly, learning one time when he didn't, the tape actually came off and his knuckles were a bloody mess. "Thanks Jas, that was much easier than doing it myself." Something about her got him to open up a bit more than he normally had.

Jas smiled and shrugged a little, "Not a problem. shouldn't do it so tight. You almost cut off your own circulation. That's not good either." She picked up her water bottle and took a swig as she tossed the tape into the trash.

Zylis stretched his hands and rolled his wrists, then rolled his fingers to get the blood flowing better to them now. She was right and he knew it, but admitting it wouldn't come so easy. After the fall of the UOC, he had to harden himself, had to learn to take care of himself, to survive. That will to survive had gotten him here, but now there were others he could rely on. Maybe it was time to loosen up some. "Maybe when we spar, you can show me a better way to tape my hands?" He offered, though he cursed himself for not saying what he was really thinking.

She smirked and shrugged a shoulder as she walked towards the other refreshments offered. "I could." She looked over what there was and cocked her hip as she debated. She knew he was watching her, but she wasn't aware that he was studying her form.

His hair fell from behind his ear, the rest was still pulled back however. Watching her walking away, he couldn't maintain his professional gaze and let his eyes wander. Her form peaked his interest, the shape of her figure catching his attention fully now. A hard swallow resulted, probably almost heard by her even at the distance she was from him now. He reached up and took out the band holding his hair back, letting it fall at his shoulders now, the sweat causing it to look like loose tendrils.

Her nose was wrinkled when she shook her head, turning to look at him. "Well...I'm hungry and there's nothing here that is appetizing enough." Her eyes widened a little when she saw his hair fall to his shoulders and turned away quickly, realizing that her thoughts were triggered on what was more "appetizing" than even just food. She had to stop those thoughts.

Zylis walked over to her, finishing his water as he neared the table. "What? You don't like trail mix and stale sandwiches?" It had been hours since he'd eaten anything, and that "meal" of sorts was closer to something you'd eat to survive out in the field rather than actual food. "Maybe they have something in the kitchen... I could try to prepare something more suitable for "m'lady's" tastes..." He jested, blushing slightly at his own comment.

Jas laughed and shook her head, "Not particularly," She responded to his first question. She paused when he offered to make her something to eat. "You cook?" She was intrigued by this knowledge. She never turned her nose down at men or women who knew how, for it was helpful to have that skill, no matter how little it was.

"Being a Peacekeeper, we tend to pick up a little of everything. But I do a little more than dabble in the kitchen." There was a hint of confidence in his voice, something that lended itself to show his shell was cracking. He noted it himself, but didn't dwell on it much.

Jas smiled up at him and nodded, "Alright. Let's take our showers and then you can make me something to eat." She winked at him and then walked out of the common room towards her room. "I'll meet you there in an hour!"

For whatever reason, the only things that stuck in Zylis' mind after she spoke were the words "shower","you", and "me". He nodded to her, seemingly in a daze of sorts that brought a visible blush to his face she could see if she had lingered long enough. The sound of his empty water bottle, as it dropped from his hand and hit the floor, jarred him back to reality from the thoughts that pervaded his mind. "Pull yourself together Zy! You're not some dog..." He picked up the bottle, crushed it down and sighed when he realized there wasn't a recycling bin. He'd head to his room as well, a cold shower was much needed now.

"The Icebox" - Kitchens
1830 local time

Zylis made his way to the Kitchens there in the "The Icebox", each and every time he entered it was like a huge letdown. Nothing seemed to be taken care of at all, but this was a training facility as well as an Ops station. Still he sighed as he took a quick inventory of the tools available. Opting for a cleaner look, he pulled his hair back again, leaving his signature loose lock in the front to the right of his face. His black, longsleeve dress shirt looked freshly pressed, completed with a dark silver tie and a light silver button to keep it together. His sleeves were unbuttoned and rolled up some, stopping just below his elbows. Black khahi slacks, tailor made with a black belt and silver buckle. Even his simple yet elegant black dress shoes looked as if they were polished and newly out of the box, but they were reaching six months old.

