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RP [G/75] Episode 0: Point that drill to the Heavens

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RP Date
1日 22月 YE 42
RP Location
Fort Ready, Nataria
"Some days it rains.
Some days it shines.
But you will always have the dreaded drill and ceremony..."
Unknown Joto Hei
YE 39

Fort Ready Courtyard

Much to the delight of the recruits of Fort Ready, the weather had been decent with the sun shining and the temperature being a brisk cool. Though those were details recruits did not really get a chance to enjoy, as could be seen with a formation of recruits on one side of the fort's large courtyard. Judging by the color of their guidon, looked like the recruits were in phase 2 of their training. A tiny woman of a Nekovalkyrja could be seen pacing back and forth after coming from a nearby office.

"Since none of you want to help fix Abe-hei and her trigger discipline out at the range yesterday, I think today we are going to remind you of the importance of teamwork and discipline." She said, being able to be heard on the other side of the courtyard. Another pair of instructors could be seen standing behind them with arms crossed. She then stood to the center of them and went to the position of attention. "Platoon! Attention, half right... face!"

The faces of the recruits began to sour as they executed the facing movement they were ordered to do, for they knew the level of torment about to hit them. What happened next to the unfortunate group would bring back fond memories to yet another group of soldiers on the other side. The vast majority wearing the triple sakura blossom patch on the left sleeve of their class A Type 35 uniforms, a number of them would whisper to each other as they watch.

"A one, two, three..."


"A one, two, three..."


The sound of the familiar cadence was not lost on the Taii standing in front of the Giretsu soldiers, Taii Yamanami Munemitsu. A tall brunette of a man, not much was known about him since the briefest of a briefing from him at the end of the day a week ago. He seemed to much prefer having his XO Shoi Takamura, the wearer of the black panel of SAINT, be the source of information to his men and mostly women. To the left of her was Shoi West, leader of the Recon platoon and to the right, Shoi Homma of Alpha Platoon.

The three seemed to be in discussion over something, but it was anyone's guess as to what it might be. But an educated guess would be the three are discussing that the reviewing officer for the unit activation ceremony, Taisa Minamoto, was nowhere to be found. For the time being, everyone was told to stand around and wait.
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The group was marching on the given formation, people were doing exactly as they were told following the rhythm of their leaders. Yoko was among these people, a woman that was almost getting ready to get into the field. Experience in the field of technology, most of her friends would have wanted to see her in some kind of ship. But what kind of fun would that be, sitting at a starship while the real action was on the planet and going close-in-combat with your enemy. Yoko was thrilled to get her hands finally dirty and she didn't mind what they leaders were going to throw at her, she was ready.
Left side of the courtyard

The sound of marching could be heard from the small group of Giretsu infantry coming to join the rest waiting. To the left of them was a tall dark-skinned Minkan rocking the rank of Joto Hei. Though it might have been missed by those of the Giretsu Century waiting for something to happen as it was mostly drowned out from the basic training recruits being punished for another's mistake. At this point, it looked like the session of punishment was over.


"I will not!"


"Put my finger idly on the trigger!"


"I will not!"


"Put my finger idly on the trigger!"

Done with the basic training recruits, the instructor that started it all suddenly stopped slowly pacing and went to the position of attention before ordering them to do the same. Resuming their original facing, she proceeded to speak at a much quieter volume. One would have to really be paying attention to make out what is being discussed.

Right side of the courtyard

"Platoon... halt!" The Joto Hei said once they arrived with the rest of the Giretsu soldiers. "Joto Hei Hansen and Command HQ reporting!" he said after saluting for the formation so the rest do not have to. Taii Yamanami looked over towards them for a moment before returning the salute.

