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Full conversion cyborg idea.


Inactive Member
House Aganata HA-FCC-01a
House Aganata HA FCC-01b
House Aganata HA-FCC-01g (public model)
Combat Capable Full Conversion Cyborg
History and Background: Originally created for a full body conversion for the middle twins Draconis and –name deleted- after an accident left them both in critical condition. The beta has stayed pretty much like to the original design. The alpha has gone several major improvements along with total system replacements. The gamma was developed for the people who purchased them from House Aganata that received mortal injuries.
About the combat capabe fcc: The Body was designed to have a high survivability ratio and to beable to repair itself and need little maintenance. Made for the ability to be sold to the public as well, they are generaly custom built. The noted thing is the person who is fully converted even if they have little biological sytems left, need to eat roughly the same amount of food as before conversion.
Statistical Information :

Organization: House Aganata.
Type: Full conversion cybernetic body.
Class: HA – FCC-01a, HA –FCC-01b, HA-FCC-01g
Drakovich Aganata Jr.
Chronos Aganata
Manufacturer: House Aganata
Production: Alpha: 1 Beta: 1 Gamma: unknown
Current users: Alpha: Draconis Aganata
Beta: records sealed presumed in use by –name deleted-
Gamma: unknown
Cost: 65,000KS (does not include surgery and maintenance)
Alpha: configured in a humanoid shape, this model was used for a cross between combat and practical use. Includes a face for more personality to be showed. Has a gradiated plating system that has little requirement for a ‘skin' to cover it.

Beta: was designed as a hacker cybernetic body, looks the same as alpha, except the face is not there
Gamma: Varies between alpha configuration.

Width: Shoulder: 28-32inches (71.12 - 81.28 centimeters)
Barrel: 24-28inches (60.96- 71.12 centimeters)
Waist: 20-24 inches(50.8-60.96 centimeters)
Hips: 20.5-24.5 inches(52.07- 62.23 centimeters)
Height: 60 – 84inches (152.4 - 213.36 centimeters)
Mass: 280-400lbs. (127-181.43 kilograms)

Speeds: Ground: capable of 20 mph (32 kph) Maximum
Maximum Running Speed: 20 mph
Maximum Jump Height: 32 feet
Maximum Ground Carry Load: 5000 lb.
Maximum Push/Drag Load: 6000lbs.
Operating Temperature Limits: -160 to +300 deg. F
Normal Internal Temperature: 90-102 deg. F
G-Force limitations: 32g
Active Stealth Effectiveness: NA
Maximum Stealth Operation Time: 0.
Minimum Unstealth Time: NA
Maximum Heavy Combat Time: About 80 minutes.
Body Refresh Time: 25 minutes minimum

Systems Descriptions:

Electromagnetic Pulse capacitor: (located in the torso) capable of receiving a blast of electromagnetic energy and turning it into electrical energy for use in the cybernetic systems. Capable of taking an electromagnetic blast from a greater power source (i.e. a blast created from a fusion or fission source.)(warning can only soak so many blasts at once must dissipate them over time. Can be used as an alternate power source)

Electromagnetic Pulse shielding and hardening: The entire body and components are hardened and shielded to protect from emp pulses. Capable of taking an electromagnetic blast from a medium power source (i.e. a blast created from a power transformer overload.)

Visual system (eyes): (hardened for emp shielding)(rate in power use 1 lowest /10 highest.)
Flash compensator (automatic) – used to keep damage to the cybernetics to a minimum..(1)
Thermal imaging – allows for heat patterns to be seen. (6)
Lowlight vision – allows for less light needed to see.(3)
Infrared vision – allows for sight in the infra red spectrum.(3)
Ultraviolet vision – allows sight in the ultraviolet spectrum.(3)
Video/text display – used for a heads up display system for the user to receive information from his
body in the visual area.(2)
Range finder (alpha and gamma only) – used to determine range to targets highlighted with
heads up display.(3)
Teleoptics (alpha and gamma only) – used to increase visual sight range. In addition be able
to focus on an area.(3)
Audio Systems (ears): Two located in the head, Built into each ear: (hardened for EMP shielding)
Extended hearing range – capable of picking up sound in the sub and ultra sonic ranges.
Level Dampener – protects from sudden increases of sound, i.e. Explosions, lightning strikes.