Having retrieved some food stuffs the day prior, he was relieved to see that little of his vegetables had been touched, though he couldn't say anything for his proteins. Why it looked like someone had eaten the whole raw chicken he had was completely beyond him, but the only protein he had left to cook was a type of beef common to Nepleslian planets, and had a flavor "to die for" as told to him at the market. "Burgers... Shepard's pie... Burgers... Shepard's pie... She seems like a meat and potatoes kinda girl, you can wine and dine her another night. Especially after you've broken everyone's fingers for eating all your meat! Seriously, the raw chicken? Who even does that..." His thoughts could almost be read on his face, the disgust clearly visible.

Jasmine made her way to where everyone usually ate. She had taken a bit longer than she liked in getting herself ready, but her hair always took so long to dry. She wore a simple dress that hugged her curves. Though she was a bit self-conscious when walking the halls with everyone else seeing her, she kept her head held high and a small smile on her lips. She wore little to no make-up, just enough to highlight what was there naturally. She didn't pay much attention to those who watched her walk towards the Mess Hall and then on to the Kitchens. Peeking in, she spied the only other occupant and gasped softly as she took him in. She tried to cover up her reaction by shaking her head and walking confidently towards him. "Am I early?"

Jasmine entered while he was deep in his thoughts and the disgust on his face immediately vanished. Was this the same agent from before? Of course it was. The dress was simple yes, but it highlighted her figure perfectly and stole the words from his tongue. It was another second or two before the shell shock subsided and Zylis regained his composure enough to speak. "I... uh..." "Stammering again Zy?! Get it together! Say something of meaning to her!" His mind fought itself and then everything in him forced his coherency to form. "No no, not too early at all Jasmine... I mean Jas..." Cussing himself before continuing, "If anything I'm running late."

His eyes scanned her quickly once more, then he added, "You... clean up really well..." Again his words betrayed him as they weren't what he wanted to say.

Jasmine blushed when he stammered and chuckled softly. She let her honeyed gaze roam over his form and said softly, "You do, too, Zylis." She walked over and tilted her head at what he had gathered so far. "Need any help prepping? Since I'm here, may as well work together." She inhaled his scent, liking the cleanness of the soap he used. It was much more to her style than those who preferred putting on lots of cologne or anything else. She did have a single piece of jewelry on: a chain that looked to be out of place with her dress for it was tarnished. It had a pendant at the end of it as well, one that looked like a dreamcatcher.

"Well m'lady..." He jested, "You have your choice of either burgers, or the creme dela creme of meals... shepard's pie." Nothing seemed out of place to him as he looked to her. The pendant may have been tarnished but it reminded him that as well put together as they all may or may not have been, everyone still had a place where they were "rough around the edges". "That pendant, I'm not familiar with that design. It's lovely to say the least..." He set out the beef, looking to her to see which meal better suited her tastes tonight.

Jas thinks for a moment and then smiles, "Hamburgers." She raised her hand up to the pendant and said softly, "Oh...thanks. It was a gift to me. It's a dreamcatcher."

Zylis took out some vegetable and set them on the counter. A large, firm yet ripe tomato, a head of lettuce, and a medium sized onion. "Hamburgers it is." He wandered over to the cabinet and grabbed a few seasonings to go into the meat, then returned in front of her setting his things on the counter. Her scent was intoxicating. Underneath the clean scent of soap was the faintest scent of a woman. Not like women he'd been around before, and nothing like the ones he could recall in his Peacekeeper's unit. Maybe it was in his maturity now that he was able to notice such.

"Since I know you're quite competant with a knife, would you like to cut the vegetables while I make the patties?" He offered, having to turn away from her to keep his composure.

She nods and searches for a knife to use. Finding one, she ensures it is clean as well as the cutting board and then goes about slicing the tomato and onion. "Do you like raw onions?" She was curious. She even scrounged around for some mushrooms to slice up and sautee. The darker kind, not the white kind. She was grateful for the distraction of doing something with her hands.

"Honestly, its been a few years since I've eaten a burger myself, but I like onions both raw or caramelized. Had someone not eaten my peppers, I'd slice one or two up and have a few raw on my finished burger." Salt, pepper, and a touch of garlic, nothing too fancy for the patties. "I... don't usually eat meals like most people do." He seemed to be telling on himself a bit. "Some might call it lazy, others think it's crazy... but I tend to be rather simplistic with my food unless it's a special occasion. Lots of vegetables, some starches, a variety of proteins to keep it interesting. Seafood is probably my favorite, you know... fish and prawns and such, but some bastards cleared those out already..." There was a tinge of frustration in his voice toward the end.