"Good, good. Everyone is here now. Alright, since there is some time before Taisa Minamoto should arrive I would like to make an introduction. So everyone gather around, I do not want to yell." He said, motioning with his arms for everyone to make a half-circle in front of him. Hansen-heisho turned around and ordered his formation to fall out so they would be able to do as ordered.
RP Date: 1日 22月 YE 42
RP Location: Fort Ready, Nataria

Fort Ready

Clad in the formal variant of her Type 35 uniform, Okane Eve waited quietly for the unit activation ceremony to begin as she watched the trainees undergo their punishment for the trigger indiscipline of one of their peers. Not long ago, Eve had been in a similar position. She had experienced first-hand the physical exhaustion and frustration the recruits felt as they underwent their punishment. It was in training that she had begun to develop a mild disdain for her non-Nekovalkyrja peers, because they were often the culprits that brought about a brutal session of collective punishment due to their lack of physical fitness and general unsuitableness for life as a soldier. She had tolerated their presence with quiet contempt, but only because it would be unbecoming for a special forces candidate to voice her true feelings on the matter.

Once the punishment was over, Eve gave a deep sigh as she walked towards the right side of the courtyard to report for the forthcoming unit activation ceremony. The gold-skinned Nekovalkyrja moved with a quiet grace that she had perfected in Scout Sniper training. However, she was eager for the opportunity to one day utilize the skills that she had mastered through relentless repetition in a more suitable arena, against the Kuvexian plague in the crucible of war. Like virtually all of her Nekovalkyrja sisters, Eve craved violence. After all, she had been created to be a lethal agent of it. It would be nearly impossible for her to fulfill that calling if she didn’t derive some sort of positive emotion from it. She had received a small taste of the electric thrill that came with violence in the live-fire combat exercises during the final phase of her Giretsu training. However, the sensation that she had experienced had only amounted to a few drops of cold water on parched lips. She knew that there was more on the way, but unfortunately, she had to wait.

Sometimes, it felt that was all anyone ever did in the Star Army.
Going on the beating sound of shoes hitting the floor, it was a wonderful rhythm that Yoko was following. Until she heard from the Joto Hei to halt and she stopped followed by the other Giretsu soldiers. Waiting in the line facing the command team and kept quiet as her eyes followed Taii. Keeping her hands at the proper position for standing as her commander started to talk.

Hearing that the man didn't want to start yelling made Yoko smile a bit, she did what was asked and stood in a half-circle in front of him and waited for him to continue.
As the those under his command gather in front of him, Taii Yamanami's red eyes slowly scanned them. Starting with the Century HQ platoon, he noted the odd mixture of non-cornflower blue uniform panels that added a lively contrast. He then looked over his fellow infantry and rangers.

Some had the look of bloodlust he had come to expect from Nekos. But others did not, something he was hoping will be able to balance them. The last thing he needed was an imbalance of unneeded aggressive Giretsu. Especially as they were understaffed. The thought causing a microexpression of a frown before he corrected it with a semi-stoic face.

"Welcome to G/75, the Black Kitsunes nekovalkyra and non-nekovalkyra . I am your Centurion, Taii Yamanami. This is your Senior Enlisted Advisor Hansen Masashi, a welcomed addition to my command team." Munemitsu said in a commanding voice, with his hands behind him. Masashi stepped forward towards the group when his name was mentioned.

"The XO of the unit is our Intel Officer, Shoi Takamura. Do not let her youthful looks fool you, she is qualified for the task. Do not tempt her, you will not win." Munemitsu continued his introduction of the unit's senior staff. She mirrored Masashi's action when her name was mentioned.

"Those of Alpha platoon will fall under Shoi Homma and you Ghosts here, the recon platoon is led by Shoi West. I will allow them to personally tell you about themselves should they wish to later." Munemitsu continued as the two presented themselves forward as well. No point in being the odd man out in the Star Army.

"As you can see, we are missing two platoons worth of infantry and their support personnel. It seems they are finally starting to staff additional legions with us. I wonder why..." He says, feigning a confused look. He then straightens his face back to the normal semi-stoic look.

"As such, with the exception of emergencies not requiring a full century, we will be strictly a training unit until we are full strength. Expect joint exercises with the local recruits in addition to our own daily training. You will be particularly powerful OpFor to give these boys and girls the reality of this war." He says, ending his minor speech with a grin.

