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[Game Mechanic] Wormhole Properties

I suppose it wouldn't be line of sight so much as knowing where you're going. If you already have the sensors data or the location properly plotted, if should be feasible.
Essentially, I'm codifying the rules with wormholes so we can reach a reasonable site-wide consensus in terms of what can be done with them. Each individual drive system has their own set of rules, and I figured that giving wormholes their own would cut down on tech arguments.
Seems good, Ex.

Pity the management are sat on their hands so this probably won't be approved until December time, which is ridiculous.
Shouldn't this article include something about travel time?
Hrm, that's a tricky issue Wes.

The fact of the matter is, there are two commonly accepted ways wormholes could possibly seem to work.

1: "A tunnel through space", this approach would involve a greatly reduced travel time between point A and point B by creating a 'tunnel' which effectively closes the gap between two points of space and decreases the distance while maintaining a level of distance in itself.

2: "A hole between points", this approach would effectively produce a 'portal' type of wormhole which would involve a means of traveling between two points instantly. The distance traveled within the wormhole would be zero, or very close to it.

In my opinion, 'Natural' wormholes would most likely produce the 'tunnel' effect, mostly due to the stability required to maintain proper 'structural stability' for the length of the wormhole.

Artificial wormholes would most likely involve either a 'pinching' of space together which would produce a 'portal', or a one-way rip through space-time which would create a one way 'portal'.

Gate type wormholes though would most likely be a hybrid of the pair, producing wormholes with very short travel times.
What is happening with this?
If we include 'natural' wormholes then they should conform to what we do know about them IRL. In short, they need to be microscopic in size and pretty much unusable.

Also I liked the old method of using wormholes, namely they have considerable formation time which increases based on distance but once they are up travel between the points is virtually instant. I thought this was really good because it makes them virtually useless for combat but great for civilian use.
Combat Application Wise yeah, it'd be useless unless you have people covering for you as you make your getaway. But, generally wormhole using ships are solo vessels which is a nice little leash to keep it in check. Granted they too are subject to Anti-FTL derived technologies as well. You could try to "Brute Force" it, inside of an Anti-FTL zone. The outcome could be good, or bad, or a blending of both depending on how well written things are, and the feasibility of such a task, and power output being pumped into the opposing tasks.
-Shakes his head.- Once again you bring up the word rules. I know you like the word, but, let's try and for once keep it out of a thread when we're discussing redoing the whole thing shall we?

In terms of balancing, wormholes are on par with 'modern' technologies in regards to FTL travel, and should be treated as such as an alternative, and viable form of travel. A distortion drive operates at 25% operational capacity inside of a nebula, and 50 capacity within planetary orbit. What urks me is teleportation. Teleportation is "Normal" in Nebulae, why is that? Shouldn't it be subject to the same rules as Wormholes in such a regard? Teleporting is dangerous in general, in atmosphere due to heat, shock waves, and so on. A nebula is made of gasses, so, would you not have a probability of also turning one into an inferno? Or a debris field, Teleporting would be extremely hazardous in terms of pilot safety due to the constantly shifting debris. You would have to predict the course of all the debris' trajectories in the area you wish to teleport even while using Distortion it can be dangerous as I see it can be utilized as well. Wormholes should be able to do a simple jump inside of a debris field provided the proper pre-cautions are undertaken, and things are well planned, and thought out before hand.

Debris Field is a very large, and vague scope to leave in terms of what is within it. Could we maybe, narrow it down, bring in some prospective in terms of why it shouldn't be possible in some, while it can be in others if we're discussing this issue of Wormhole based travel? Maybe provide it with a shorter jump capacity and longer time between due to calculations within the bounds of both, Nebulae, and Debris Fields, if we can also discuss the issue of what would have to lay within the fields to deny travel beyond rocks.
I'm kind of borderline with this. On one hand, the article is okay, I guess.

On the other hand, I'd really like to keep FTL methods to a minimum in the SARP. I've even been considering dumping CDD/CFD and making hyperspace (perhaps at slower speeds) the SARP's FTL method of choice. This would avoid the superluminal combat issue and other stuff. So approving this article would be counterproductive.

I think we need to talk about FTL revisions first, basically, before I can really consider approving this, because I wouldn't want to say "wormholes are fine" and then take them away a few months later.
I've revisited the article and I think it's alright for IC usage; however, I would really like to do away with the gate system in the near future, perhaps as a retcon. In the meantime, though, we need this page because it shows how the SARPiverse works at present.

I feel the same as my previous (above) post, though.


A warning to tech writers: Do not try to abuse wormholes.
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