She glanced at him and raised a brow, "Now that's interesting." She got out the butter and cut off a small chunk to put in a skillet that she heated on the stove. She melted the butter and then put in the onions and mushrooms, adding a bit of herb she found. "Why not? I mean, I can understand not being able to when in the field, but when you're at 'home' or off duty...wouldn't it be better?" Though she was focused on what she was cooking, she was glancing at him to watch and listen. She reached over and touched his arm, adding softly, "Don't think of it as stealing. Think of it as feeding the hungry...and knowing that at least you can scrounge around for something else whenever you can. This is a communal place, afterall."

She was right, he couldn't really be mad, but it didn't stop him from walking over to show her the half eaten carcass of a whole raw chicken someone conveniently left in the fridge. "Who does that?! I mean... really... its still RAW!" He tossed it in the trash, laughing a bit this time.

She winced a little and couldn't help it. She laughed. She tried hard to hide it, but it was just so amusing. "You do know that there are those who eat raw chicken...right? I's not normal...but it does happen."

"Sushi, understandable. Steak Tar tar... not my thing, but still known to be popular in some areas. Raw yard bird?" His eyebrow raised, his thoughts more focused on "civilized" folk. "Wow, those mushrooms and onions smell good..." His stomach growled some, embarassingly loud, causing him to blush deeply.

Nodding, she shrugged as she kept an eye on the onions and mushrooms, "Of course. Now that we can eat it raw and it not make us sick...though even I would not wish to do so." She smiles and takes them off. "That they do. How goes the burger? I do like mine more on the rare side..."

"Patties are ready to go, just need to get another skillet." The only other skillet he considered good enough was under the stove in the pull out compartment. Placing his hand on the small of her back, he'd ask, "Pardon me, its down here..."

She wrinkled her nose at him, "Skillet? Are you man or mouse? Use the grill!" She watched him, though, fully aware of how close he was to her.

Mid-lean, she called him out on his choice of cooking tools. "Ah, I meant a rangetop grill. Just seeing if you were on your toes... aha..." Failing miserably at playing it off. He'd pull out the grill and set it over two burners, then slid the compartment shut. They were significantly closer now, sharing sides of the stove. A deep breath to steady his nerves seemed only to set his senses aflame. Between his hunger, his increased awareness of her so close to him, and the torturous yet oh so pleasant scent that he inhaled, Zylis' willpower was starting to fail him. He cleared his throat, and tucked his loose lock behind his ear slowly.

She kept perfectly still as he got the grill out and on the stove, watching him as he moved. She was fascinated by that lock of hair that was loosely hanging down. When he cleared his throat and tucked it behind his ear, she started to move out of the way. "Perhaps I should let you..."

"No no... that won't be neccessary Jas..." It was as if the words grew legs and came out on their own, he was so quick to respond. It had almost startled him, as he normally wasn't the type to say such. The burners had been turned on and Zylis stepped away not more than 5 steps from her, just long enough to bring the patties over next to the grill. "I rather appreciate the help..." He'd turn a bit, looking to her, his frost colored eyes seemingly searching from something, or perhaps just another chance to admire her more.

Jas couldn't move, even though there was a moment when she should have. She looked up into those frosted blues and thought not of the coldness that most would see, but of clear blue skies. The kind where the sun made the sky so light it almost hurt to see it. Her eyes were drawn, then, to his mouth and wondered what it would feel like to have those lips pressed against hers. Her heart racing, she whispered softly, "'re welcome."

The air there in the kitchen was so thick with tension, you could cut through it with a knife. Zylis didn't fully understand what it was, or how he should have moved forward but hearing how she responded, he could tell they were seemingly in the same proverbial boat. Daring to test the waters, he waited until the burgers were on the grill and had wiped his hands off before slipping his arm around her waist. Depending on how she reacted, he'd either go with it or try to play it off like there were something on her, which he'd have to admit to being less than professional.

She swallowed when she felt his arm around her and instinctively she moved closer to him, not quite sure if she should keep her head up or not. So at the last second, she ducks her chin and looks over at the grill, not quite sure what to say at this moment. She was just content to stay like this.