"Are there any questions? This will be one of the few opportunities to speak with me directly."
Hearing the whole story and introduction of everyone and their function was in Yoko opinion a bit boring. She looked at her side seeing everyone standing there ready to get into action and wanting to taste the blood of war as she looked back at their commanding officer "I do, when are we going to step into battle. We have been training endlessly and all of us desire to serve the Empire at best as possible" She pointed directly out with no regret to whom she was going to talk. But she could feel that her sisters wanted the same answer from him, less formal stuff and more action.
RP Date: 1日 22月 YE 42
RP Location: Fort Ready, Nataria

It was like a slap in the face.

Of course, Eve knew of the importance of OpFor and similar joint training exercises, but that did not change the fact that she had been hoping to hear news of a deployment to an active combat zone instead. Nevertheless, she made a concentrated effort to not let her disappointment show across her face. As a highly-trained special forces soldier, she was obligated to uphold a standard of behavior that precluded her from demonstrating excessive outward emotion, especially in front of a group of trainees. She did not want to set a bad example for the assembled Giretsu candidates, especially since she would be acting as OpFor against them in the upcoming exercises.

Fortunately, there was one trainee who had no such restrictions regarding their outward conduct. It was far more acceptable for her to ask that kind of question than it would be for anyone else. As such, Eve was extremely glad that the towering 33A had given voice to her thoughts, because she shared much of the same ones.
"I do, when are we going to step into battle. We have been training endlessly and all of us desire to serve the Empire at best as possible"

Munemitsu's eyes glided over towards Yoko. He just looks at her for a moment, silently.

"Get used to endless training. You proved you were worthy to become Giretsu in SAIC and learned the basics to do the job. But that only promoted you to the pros. The normal kitties of the Rikugun have the numbers to slack off, we do not. All of you will be relying heavily on each other and the rest of the G/75 when we are asked to go into the deep end of the #### pool that is war. You must be able to properly anticipate your fellow fire team and squad members. You only get that from our training tempo. The only difference here is we are trying to get the rest of the Rikugun to realize this early." he says ending with a grin towards the end.

"But to answer what you are truly answering, the same question I see in a lot of you; the time will be soon where the G/75 will be called into action to grind these blue skins into a paste. The Kuvexians are still out there, needing to be put into their place. From the logistics fly girls to the sneaky Rangers, we shall not fail." he finished, omitting the very obvious fact that they were also understrength. He looked at Yoko to see if there was a follow-up.
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Hearing the whole speech as to what they were expected to see and how much they are still freshmen, the pep talk was in Yoko ears, not a great success. But she understood as to why the person in question was doing it, morale boost? Avoid discontent? These girls just wanted a piece of the action with everything that could possibly happen. Yoko knew that death was a factor, yet everyone knew that it was a factor that they were breed for, trained to accept and she rather didn't want anyone to die, but she wouldn't grieve in combat. Rather raise a glass after it to those that passed away, maybe drink again when they returned.

Hearing finally the truthful answer, she shrugs a bit "Understandable sir, but soon is not a satisfying answer to answer the growling hunger of these girls" She waved one hand to her fellow Rikugun and looked at her boss "The war is raging on, Hanako Star System has fallen, they are knocking on the Samurai Sectors door... From what has hit SANDRA so far, the fly girls are actually being put into motion soon and the Rangers are already in action...our forces are shattered at best... and it eats us all up by just standing here doing nothing" Yoko soul was fired up and wanted to fight badly to reclaim what they lost.
RP Date: 1日 22月 YE 42
RP Location: Fort Ready, Nataria

Ultimately, the Taii was correct. There had to be cohesiveness among the units of the century in order to ensure and maintain maximum combat effectiveness. That was only developed through endless training and exercises. The OpFor duties would help greatly in building that and it would also allow them to help other Rikugun centuries do the same, as well. There was wisdom and experience in the Taii’s words, but that did little to quench the thirst for battle that she and the rest of the century felt, especially given the recent loss of Hanako’s Star. The last thing that command wanted to do was send a green unit that was significantly understrength into battle without developing some form of inter-unit cohesion beforehand via training exercises. Although they were on the losing end of the war, the situation was not so desperate as to necessitate sending untrained units into battle. For the most part, critical military infrastructure was still intact, in spite of the destruction of the Sixth and Tenth Fleet at the Battle of Hanako’s Star.

