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RP: Neshaten [Galactic Horizon] - Mining Boom

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Everything Is Magical
RP Date
YE 45.5
RP Location
Galactic Horizon HQ
Galactic Horizon HQ
Shuttle Pads
1930 - Arrival of the Abyssal Nomad and Neshaten Naval Command

It had been several months since the Abyssal Nomad was recalled to GHHQ in Neshaten space, Riccard's instructions had been followed to the letter by her captain, Brandon Redding. The Nepleslian had several military tours under his belt and that was before joining the up and coming corporation and learning how to deal with a boss and his kids who used alcohol and go-kart racing as multi-million KS deal discussions.

As instructed the majority of his crew had already begun shuttling down to the planet below while Brandon monitored from the bridge, as a Neshaten craft came into view the captain let out a sigh and put on his cap.

"All right, it's about time I head down too, keep her safe for me everyone and hopefully this doesn't take too long."

Captain Redding made his way towards the vehicle bay where the last shuttle was waiting for him and the last few stragglers, one of which was the company's own Kryss Black, who'd managed to cure her hangover and dress almost as sharply as she would have liked before cussing and grabbing her bags.

Kryss hurried along the halls, with the grace of a cat still coming down from their trip to a vet, a little jumpy and slightly wobbly.

"Evening Captain Redding, I see they kept you up here until the last craft as always, hopefully this whatever it is goes well though because I've got a bottle chilling in this bag and if it doesn't get opened tonight it'll be breakfast tomorrow."

"Please Miss Black, just Brandon is fine." The ship captain said shaking his head as they boarded the shuttle and waited for the last couple of people.


With the ship's captain and the company's second-in-command now on the landing pad they patiently awaited the Neshaten delegation consisting of several high ranking naval officers and some of the Kingdom's investors, and a Division 5 Intelligence Operator, the counter terror group had been keeping a close watch on Galactic Horizon to ensure they weren't supplying or being strong armed by the radical groups.

"Welcome all to our humble headquarters, I hope the flight here wasn't too painful, distinguished guests from the Royal Navy, Division 5, and investors I would like to introduce my daughter Kyrss and the captain of our flagship, Captain Brandon Redding." Riccard introduced the two GH employees standing beside him with a grand gesture of his arms. "They've both been a tremendous help in getting this project to the state its at now, and with final approval from the Neshaten navy we hope to gain the support of local investors such as yourselves." Riccard gestured towards a pair of Laibe representing a well known mineral extraction company and flashed a devilish grin their way.

"Well that's all well and good, and normally the Kingdom wouldn't want to be snooping around your affairs but as I'm sure you can understand the situation we find ourselves in." spoke one of the faceless operators of Division 5 with curt nods from the naval officers and investors alike.

"So Mr Black, let us proceed."


30 minutes later the Galactic Horizon shuttle touched down a little way from the main outdoor testing range where a large mining facility was sitting dormant, its staff completing the final checks before the next month of fine tuning and testing before the product would be announced to the public.

Riccard and Kyrss headed the small party while Captain Redding made some small talk with the Navy Officers, reminiscing about past voyages and even some battles with a small chuckle shared occasionally when telling stories of the many crews each had commanded.

"So Dad, I assume those ideas I sent through last year about changing the motor-pool size helped get this display model up and running?" It had been a while since Kryss had been at the HQ and she was enjoying the familiar icy-air and catching up with her father about their passion project.

"Well yes and no, they did help a great deal, But, this is a fully functional Plant we've been using to extract a load of mineral samples from the planet, we have a second one we're fine tuning with data from using this setup we plan to give to the Neshaten Royal Family."

"OH shit, no way? Here I was thinking you just recalled the Abyssal Nomad from halfway across the sector to show us a scale model." Kryss paused "But I am rather impressed, did you manage to get on good terms with the locals and recruit some new workers like we had tried to do when we moved in?" The blonde woman pulled out her comms device and checked the ever expanding messages before switching it off in preparation for the demonstration and tour, she wouldn't miss this for anything.

"We did procure the help of some interested parties, one of which is here today to see the fruits of their labour. So what do you think, feel like switching careers to work on the mines?" Riccard chuckled as Kryss shook her head with a smile before he stopped and turned to face the small group behind them. Tapping a quick message into his own communicator there was a brief moment of shouting and increased business at the Plant before them as workers hurried to their stations and began the start-up sequence in preparation of their arrival.