Zylis held the spatula with his left hand, his gaze toward the sizzling meat, but that was secondary to his right side and the silent storm he had seemingly unleashed. There were no words for him at this moment, just the pounding sound of his heart in his head along with the whirlwind to thoughts completely foreign to him. As a recon unit, he'd spent most of his time alone, except when he was on light duty or assigned to aid at his station. Even among family and friends in days past, he just seemed to be a lone wolf.

This was different, not a bad different, but it still unnerved him some. She was so warm, and there was a softness to her that he'd never known before. His lock fell from behind his ear and he turned just slightly to look over her once again. He wondered what it would be like if he'd let his guard down completely with her.

She could tell that something was blocking them. Whether it was him or her or both, she wasn't sure. She knew that there could be more...but now was not that time. Looking up at him, she saw his lock of hair fall and she reached up to tuck it back for him, then stepped back and said softly, "Burgers are almost done."

That warmth was gone, it drawing his eyes to focus on her a bit more intently. "You wanted a burger closer to rare, yes?" Hers was perfectly done and in an attempt to show off, he took the plate with her bun and flipped the burger with his left hand and caught it with his right, holding the plate behind him. "I got bored in the mess hall years back... I'm happy to know I've still got it." A full-fledged smile on his face, one rarely if ever seen.

She nodded and smiled some, "Yes." She took the burger, after his bit of theatrics, and laughed clapping her hands. "Oh, good show!" She put on some of the onions and mushrooms, then mayo, mustard and ketchup, lettuce and tomato slices. She waited, though, for his to get done before eating...not wanting to eat before he does.

He would only cook his a minute or two longer, prefering his to be a little more medium, but when he saw she was waiting for him, he shook his head. "Please, eat up! A cold burger does not make for a good first meal together..." Did he really just say that so nonchalant? Her warmth had awakened something in him, he could definitely feel something had changed. He stacked his burger pretty much just like hers, the only change being his onions and mushrooms were under his patty.

She chuckled and then started to eat once he started to finish making his. She didn't even mind the grease that came down her arms. She was just careful to not get the grease on her dress...for it wouldn't be easy to wash out.

The burger was amazing, the butcher at the market didn't exaggerate, though it could also have been the fact that it had been quite a while since he'd had one. One successful bite, two... three... nope. His third bite ended in a *squirt* of sorts with grease, a mixture of condiments and a stray mushroom ejecting itself from the burger right smack dab in the middle of his tie. The look on his face was something that mingled between horror and disgust, his nose wrinkled up and his eyes going from wide to narrowed.

Jas blinked when she saw the mess his third bite made and stiffled a giggle. She couldn't hold it in, though, as she watched his face and she busted up laughing.

He wanted to say a few choice words, there being a slight fire in his eyes, but seeing her laugh, all he could do was laugh himself. It was a bit of a mess, and the tie most likely would need special cleaning, but he couldn't be mad... or rather he couldn't stay mad.

She chortled as she swallowed another bite and said softly, "Could be worse."

Zylis removed his tie, having found a rag and wiped off what he could. He left the top button of his shirt undone for now and went back to eating his burger, finding a spot next to her to lean against as they ate. "You're right, it could have been all over the front of my shirt." He hadn't thought about the implacations of his words.

Jas blushed a little and murmured softly, "I'm not sure that would have been worse..." She hid her reaction by eating more of her burger.

Zylis either was oblivious to her comment, or more focused on the fact that she had the trio of condiments on her cheek, too far it seemed for her tongue to reach. He leaned closer and with his right hand, he took his index finger and wiped it up, then in a surprise move, brought his finger to his mouth to clean it off. Blinking, it took just a second to process what had just happened and he froze.

She stilled when he touched her cheek and then blinked when she saw the small gloop of condiments on his finger as he puts it in his mouth. She lowered her hamburger and swallowed, licking her lips. She looked around and found a napkin she could use.

"I... I'm sorry..." He felt... torn at the moment. His reaction wasn't right, her reaction seemed to be shock or something along those lines. But at the same time, it didn't feel wrong to him, and yet he couldn't explain why. Zylis watched her set her burger down, then move to get a napkin. His food would come to rest on his plate as well.

Jas looked up at him sharply and frowned, shaking her head. "Don't. Don't ever apologize for doing something you felt you wanted or had to do."