“The war is raging on and we are losing, but there’s no reason to resort to desperate measures, yet.” Eve replied to the green-haired 33A in a soft, yet cool tone. “The Kuvexians are sending five assets for every one that we field in order to guarantee victory on their end. In order to overcome that, we simply have to be better. Every Nekovalkyrja in this century needs to be worth at least ten Kuvexians, if not more. That’s the only way we’ll win.” Eve finished.
Munemitsu listened to the pair as they carried out exactly what he wanted them to do, air out their thoughts. He then placed his hands across his chest and shifted in his posture, it seems he was getting serious once Eve was finished. But then his face blanks out for a moment. It was clear he was getting a message of some kind.

"If there are not any other questions and statements, then I release you to your Senior Enlisted Advisor. Senior leadership, meeting in 5 minutes." Munemitsu commanded before starting to walk off towards a set of offices. The Shoi gang soon followed after them with Masashi taking the spot Munemitsu had left opened.

"The time now is 0915 hours. You are free for the day. Report back here for accountability formation. We will have dinner upon return to the cave. Fall out!" Masashi commanded before following after walking at a quick pace to catch up with the officers.

The "cave" for which he was speaking of was the collection of POM outpost modules standard to every century within the Rikugun. With Fort Ready being primarily a training base, the accommodations are geared towards the training cadre and the recruits. Not that it really bothered the G/75, easier access to the ranges and training areas they would need. Coordinating with the local training cadre to make sure they aren't disruptive is a pain, hence acting as random OpFor to scare the recruits will good sometimes.

The gathering of infantry, rangers, and support personnel started to disperse. Some were curious about what has changed at Fort Ready since they were last here. Others were curious about what Fort Ready even had since they were never here. Then there were the rare bunch come up with ways to get the century in trouble, all in the name to keep themselves entertained. As they left, a single dark-skinned female with a hime-cut hairstyle started to walk towards Eve and Yoko. Judging by her uniform's paneling, she was a medic.

"Are you either of you from Hanako's Star?" she asked the pair, barely audible. She tried her best not to really look at Eve, but she forces herself to in order to be polite.
RP Date: 1日 22月 YE 42
RP Location: Fort Ready, Nataria

There was a brief moment of pause after she finished speaking, which made Eve wonder if she had somehow sucked all the wind out of the conversation. Of course, that hadn’t been her intention, but she could not help but to feel as if everyone’s attention was centered on her since she had been the last one to speak. Fortunately, after a few more uncomfortable moments of silence, the Centurion spoke up and concluded the formation. After the Senior Enlisted Advisor gave the dismissal, the trainees fell out of formation and dispersed. Taking a deep breath, Eve brushed her hands over her Type 35 uniform and moved to go back to the cave. However, the sniper paused when she saw a dark-skinned female walking towards her, sensing that the woman was intending to address her and the green-haired 33A that she had engaged with only moments before.

The woman’s pointed question regarding Hanako’s Star momentarily gave Eve pause. Only a few moments before, she had been contemplating on the space battle that took place in the system. The fact that the Kuvexians had fielded five times the number of warships, power armors, and fighters for every one fielded by the Sixth and Tenth Fleets had grim implications for the rest of the war, unless a serious effort was made to improve the quality of soldiers across all centuries and fleets.

“No, I’m not and have never visited the system.” Eve answered first. “Why do you ask? Is it pertaining to the battle?”

