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RP: Neshaten [Galactic Horizon] - Security Biz

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Everything Is Magical
RP Date
YE 46
RP Location
Galactic Horizon HQ
Galactic Horizon HQ
Juivaren II
Security Complex - Several days prior to the Osman campaign

Brin Bluestone, the Chief of Defence sat behind his desk looking over another batch of young hopefuls for the company's recently announced involvement in the Osman liberation campaign. Apparently the idea of getting an easy entry into the corp that moved halfway across the galaxy to largely unknown space controlled by the elusive fox-like people was enough of a golden ticket to risk fighting the NMX these days. The Nepleslian man had been sifting through applications, resumes, and on occassion professional PMC or bounty hunter rates for the best part of 2 weeks now and was completely exhausted. Holding the top position in the company's security team he was expected to be attending this long and arduous mission as well and so, rather than giving himself an early grave reading for 20 hours straight, Brin decided to begin looking for someone in his team he could appoint some extra duties to for a while.

Checking over the day's roster he nodded to himself, the person he had in mind was on shift which would be nicer than calling her in from off duty for such news.

"This is Chief Bluestone, Iriss Zepheris, please report to my office for assignment briefing." the man's voice rang out through the complex over loudspeakers and through each security officer's earpiece as well.

While awaiting the Separa'Shan, Brin tidied his desk and neatened the growing stacks of papers and assorted other communication methods some of these weirdos were using, who even applies for a job with a USB containing combat footage from their own POV. The man stiffened slightly as the door opened so soon after his announcement, looking up he was met with the image of Kryss Black... wielding a bottle of something alcoholic.

"Hope I'm not interrupting, just good timing that I wanted to discuss our moving out and it seems you're finally going to recognise that girl for all her work." The corporate relations manager placed the bottle on Brin's desk before moving to lean against the wall beside him while they waited.

Iriss Zepheris, a Separa'shan, slithered gracefully through the corridors of Galactic Horizon's Headquarters. Her scaled lower half shimmered under the artificial lights as she maintained a vigilant watch on her security patrol. As one of the most trusted members of the corporation's security detail, Iriss took her duties with utmost seriousness.

Her sharp eyes scanned every corner, every shadow, searching for any sign of unauthorized access or potential threat. It was a role she had excelled in, her instincts finely tuned to detect even the slightest disturbance in the otherwise orderly environment of the headquarters.

Amidst her patrol, a message flickered to life on her personal communication device, interrupting her focused surveillance. It was a summons from none other than Brin Bluestone, the esteemed Chief of Defense. The urgency in the message was palpable, and Iriss wasted no time in acknowledging the directive.

Sliding her device back into its holster, Iriss adjusted her stance, her mind already racing through potential reasons for the summons. Had there been a breach in security? A threat to the corporation's assets? Or perhaps it was a routine briefing on upcoming security protocols.

With a sense of purpose, Iriss redirected her course, swiftly navigating the maze-like corridors towards the Chief of Defense's office. Each sinuous movement was calculated, every muscle in her serpentine body poised for action if needed. Whatever awaited her in Brin Bluestone's office, Iriss was prepared to face it head-on, her loyalty to Galactic Horizon unwavering.

As she approached the imposing doors of the Chief of Defense's office, Iriss took a moment to compose herself, ensuring she presented the epitome of professionalism. With a subtle nod of determination, she raised a scaled hand to signal her readiness before entering, ready to receive whatever task or information awaited her within.

The pair within looked up from their idle chatter as Iriss entered, Kryss nodded at the Separa'Shan woman and moved to stand off to the side to let her Security Chief give his briefing.

"Good morning Miss Zepheris, thank you for being so prompt, your professionalism is appreciated and is actually the reason I've brought you in today." Brin stood up from his desk and moved around to greet her. "As you know, Galactic Horizon used to be based in Osman which is currently under siege, as our birthplace the company has pledged to support the coalition force driving our the NMX. As Chief of Defence I will be going, along with the majority of our forces, and will need to apoint a stand-in."

Brin looked to Kryss who gave him a thumbs up with her usual sharkish grin.

"Effective immediately, Iriss Zepheris, you are promoted to hold the rank of Security Captain, and will be working alongside Terrins Dassau to maintain the security of Galactic Horizon Headquarters in the coming months during this campaign. Do you have any objections to these duties?"

Iriss listened intently as Brin spoke to her, her face kept still and impassive, despite wondering why he was telling her this, untill he revealed why. Her eyes widened as a blush appeared on her cheek. "pro..Promoted to Ssecurity Captain?" she asked as if she miss heard him. "I have no objectionss, if you feel my work ethic deservess your choice, sir. I am honored and humbled to recieve this promotion." she said as she pushed herself to act professionally.

She was still in disbelief that she was being promoted over any other security operative.