His eyes lowered some, why did he apologize? Was it instinctively done, or did he feel guilty? No, he apologized before he let things fully process. His frost blue eyes raised as he set down his plate and slowly moved closer to her. Spoken words seemed to screw things up, spoken words had always been his biggest down fall. Actions, body language... those meant something, surpassing anything his spoken words could do. His eyes would find hers, as he closed the distance between them.

Jas swallowed. She wasn't mad. She wasn't even upset. If anything, she was just not quite sure what to make of his apology. Most don't apologize for anything, but usually it's when they needed to. She came forward and wiped at his cheek, which had some grease on it. She sighed softly. "Now I should apologize...for snapping at you."

"I shouldn't have apologized. I froze, but only because I jumped the gun..." He shook his head, just before she wiped his cheek and he stood there, listening to her. His first instinct was to speak again, to try and smooth things over with his words. This time however, he wouldn't say anything, instead he drew her close, embracing her warmly against him.

Jas blinked and gasped when he pulled her closer to him, but she didn't protest. She could tell the first time that they fit together, and now she could tell once more.

Zylis lingered there for a moment, just letting his mind wrap around the fact that he did have to be alone and that this was perfectly acceptable. The look on his face, one could consider stoic, where as another could see it for what it was. There was a hint of fear and uncertainty in his eyes, but not about what he felt. It was just inexperience, plain and simple. "Are there any other plans beyond this dinner of sorts?" He asked, his voice even, if not tinged with hopeful curiosity.

Smiling a little, she shook her head, "Not that I am aware of." Jas wasn't going to voice what more she'd like to have happen...that would be something for another time.

"Well perhaps, after we finish eating and clean up in here, I could grab us a couple of cold ones and we could kick back and relax?" The night was still young, and he wasn't quite ready to retire to his room alone just yet.

Nodding, Jas stepped back and smiled a little. "Alright, that sounds like a good plan." She had to get that distance for a moment. Come on, Jas. This isn't your first time to have a dinner date. She thought to herself. Looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she added to her own thoughts, Yeah, but this is the first time you've reacted this way to anyone.

Zylis nodded to her and smiled back, starting to clean things up and put the extra food away. In between trips to the fridge with items he'd grab a bite of his burger, attempting to finish it before it became too cold. He knew she was watching him, taking a second here and there to glance at her. "Would you prefer to go back to your room or mine...? And what kind of beer should I get?" He called to her as he started washing the grill and skillet.

Jas sat on a stool and ate her burger, watching him as he cleaned and ate. She admired how he was able to do more than one thing at a time and yet still managed to somehow focus on her. Tilting her head, Jas shrugged a little, "I'm fine with anything."

Wiping his hands off, he picked up and ate the last bite of his food then turned to her. "Open ended response, I guess that's my cue to take the lead?" He thought as he tried to read her body language. "Well my room isn't much, but it should suffice. Is there anything else you can think of we might need or want?"

Jas shook her head, "Right now, no. I can't think of anything else. I'm sure we'll figure out something to do. Even if it's just talk." She slid off the stool and took their plates to the sink to wash, hiding her face as she realized just how lame she sounded right then.

"Talking is good, I'm interested to know more about this flower I've had the pleasure of sharing a meal with." His compliment sounded better in his head. Taking the towel in his hands while she stood at the sink, a playful thought came to mind. The towel would snap at the air behind her, not close enough to accidently hit her, with a sly smirk on his face as he watched her reaction.

Jas paused a little in her washing when he called her a flower. She was curious as to what kind of flower he thought her to be. She was also aware of his movements, so when he snapped the towel at her, though didn't hit her, she smirked and looked over her shoulder. "And just what were you expecting me to do? Jump?" She held out a plate for him, clean and rinsed.

He laughed a little, taking the plate from her and dried it off. "Well, to be honest, I didn't expect anything. I just wanted to see what would happen." His eyes still held a playful mischief to them, but nothing he'd act on in the present.

She caught that look in his eye, intrigued to see what more he was thinking. Blushing some, she turned back to the sink and shut off the water with the second plate. "Hmm. I guess that can make sense."

"Sometimes, having an expectation can ruin the surprise of things, you know?" His smirk continued as he caught a glimpse of her blush.

She nodded and shrugged a little, "True enough. Though sometimes you want to have a bit of an expectation...hoping for a specific reaction. But at the same time, you are not dissuaded by something else happening."