When she finished speaking, Eve glanced at the towering 33A that stood next to her, listening intently to hear how she would answer the question.
The whole speech that both Eve and herself gave was pretty much shoved aside as their leader continued his speech. Then Yoko noticed another woman coming towards the two of them speaking if they knew Hanako's world. Yoko had to think about it "I have never been there personally, but I have....or had friends there that served the Legion II. I am worried about their safety as they were invaded and all information was cut off. So basically we got no idea...and I want to go into action and find out what happened to them and quick" Yoko said with some passion in her voice.
The medic listened to both Eve and Yoko before speaking again, looking at the ground. "I am from that system, enlisted right before the Kuvexians invaded. There was an Elysian I met there that encouraged me to do so, said I had a knack for understanding the body." she said before looking at Eve and then Yoko. "I can understand your burning desire to get there. But I am sure the Taii and Command have their reasons for not throwing us right at them. It would be a huge waste to invest all this time into soldiers like her and technicians like you and then just do that." she said pointing with her hand towards each of them.
Looking at the woman, Yoko nodded "They might have reasons of their own, I am no commanding officer, nor shall I ever be one" Yoko honestly admits as she was way too stubborn and loosely to be put behind a desk. It was not her style anyway and she was at the start of her career. It was east of her worries that was at least one thing "It's a more of a 'waste' to stand around doing training programs then sitting back and doing nothing" Yoko was blunt, direct but her words spoke honesty.

She looked at the direction of the officers that were talking "We got to do something more then this, I want to do more than just this"
RP Date: 1日 22月 YE 42
RP Location: Fort Ready, Nataria

For a few moments, Eve listened in silence as the medic and the 33A exchanged words. As much as she wanted to take the fight to the Kuvexians herself, Eve knew that the medic was right. Command knew the importance of preparation, a lesson which was often lost on younger Nekovalkyrja such as herself. Nevertheless, her commanding officers had given her no reason to not trust their judgement and decision-making. According to her perception, they had the health and functionality of the unit in mind first and foremost. She couldn’t imagine a reality in which that could be the opposite.

“The preparation that we do right now will make us more lethal soldiers, later on.” Eve replied as her intense cyan-eyed gaze shifted from the medic to the tall 33A. “It’s not the kind of work any of us want to do right now, but it’s still important.” She continued with a slight note of pretension in her voice. “Musicians and athletes spend ninety-nine percent of their time practicing and training, so that they can perform to the peak of their ability when the time comes. Our job is not so different.” The golden-skinned Nekovalkyrja finished.
The medic followed Yoko's field of vision to the departing group of officers and looked back towards Yoko. Given her lack of experience as a soldier and medic, she really did not have an answer to give to Yoko. So instead, she waited for the two to be finished and nodded in agreement with Eve. Then she decided to put on the most job training taught "medic face" and try to distract her from the war. "When we do go enter the action, have no fear. Santo Hei Dai Caiwei will be there to save you!" she said, lowering her voice a bit to sound like a superhero.
Hearing the medic speak made Yoko smile and look at her "I will be counting on you" She spoke and looked at Eve for a brief moment and then looked back at them both "So what is next, I have little left in my mind to focus on everything that is going on. I was hoping for the news to get towards the frontline, but I presume we got another drill coming up if I remember correctly?" Yoko looked a bit blank around seeing other awaiting as well, with the officer now left, and let out a sigh.
RP Date: 1日 22月 YE 42
RP Location: Fort Ready, Nataria

Eve blinked once, then twice in response to the medic’s cringe-worthy expression of excitement. Regardless, she supposed that Caiwei’s sincere outburst of passion was ultimately a good thing, but it did make Eve feel slightly uneasy. Eve had always been more restrained when it came to her emotions, so she often struggled to understand peers who were more open. Everyone had their own way of expressing passion, and Eve’s manifested as a relentless pursuit of perfection.

She couldn’t imagine conducting herself any other way.

“Thankssss.” Eve replied awkwardly. “Umm...I don’t think we have another drill. Other than accountability formation, we should be free for the day. I was planning on heading back to the cave.” The sniper added, glancing between the medic and the towering 33A as she spoke.
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