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Approved Submission G4000 Generator

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I’m actually kind of a fan of this. I was expecting just “tiny but also just as good hyperspace tap!” With no drawbacks. I’m a big fan of the way the limitations are described, and they make sense.

A few things I’m curious about are a) what can cause it to malfunction, and b) are there any dangers associated with breakdowns?

Also, I did spot a small error. It’s listed as radiation shielding but I think that might have been left over from a page you used for a template.
The radiation thing has been fixed, and yeah it was taken from a previous template and didn't get changed.

What can make it malfunction? It could get to hot, but is otherwise a very self-contained kinda thing. Maybe rough patches of hyperspace could break it but that's not something I'm really wanting to get into here.

Similarly, its uber-tech and can put out an absurd amount of energy. There could be catastrophic breakdowns but this isn't the kind of detail that I'm going into on this since this is more a 'part' than an explanation of how hyperspace taps should work in the setting.
I'm just wondering if there are any other consequences to it being miniaturized. I have a feeling, though admittedly I'm no expert on the subject, that making it so small would require cutting out most of the safety measures. What happens after a malfunction? Does it just fizzle out, or like, does it overheat and explode like a samsung battery?
Hyperspace Taps are engines that burn hyperspace, turning 4 dimensional space into 3 dimensional space.

I think internally it looks a lot like some crazy space-warping pushing an electrical current.

I also think the process of burning space is really difficult. If there is a malfunction I would think the whole thing would just fizzle. Its not like aether where there would be a lot of hot 'stuff' to contain where a failure of something might cause hot stuff to leak out everywhere.

If there was some kinda worst-case type catastrophic failure, I think it would look like a lot of anti-gravity leaking out of the device. Rather than burning, it would just rapidly tear everything around it apart and fling it outwards.
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if there was some kinda worst-case type catastrophic failure, I think it would look like a lot of anti-gravity leaking out of the device. Rather than burning, it would just rapidly tear everything around it apart and fling it outwards.

Oohhhh that sounds painful.
...yet awesome for RP purposes.
I really wanna see it happen to a bunch of people during testing, even though that sounds kind of mean.
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