Drying off the second plate, he nodded to her. "Perhaps that's sound advice. I never thought to look at it that way." The smirk might have faded a little, but his mood had not. Everything was cleaned, dried and put away. Zylis looked to her, "I'll grab the beer and we'll continue with the festivities, shall we?"

Jas nodded and motioned for him to lead the way. "Fine by me."

He grabbed a six pack of some indiscriminate ale, not caring for who's they were. If there was one thing that was well stocked up, it would of course be beer. He'd turn to her and smile, then in a half attempt at being somewhat professional, he'd lead them down the hall to his room. Other agents looked at them as they passed, but it didn't completely look like Zylis and Jas were overly cozy. It didn't stop a few sideways glances though.

He opened the door for her to enter, then would follow behind her. His room was simple, aside from an abundance of tech he'd been working on between assignments. His laptop and data pad on his desk with a few old pictures from his time in the Peacekeepers back on his former home planet. Other gadgets were spread over a table against the wall. There was a wall mounted tv that hadn't been turned on and two chairs that looked like they belong in a briefing room. His closet was partially open and his UOC uniform was visible.

"Sorry for the mess, Valerie has me tweaking our gear seeing as stuff keeps breaking." He offered as he set down the six pack on his desk.

Jas kept her features regal, knowing that she was going to get looks just from what she was wearing. Most were used to seeing the exotic demolitions expert in cargo pants or her usual uniform. She rarely, if ever, wore a dress. Not that she didn't have them, just didn't have a desire to wear them. Except now.

As she walked into the room, she noticed the organized chaos and her eyes lit up some, recognizing a kindred spirit. Though her stuff was more on the demolition side, she still had some technical equipment that would help her as needed. Glancing at him, she said softly, "I don't see a mess." She took one of the six ales and opened it up, taking a small swig.

"I've been working on a new wireless trigger to pass along for approval. It's encrypted with an end to end single use crypto key. I figured it could be useful possibly in areas where there's a lot of signal interceptors or heavy jamming." He picked it up, it was still mostly incomplete, but he thought the concept was sound... in theory. He turned to her, also taking a swig of the ale. "I'll admit, EOD is not my forte... but I can fix equipment and do a bit of hacking."

Jas nodded a little as she listened to what he was doing. She stepped closer to get a better look. "Wireless, huh? I'm guessing it'd be encrypted to the user?"

"It would be programmed and activated by the user, with the crypto key being set then. It has to be paired to a digital mind or a device if one isn't available. Then once primed it would, in theory, fire when the paired unit issues the command. I got the idea from the Yammies..." He spouted without the condescending tone most techs were notorious for. Zylis held it out toward her, setting his beer down.

Jas took the trigger in hand and studied it. "They do come up with some of the neatest things, don't they?" She was never one to be negative towards any of the other species out there. So long as they were friendly enough. Even with the aftermath of the wars, it seemed petty and stupid in her mind to be negative. "This will definitely come in handy for those with a digital mind."

He didn't really hate the Yamataians, there was just a large difference in opinion between himself and them. The biggest problem being the "Our way or not at all" dealings Yamatai had in "allowing" the Jiyuuians back within the empire. Zylis smiled and tapped his temple with a knowing smile. "One of those, I do have. The programming for the crypto key can be uploaded to a number of other devices as it operates independently by overriding a function to become a trigger."

Hmms softly and then shakes her head, "That's better used only with the mind links. Wouldn't do to have the key somewhere that another could get to it easily. But that's just my opinion." She smiled up at him and handed the trigger back.

"Well, they'd have to know what they were looking for, in the event it was uploaded to anything other than a digital mind. But you do make a good point." He set the trigger back down and took another swig of beer. He could go on and on about different things on the table, but really, where was the fun in that? Raising an eyebrow some, he tilted his head. "So, how did you come to love all things that potentially lower lot values...?"

Jas narrowed her eyes a bit at his question. Yes, she was a demolitions expert, but she hadn't quite expressed it to the group yet that she truly loved it. "Why do you ask me that in such a way?"

It wasn't meant to be an offensive question, but he would admit it was less then tactfully asked. "I guess that was a poor choice of words." He would add, "I didn't mean to sound so... assumptive."