Power supply: self-refreshing system. Is tied into the coolant system and includes several forms of energy retrieval and generation. Generation forms include a style of hydro, thermal, and kinetic generators. Back up is a molecular energy storage battery that has a life span of 24 hours if systems are kept at bare essentials. note: the powersystem is designed for the body without any weapons; adding weapons is strongly advised against. Nanotech reactors (fist sized) 2 are located in the torso with a maximum endurance at 115 hours (non combat) before the need to 'refuel' (eat) fuel: anything that the borg can eat, the digestive system breaks it down to the base elments that make it up. It is adviced to refuel every 72 hours before performance starts to degrade.

Brain (alpha only): bio-enhanced, Functions as a neural cluster style system, but has redundant backups incase of main cluster failure. Notes: still has a slight dietary requirement due to his brain biological nature. Mainly being glucose. Produces enough of an electrical impulse to refresh the backup batteries when functions are kept to a minimum for 8hours.(i.e. sleep) (all: It is also permeated with a polymer resin instead of water, if given a sudden shock or temperature change will instantly solidify.)

Nanotech: Used to repair, and rebuild damage done to the body, as well as to maintain it. Using materials stored in the body's torso. Cannot form anything but the parts built into it (No weapons popping from the body) transports around the body vial the coolant sstem or a lymphadic style nodal system that maintans the nanites themselves.

Neural interface: (has additional hardening against emp) Acts as neural pathways to back up the neural clusters to keep data degradation down, and to enhance response time.

Interface systems: allows for machine-man interfacing

Life support: consists of a pump that keeps the brain's circulatory fluid moving to support it. Also monitors its condition and repairs it with its own nanites to keep brain damage to a minimum.

Digestive system: used to break down foods and materials to there base components for the nanites to use (note: sugars, proteins, and vitamins are transported to the LSU.)

Circulatory coolant system: Tied into all other systems, this systems helps dissipate heat build up and make sure materials for reconstruction reach there needed destination. This system includes heatsinks, pumps, and a forced liquid coolant system.

Endoskeleton frame: carbon nanotube frame set in an endoskeleton style mimicking natural bones in structure.
Composite plates: Titanium-steel-carbon polymer plates. Material in areas, that plates are not effective, consists of the same polymers as the rest of the body in a chain mail style format at the molecular level.

Motive system: using synthetic superconductive muscle fibers, magnetic driven hydraulics, and micro servos. The body is capable of greater feats of strength (within reason of course) and able to have faster reaction times when coupled with the neural system.
While the wind up toy soldier is a neat idea, I think you should write down what this body consumes for fuel (or what is needed to charge it up). That would be more practical in RP terms as to how it works and the like.

(all: It is also permeated with a polymer resin instead of water, if given a sudden shock or temperature change will instantly solidify.)

There are serious technical problems with this, the first being water is needed in the chemical reactions of biological organisms. The second would be that when something freezes it tends to expand which would cause your body to explode. You might want to use this substance as a layer under the skin to act as body armor (the force 21 trials are poking around with this kinda stuff so I don't think you need to worry about proving the tech).


You also left in part of the template which can be deleted/expanded right under the history and background.
Uso Tasuki said:
You also left in part of the template which can be deleted/expanded right under the history and background.

I deleted the weapon systems area, kinda pointless in this thing that is suppose to be man sized and available to the general public. Also to add water boils at 100 degrees celcius, freezes at 0 dgrees celcius. This is suppose to be scifi not everything can be explained.

Also the areas removed:
length: how is a humanoid have to explain length.
Crew: umm A brain...
Planetary: What this has no movement other than what 2 legs can give you.
Range: ? why does a cyborg need range, what for some weapon system.
Lifespan: okay now that is redundant for the cyborg.
weapon system: does not have one so this section in unneccesary.
government: hmm many goverments that use full conversions and not have acces to the soul transfer tech (heh) would use this if capable.
Zakalwe said:
Intresting point that. My theories of thermodynamics go right out of the window.

