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Approved Submission [Galactic Six, not a typo] G6 Brand, Ammo and Rifle


🦊 FM of Neshaten
🦾 FM of Nepleslia
🎖️ Game Master
Okay so @Jack Pine you need to come confirm the section six stuff is all cool, I'll throw a mention @club24 because we discussed this prior and so other people do not have to.

Joint venture! mini corp! wasn't sure if I needed an article to explain the nature of the Galactic Six brand and how it is just a mini company they now use when collaborating but I did anyway, let me know what is wrong and I'll get to fixing it.

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i remember the gun but we never spoke about the mini corp than i can remember or find in history, and while technically kryss is corporate relations and donvan is public i don't think it matters too much given as mentioned, s6 and gh have always been fairly close. Far as it goes though I don't have any issue with GH and S6 making a mini brand to operate together although I admit i don't see the point in it from a business standpoint.

Only other thing I'd like to mention is that i think the corp should probably be submitted separately since there is a difference between doubling up with a gun and its ammo and making an entire corporate entity and a gun
@Alex Hart the fabricator has been approved for a while, and we discussed all that on discord.

@club24 We did discuss the new brand name I am sure, but it is a tiny article so I saw no issues with it - if you read the article then it says that the G6 thing itself is little more than just some paperwork and makes use of the infrastructure both entities have in place already, I wasn't sure if I did need to make a corp page for this but I felt it would be something quick and easy to link for future G6 things rather than having to explain it each time.

So uh, in conclusion, the corp page is tiny and I felt it could be submitted with this seeing as it isn't anything too complicated.
i checked our dms where you explained the fabricating gun and didn't see anything about G6 other than the name of the gun
Well my mistake, but you have nothing against it so that's good to hear - apologies.
Probably because the two groups that it stems from do?

If its the fabricator module, it was already approved as skully has pointed out, and what i was always told too was that other groups can use it as long as its not weaponry, which im assuming is why the fabricator was approved, and in this situation all its doing is making bullets not actually using aether as the munition
The fact is, the Wes himself is fully aware of the honeycomb and I'm even going to make a military version for the Star Army in a few days time - so that should tell you enough @Alex Hart
I mean it really isn't the worst thing in the world. The only issue I see is the usage of that loophole riiiiight...
other groups can use it as long as its not weaponry, which im assuming is why the fabricator was approved, and in this situation all its doing is making bullets not actually using aether as the munition
...here. Reeks of loopholes.
In my official opinion as a submission reviewer, any weapon that can fabricate most of itself out of thin air and create an infinite supply of its own ammunition is vastly overpowered and should not be approved without first undergoing serious revisions that make it less setting-breaking.

Edit: I know only one submission reviewer is supposed to post in a thread, Wes, but I strongly feel that this weapon (and I mean no offense, SirSkully, as I honestly believe you designed this via the “rule of cool” principle instead of anything malicious) simply does not fit within the Star Army setting in its current form and that to rubberstamp a seal of approval on it - as some have unfortunately been known to do with their reviews - would be a grave mistake that would clash with the overall theme of the setting.
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Think about it this way:
The weapon itself takes 30 seconds to form, which is significantly more time than it would take to reach for one's rifle.
It takes 10 seconds to effectively reload the weapon once it is depleted, which again, is a lot longer than it should take to swap magazines (yes you could just swap magazines the traditional way but that kinda defeats the point of the weapon being built over a fabricator).

So all in all you have a personnel assault rifle that is slow to draw and refills itself over time - which, to me, seems more reasonable than something that fires "...a wide mix of energy types (basically a full EM spectrum)... " out of a bottomless magazine.

And I mean it isn't firing anti-mech death farts out the barrel, just caseless, electronically fired, rifle rounds.
Idunno man, I've been around and all I can say is I smell loophole abuse here. I really do not like the idea of this over-reliance on nanobots, as that's definitely a slippery slope to somewhere we may not want to go. They're great and all but...please keep their use minimal.
I would understand if I had made a weapon with an aether-powered laser, that would be a massive abuse of the loophole - but does this mean if somebody used a fabricator tied to a ship's aether power plant then that knife would be considered an aether weapon?
Maybe not, if you're 3d printing the knife from a foundry and then taking it out for use. But here you're essentially firing the knife out of the foundry at someone. Completely different idea.
It is still not anti mech death farts weaponized aether though, which is the whole thing you are pointing out.
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