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Yamatai News (YINN) Fujiko Region Prepares for War!

YE 45.7
Fujiko IV, Shenhong City

In the heart of Shenhong City, Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing (NRM) and Ryu Keiretsu (RyuK) culminated their joint trade show, an amalgamation of research presentations and avant-garde products emphasizing defense. The limelight was stolen, time and again, by an array of products: NRM's Drake Class Corvette, RyuK's swift Hato Class Courier Craft, the P1 Shield System by NRM, the Mogami Class Light Cruiser by RyuK, and the Mizumoto Class Frontier Development Vessel also from RyuK.

Yet, amidst these, the audience's gaze consistently gravitated towards three mockups at the NRM "town center". These were Ryu Keiretsu Megumi Mobility Skins, designed to amplify the strength of its user, with armor plating resonating the aura of the bygone Zen M1 Demon Power Armor. Some common theme among those interviewed that interacted with the mock-ups and the representatives there to talk about them was either "Oh no, the Reds are at it again!" and "Yes, we are back!". And the reveal of the Infantry Armor System almost felt like fate with recent current events at the Imperial Capital.

As business dealings and trade exhibitions filled the city's commercial Zhuhai district, a wave of euphoria and excitement enveloped bars and pubs elsewhere in the Fujiko Region. Contrary to popular belief, the rejoicing was not a result of a sporting event or local rivalry but due to the profound announcement made by the Empress and the Commander of the Star Army of Yamatai. Their joint press conference reverberated with the declaration of war against the Mishhuvurthyar.

This announcement spurred a swift reaction among the Nepleslian Reds. Almost instantly, the streets swarmed with Reds eager to contribute to the eradication of the primary bane of humanity. A substantial number of them, fueled by the urge for direct combat, made arrangements to travel to Yamatai, hoping to join the ranks of the Star Army of Yamatai. Others, with a more localized focus, enrolled in the nascent Fujiko Regional Self-Defense Force, choosing to fortify the home ground. A number of factions within the Reds, steeped in their traditions of individualism, sided with the independent militias sprouting in the hinterlands of the region. These traditionalists were often guided by the ethos that 'Reds need only the support of Reds'.

When probed by local journalists (many of whom had been generously compensated for their curiosity), the Reds unveiled a consistent thread of thought underpinning their actions. Many Reds who had lived through the times of the 2nd Mishhuvurthyar War voiced a blend of relief and shame. Their relief stemmed from the fact that their territories remained largely unscathed during the war, while the shame was rooted in the missed opportunity for combat and the reprehensible selfish activities of Red pirates. Their collective conscience was also burdened by their inability to protect those who had tragically been "processed" by the Mishhuvurthyar.

The fervor witnessed in the Fujiko Region after the Empress's announcement underscores the resilience and determination of the Nepleslian Reds. Their swift mobilization is emblematic of a society that, while haunted by past regrets, is unyielding in its quest for redemption. The surge of enlistments and the stirrings of grassroots militias reveal a populace united by a common cause, driven both by the shadows of their past and the hope for a brighter future.