Several alarms blared for a short time with rotating and flashing beacons lighting up all over the massive structure, the processing district began to belch steam into the frigid sky followed by the sound of the steam turbine generators slowly winding up, after several minutes there was a collection of loud clunking sounds as the fuel generators were switched off and the steam turbines took over power generation for the facility. A small group of Balaena drove out of the motor pool and headed off to the pit nearby to retrieve the next batch of mineral samples, followed by several huge rock moving vehicles to transport the bulk of earth dug up from the pit. Riccard led the small procession towards the admin structures and inside the central operations terminal amongst bustling Daur, Laibe, Geshrin, several Nepleslians and even some other odd looking species hurrying around the office cubicles.

”Everyone, please mind your step and follow me to the board room, I’ve prepared it to fully demonstrate the capacity and ability of this facility.” The Horizon CEO led the party through several winding corridors and then into a large sound-proofed room with a large display slowly unfolding from the ceiling displaying the Galactic Horizon logo and motto. In front of the display was a long desk with plenty of executive looking chairs surrounding it and a small computer at the head. Riccard walked in and sat at the head, logging into his device and prompting the display to flash up several camera feeds from around the Plant. Each showing off one of the 4 main sectors with another few circulating between the operations building and the exterior of the walls.

The Neshaten representatives followed Kryss and Captain Redding as they each took up a seat and faced the large screen, the Division 5 operator chose to remain standing by the door to keep an eye on things on the outside while half watching the screen. Another set of alarms started up one after the other as conveyors primed and the giant processing machines wrestled from slumber to smash, sort, and dissolve the rock surrounding the precious minerals within. The crew of this mining base were running around in a mesmerising dance, order disguised as chaos with hundreds of people across several species scrambled to positions, monitoring and adjusting the great giant as it began to roar to life. In the centre of the camera feeds was a larger screen showing the landing pad at the outskirts, several barge looking shuttles were illuminated by the deck lights as containers were unloaded and trucked into the heart of the base.

Riccard looked at his watch before clapping his hands drawing everyone's attention and a stern look from several Laibe there at the sudden noise, smiling away the man stood and swept out his arms. "And that, was a startup procedure completed in under 30 minutes ladies and gentlemen. Sulf sufficient on power, and with Horizon shuttle craft filling the garage running on rechargeable energy cores the only solid fuel required is the backup generators. Due to the streamlined slurry process there isn't even a need to bring in water, steam turbines power the whole site from the acidic reaction, catching the vapour and collecting the water that it condenses back into. This in turn is used in the cooling and sanitation systems."

"Depending on the location a Plant is established, the site is equipped with the ability to synthesise its own acid supply using the raw elements dug up from the ground, though at this stage we don't plan to increase this production capacity to handle exports it is capable of supplying the site making it almost entirely self-sufficient and potentially able to run for upwards of 10 years without need for shutdowns more than several times a year for critical and high-risk maintenance." The CEO looked around at the fluffy faces in the crowd, the investors he'd been hoping to sway seemed unphased outwardly though one had already pulled out a communicator and was typing hurriedly, a good sign in this case. Kryss gave a double thumbs up while Captain Redding was still staring at the monitor, his expression betraying his awe in the scope of the project, he had seen plenty of crazy things among the stars but this was a big step in a new direction for the company and it looked to be paying off.


Several hours later the Neshaten Naval personnel had finished touring the site, checking every enclosed building for anything suspicious though they could all see with their own eyes this site was a fully functioning and purpose built mineral processing plant. Pleased with their findings they returned to the rest of the group who had kicked off the social function well and truly. The division 5 operator stepped over the Riccard and Kryss to let them know everyone has satisfied with their investigation.

"Well everybody, a toast to our continued business!" Riccard lifted his drink while repeating the phrase in tinacen as well as his guests joined in.

While the group continued socialising long into the night, a tall laibe with fur as red as the sun wandered around the garage with clipboard in hand and helmet on head, several of her colleagues were with her completing various checks on the Balaena parked up for the night to ensure they would be ready by morning.

"What do you think Miss Macherati, bigger than your ride at home?" Chuckled a grey furred daur as he stood behind the woman while she admired a stripped down URSA unit currently undergoing trials as a gear and personnel hauler to more dangerous mining sites outside the base.

"Yeah you could say that, though I rekon I'll have something similar soon enough." she replied before turning to continue her rounds.
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