Brin nodded to her with a smile, "Yes, I know it's a little unorthodox but you've demonstrated an incredible work ethic and impressive results. On top of that, I've received high commendations from Argus, it sounds like he holds a great deal of respect for your work and has said you've showed impressive improvement since joining us several years ago."

"Well done Iriss, from what Brin has said it's a well deserved recognition of your skills, do you drink?" Kryss nodded to the bottle on the desk she'd placed their earlier.

Iriss couldn't help but feel a warm surge of pride as Brin spoke, his words resonating deeply within her. The corners of her lips curled upwards into an involuntary smile, her heart swelling with a mix of joy and contentment.

Brin's mention of hearing about her work ethic and impressive results echoed in her mind, affirming her dedication and perseverance. She had poured her soul into her endeavors, striving relentlessly to achieve excellence in her field. Knowing that her efforts hadn't gone unnoticed, that her dedication had reached the ears of Brin, brought a sense of validation that was both humbling and gratifying.

But it wasn't just Brin's acknowledgment that stirred her emotions; it was the reference to her other father, Argus, that truly touched her. The thought of him, her guiding light, her pillar of strength, filled her with a sense of warmth and comfort. She cherished the memories of their conversations, his words of wisdom and encouragement echoing in her mind like a soothing melody.

To hear that her other father was proud of her, that he looked upon her with admiration and approval, was a feeling beyond compare. It was a testament to the bond they shared, a bond forged through love, trust, and unwavering support.

With a sense of fulfillment washing over her, Iriss realized that she had not only earned the respect of her peers but also the pride of those who mattered most to her. She stood tall, her chest swelling with pride, as she embraced her new role as a security captain. It was a position of responsibility, of leadership, and she was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead with unwavering determination and grace.

Following Kryss's gesture to the bottle on the desk, Iriss glanced over and noticed it, a small smile playing on her lips. "Ah, I ssee you've brought something to celebrate," she remarked, her tone lighthearted. "Normally, I don't indulge during work hours, but today sseems like a special occasion."

With a graceful movement, Iriss reached for the bottle and poured herself a modest amount into a glass, the amber liquid glinting softly in the ambient light of the room. She raised the glass, a gesture of camaraderie and shared joy, before taking a small sip, the warmth of the drink spreading through her as she savored the moment.

"To new beginnings," she toasted, her voice filled with optimism and resolve, before turning her gaze back to Kryss and Brin, her expression reflecting a sense of gratitude for their presence and support.

With a determined nod, Iriss reaffirmed her commitment to her work, her gaze steady and resolute. She understood the importance of staying grounded, of not letting the newfound recognition cloud her judgment or alter her perspective.

As she sipped her drink, the taste of success mingling with the subtle flavors of the amber liquid, Iriss reflected on the journey that had brought her to this moment. She had faced challenges and setbacks along the way, but each obstacle had only fueled her determination to succeed.

Now, as a security captain, she knew that the stakes were higher than ever. The safety and security of her team, her colleagues, and those under her protection depended on her unwavering dedication and unwavering focus.

Iriss made a silent vow to herself, a promise to lead with humility, integrity, and compassion. She would continue to approach her duties with the same level of diligence and professionalism that had brought her to this point, never allowing her promotion to overshadow the values that defined her as a leader.

With a sense of quiet confidence and determination, Iriss knew that she was ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, her resolve unshakeable as she embarked on this new chapter of her career.

Kryss poured herself and Brin a glass after Iriss and the pair raised them to toast. "Naturally my dear, and don't worry the random drug and alcohol test isn't until tomorrow, so make sure you get your celebrating done tonight." The blonde winked at the new Captain as she downed her own glass and checked her watch. "Well Mr Bluestone, your choice in personnel is impeccable as always, sadly I don't have much time left in the schedule so I've gotta dash, stay cool crazy cats!"

In typical Kryss fashion she managed to somehow exit the office walking backwards while making finger-gun motions at the pair, before grabbing her coat from near the door and slinging it over one shoulder as she left.

Brin sipped his drink as he watched their boss leave in her usual strange way before shaking his head. "I uh, I'm pretty sure that's her way of saying 'well done you earned it', but enough for the formalities, I'll have a revised contract sent to your quarters. Well, your new quarters, perks of the title. Look it over and let me know if you're unhappy with any of the details and we can have another discussion tomorrow. Right now i'm giving you the rest of the day off to move your things and take some time to yourself."

Brin finished his drink, and moved back behind his desk, leaning in to pull open a drawer and retrieve a pin, closing the drawer softly before moving over to stand before the Separa'Shan. "And this, is your new rank insignia, wear it with pride Captain Zepheris."