She nods a little and sighed, "Well...if you must know. I've always found it fascinating how something so small could cause a lot of damage. Or, on the flip side, something so large could be contained in the amount of damage that is done to it." Her eyes light up a bit as she speaks, thinking about the various ways she had to blow things up, even before training. That's part of what got her into the program in the first place.

He listened to her, watching her light up as she spoke. He smiled some, knowing what it was like to have that sort of connection to an interest, hobby, or line of work. "It would be rather interesting to put my trigger in one of your explosives sometime." He paused, his face flushed a bit at his comment. "Of course, we'd have to take very specific precautions..."

Jas had just taken a swig of ale when he said those words. She blinked and looked at him, choking a bit even though she knew he was talking about their line of work and not...themselves. She blushed with him and cleared her throat when she could swallow, "Erm...yes. That would be a good...a good idea."

He knew his words had a double meaning, and she almost choked when she heard him. "I mean, we'd need to share a fairly small amount of space and there's a good chance things would get pretty hot depending on how long it would take to get everything to fit together just right." He tried to maintain a serious face, scratching his chin as he spoke.

She nodded slowly and stepped closer to him, lowering the bottle of ale. "Yes. That we would. I have a feeling we might be able to work well together. Don't you?"

He looked to her as she stepped closer, a slow deep breath in, then a equally slow release. "Just a feeling?" He asked, his bottle now resting on the table.

She took in a slow deep breath of her own and then let it out, stopping inches from him as she looks up into his frosty-blue orbs. "Yes. Just a feeling."

His arms would reach out to her as he moved a little closer still. Every time he found his eyes locked with hers, he'd make a mental note of the green flecks within them, this time not attempting to count them. Slowly his hands would reach around her waist. "Are you unsure?" As cool and calm as he seemed, his nerves were going absolutely crazy. "Don't over think, just do what comes natural..." He kept telling himself.

Jas swallowed when she felt his hands reach around her waist, her nerve endings giving off mini explosions, just like the ones she'd sense and feel whenever she would test new explosions. Her heart was hammering, much as it would when she was about to set off a bomb..or difuse one. "And if I am? Would you persuade me otherwise?"

"Persuasion is a funny thing, it involves tricking someone into believing something they don't." He'd lean in, his face next to hers while his lips were next to her ear. "I'll let you be the judge of things..." He'd whisper in her ear.

"Even if they want to believe?" She'd whisper back.

Zylis pulled back a little, tilting his head just enough to look her in the eyes. "They wouldn't have to twist my arm hard..."

Jas shook her head, not letting her gaze move from his. "No twisting of arms needed."

He'd lean in, allowing his lips to brush softly against hers, seemingly electrified by such a simple action. A deep breath then exhaled softly, he'd press his lips to hers, eyes closing slowly.

Shuddering slightly at just how close he was, she gasped and was about to speak, "Zy-" But then his lips claimed hers and all thoughts were gone. Her own eyes closed as her free arm went up to wrap around his neck and draw him closer, the other one still holding the bottle of ale and only able to go along his back. She could feel the electricity from his lips going through hers and into her core.

He lingered for a moment, his forehead to hers after breaking the kiss. His eyes were closed, his body tingled everywhere. His mind was a mix of emotions ranging from excitement to fear, and all places inbetween. The one thing he hoped and prayed in what coherent thoughts he had was that his first real kiss wasn't completely terrible.

Jas panted for breath and then she realized that, though the kiss was beyond wonderful, and there was definite chemistry between them. It was too soon. She stepped back and turned, going to the door. Once there, she paused and looked back at him. "Thanks...for dinner." She then ran down the hall towards her own room.

Zylis was completely lost for words. She broke away from him so quickly, with no time to even respond to her appreciation for their dinner. His eyes were wide with bewilderment, entertaining thoughts and images still very fresh in his mind. His heart raced, pounding ever so loudly in his ears and felt like if it could beat it's way out of his chest it would. He felt much warmer than usual, his breathing still accelerated by the adrenaline flowing through his veins. Sighing, he wondered what he should leave her be or go after her. The chemistry was there, he knew it, and he felt her body's response before she left. It was the same for her, it had to have been. This was one experience the young Jiyuuian wished he had an answer to.
The Icebox - Jasmine's room
0500 local time

Jasmine woke up from the odd dream she was having. Frowning, she got up and turned on the lights, sighing as her body woke up at its usual time. She was up for some time the night before, thinking about that kiss. It wasn't like she hadn't been kissed before. She had. And some affected her almost as much as that one...but none quite like that one kiss did.