They went out the window with the creation of Perfect energy. Second Law of Thermodynamics? What Second Law of Thermodynamics?
Uso Tasuki said:
There are serious technical problems with this, the first being water is needed in the chemical reactions of biological organisms.

fist water is needed for multiple reasons in the body, one being a coolant. the brain just does not sit inside water, it is a mixture of several materials that is natural in us, and the water being the only thing replaced in it does not cease the bioelectric functions.
It's an unusual property of water - not unique. I can't seem to find any data to back this up but it looks like ammonia might have the same property.

As to the polymer thing, I've been toying with the idea for a long time - something like the Mithril vest that Frodo wears - something that is normally fluid but too much pressure and it goes solid (which is not the same as freezing - he's right about that) kind of like that stuff you make with cornstarch, glue and borax.

The downside to that is that it wouldn't need glucose at all; it would need high-tech equivalents of Borax and Cornstarch, which would be significantly more expensive and harder to come by in a general store than, say, a chocolate bar. Of course, House Aganata can pay for it, but...stranded offworld...
Kimura said:
It's an unusual property of water - not unique. I can't seem to find any data to back this up but it looks like ammonia might have the same property.

As to the polymer thing, I've been toying with the idea for a long time - something like the Mithril vest that Frodo wears - something that is normally fluid but too much pressure and it goes solid (which is not the same as freezing - he's right about that) kind of like that stuff you make with cornstarch, glue and borax.

The downside to that is that it wouldn't need glucose at all; it would need high-tech equivalents of Borax and Cornstarch, which would be significantly more expensive and harder to come by in a general store than, say, a chocolate bar. Of course, House Aganata can pay for it, but...stranded offworld...

Thanks for pointing out the dietary needs. I was using the basics of just the nerves dietary needs.. maybe I should limit this to the gammas for that ability. The cyborg probably would need that since a head hit would result in lost materials, but for day to day needs I would think glucose would be the base material needed. and to the point you made out also, that is the one of the basics for physics behind memory materials.
After consideration and thought, I have posted the price for this full conversion. Note that the surgery is not included nor the maintenance that is something that is a case by case scenario, not something that is concrete as of now.

Please add thoughts to this current edit since it is not that overpowered compared to other things (PCs and NPCs) that can start at.
Zakalwe said:
Is that where a contradiction in terms rotates around and around untill it powers a device?

No they are minature reactors, that are maintained by nanomachines, It is a form on Nanotechnology, They size of them can be as samll as a D cell battery (I think they can be smaller but you set the smallest a magnetic field can be generated at) , and have a much higher output, when connected to a nanotech that disassembles material to its base components, can have a minature fusion/fission reactor.

Let me edit them to make more sense
Draconis_Aganata said:
House Aganata HA-FCC-01a

Maximum Running Speed: 20 mph
Maximum Jump Height: 32 feet
Maximum Ground Carry Load: 5000 lb.
Maximum Push/Drag Load: 6000lbs.
Operating Temperature Limits: -160 to +300 deg. F
Normal Internal Temperature: 90-102 deg. F
G-Force limitations: 32g
Active Stealth Effectiveness: NA
Maximum Stealth Operation Time: 0.
Minimum Unstealth Time: NA
Maximum Heavy Combat Time: About 80 minutes.
Body Refresh Time: 25 minutes minimum

Circulatory coolant system: Tied into all other systems, this systems helps dissipate heat build up and make sure materials for reconstruction reach there needed destination. This system includes heatsinks, pumps, and a forced liquid coolant system.

Added more clarification on these parts, aand physical capabilities.
Thinking of scrapping this as a full conversion cyborg and renmaking it into a three caste species that is a symbiotic combination of inorganic and organic. The planetary system they are based on would most likely be a 9 planet system (this is including an asteroid belt) and has minimul space faring abuility (pre ftl)