Iriss turned her head towards Kryss as Kryss spoke to her, and was reminded her that she should get her celebrating tonight since the random drug and alcohol test was tomorrow. Kryss winked at the new captain Iriss. Iriss blinked when Kryss mentioned to Mr Bluestone that his choice in personnel was impeccable as always. But that she had to go. Iriss watched as Kryss left them in an odd way, managing to move back while making finger-gun motions at her and Brin. Iriss turned her head to Brinn, and listened as he spoke to her,

That’s when he brought out her new captain’s rank insignia and she held it in her hand, in awe as it finally was processed that she was now a captain, and that she'll have new quarters too.

"Unless you have anything else to discuss, that will be all for now, I'm jure Argus would be thrilled to hear about your new role, well as thrilled as that man can be, tough to read that guy sometimes." Brin sat back down at his desk and tapped a few keys at his terminal.

"Go relax for a bit, you've earned it."

Iriss nodded her head "yess i am sure Argus would be pleased." she said, though she hoped he would be as she slithered out of the room. She knew it was work hours, thus she knew he would be in the lab, and made her way to where she can communicate with him, "hey Arguss. I have ssome newss i wanted to tell you about." she said as she looked at him through the doors.

The green serpant man with the lab had his eyes to a microscope as a familiar voice came over the intercom and he stopped, raising his head up to see Iriss outside the chamber. Argus' lips formed into what might usually be considered the briefest of smiles, the stoic man that he was, and caregully removed his gloves and moved to the door.

As he exited the lab the Separa'Shan looked over his genetically similar counterpart, while the pair had spoken plenty of times he still remained unsure exactly how to treat her. While she had his DNA they weren't a traditional family bond, deciding to just put a hand out to shake her own for now.

"Irissss, good to ssee you're doing well, ssoo what iss thiss newss?"

Iriss couldnt help but proudly show her new pin. "Chief Bluestone is being ssent with a few of our asssets, sso they have chossen me to be his replacement here." She told him as she shook his hand. "i wanted you to be one of the firsst from my family to know." Iriss added.

Argus raised a single eyebrow and nodded, "It seemss he took my advice then, I alwayss knew you would make a good candidate for a Captain." Argus said while inspecting the pin with another nod. "How do you feel about the new responsibilities? I know you wouldn't accept without thinking it over or if you thought you weren't ready. " Spoken in his usual clinical tone, while he didn't sound like there was much emotion in his voice he felt a sense of pride knowing she'd risen through the ranks. While the man hadn't dealt with him very often their other Captain, Terrins, would be a good mentor.

Iriss smiled as he spoke of his belief in her that he knew she'd make a good candidate for a captain. "I would be lying if I ssaid I wassn't nervouss, itss a big respossibility and I'd have to look after my ssubordinatess, I have indeed thought about it, but i have been through much in my life already as you know. I do believe I am ready.and I doubt, you, or Misss Black, or Chief Bluestone would not have chosen me if you didnt think i wass ready. I want to prove your beliefss to be correct." she said to Argus

The man gingerly placed a hand on her shoulder before speaking, "I know you will impresss us all, no one related to me only doess half a job." To anyone not familiar with Argus it may have almost sounded like a threat though the Separa'Shan man was in reality reassuring Iriss and trying to keep her determination to succeed high knowing his blood ran through her. He was far from a silver tongue but most people understood his ways fairly quickly even when not related to him.

"If Krysss has already sseen you then I suppose I'm a little late, but all the ssame I had a little item prepared." Argus trailed off as he began hunting through a nearby cabinet eventually finding an ornate bottle filled with blueish liquid. "It'ss a personal recipie of mine, like a whiskey mixed with fruit and coffee. I'd recommend ssmall doses and never before you plan to retire for the night, it hass quite an affect on us, haven't let any of the humanss or neplesslians try it yet, and I don't think the neshaten drink?"

Argus began musing to himself on drinking behavious before snapping back to focus on Iriss once more. "Well anyway, you've earned the job, I have ssome glassess somewhere if our bosss hasn't already tried to make you down a whole bottle before you made it here." he offered while motioning to a set of Separa'Shan accustommed chairs near a coffee table.

As Iriss felt her other father's hand on her shoulder, she felt warmth. She listened to him speak telling her anyone with his blood in them wouldnt do a half a job. It was true, she never did a half a job. Though chuckled as she was introduced the item he had prepared. "a little late, yess, though i had only one glass, before misss Black left. and i might have room for one more, especially if its your recipe." she told him as she followed him to the chairs,

"Well glad to hear it, I've been waiting to see how otherss of our kind would handle it." Argus poured a shot for her as they sat down, waiting expectantly for her reaction and review.

Iriss lifted the drink to her nose and sniffs it, taking in the scent before she begins to drink a few sips.

The pair of unlikely family sat together for a while longer, Argus wasn't the typically talkative type but still they exchanged some words and stories of work, continuing their modest celebration. As the work day came to a close the Separa'Shan exchanged farewells, with Iriss keeping the bottle of sci-fi blue liquid from her father, a recipie Argus certainly planned on writing down for future batches.
OOC Notes
JP with @Charaa
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