Getting up off her bed, she made it up and then got into her workout clothes, stretching as she did so before heading out towards the gym. She planned on running before getting her mind set on what she needed to do for Valerie. She had her water bottle and a towel for when she was done. She locked her room and walked down the halls, humming softly to herself. She was working on a new song, the words were coming to her as well as the tune itself. Perhaps she would work on it some as well, if she had the chance, before getting to her usual work.
The "Icebox" - Zylis' Room
0000 hours, local time

Zylis sat in his room, trying to make heads or tails of his evening with Jasmine, but it only seemed to create more questions and thoughts that kept his mind going full tilt. For a while, he'd tinker on some of the gadgets in his room, there after spending what seemed like an eternity tossing and turning or just staring at the ceiling. There was definite chemistry between them, but being a field agent wasn't the only area he was considered green in. His digital mind had a near perfect recollection of the evening, from meeting her in the common room to the events in his room. Any time he closed his eyes, it was as if his mind was playing back the entire scene again and again. He'd feel it all again, the blushing, the fumbling, the boldness, and the confusion.

Rolling onto his side he'd see the clock showing 0330. Sighing, still no closer to being able to sleep, he sat up in his bed and thought to some of her early words with him. He needed a good run, or maybe another couple rounds with the bags in the gym. He took his time reorganizing his room, slowly getting dressed for the run he finally decided on. Opting to take a small backpack to carry some water and beef jerky, he set out from his room, forgetting to lock it behind him. There were very people up at this hour, though a couple of hardcore agents were focused on getting to the gym before they'd get their next assignment. Zylis would nod to them on his way past, but they hardly noticed him.

Outside the "Icebox" -> "Icebox"
0500 hours, local time

Sweat dripped down his body, the cool air not nearly enough for how hard he'd been pushing himself. Ten and a half miles for an hours worth of running wasn't astonishing, but it was a faster pace than he'd normal maintain. His breathing was heavy but controlled as he walked back into the Icebox. Taking the last sip of water he had with him, he focused on stretching everything to keep from getting too sore. Somewhere along the way Zylis lost his hairband, though he packed another one in his backpack, he couldn't be bothered with it. He looked like a hot mess, and the only things he had on his mind was finding water, a shower, and a power nap.

That soon changed as he heard Jasmine' s humming, he would have to pass by her to get to the common room or his own quarters. An already quick heartbeat turned quicker, sounding louder in his head as his eyes caught sight of her form rounding the corner down the hall. His face flushed, and his eyes lowered some, not sure how to proceed. The uncertainty of things caused him to stop in his tracks.
"The Icebox"
0515 local time

Jasmine was in her own world of music and thoughts, not paying as much attention as she should have to those around her. Though there were only a few, she should not have been too surprised to see the one who had been occupying her thoughts and dreams. But she was. She stopped in her tracks when her gaze fell on him and her humming choked into her throat.

Should she play it off as non-chalant? No. It was too late for that already and she knew it. Instead, she gave him a fleeting smile and continued on, somewhat grateful they were just far enough apart that he couldn't reach out to her easily...though he could stop her if he wanted. She did, however, pick up her pace a little. Her ponytail swaying and the feathers on her braids flapping a little in the faux breeze from her walking.
"The Icebox"
0515 local time

Zylis saw her hesitation and how to reacted to seeing him. He returned her fleeting smile with one of his own, nodding to her before she passed. The one thought that stood out to him the most wasn't one hurt or disappointment, no it finally dawned on him she needed space, the pieces of the puzzle now starting to click. His frost blue eyes followed the movement of her hair as well as the feathers in her braids. He'd linger just a moment longer, watching her disappear into the gym, then turned to continue down the hallway for his room.

Backpack emptied out and tossed aside, Zylis would gather up his things for yet another shower. As much as he'd been working out and covered in sweat these last few days, he was starting to feel like the cascading waters were his second home. Home... the comforts and familiar scenes of a place welcoming and inviting... His thoughts had come full circle as he entered the shower. He was definitely, and without a doubt, homesick.
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