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Gartagen Cuisine

Ok. I hate to do it but. There are things I'm hoping you can do to try and improve the page.

The list of common dishes seems cluttered and a little wall'o text-esque. I'd suggest going in and putting up H5 headers (I think it is called) for the Table Manners and Common Dish Section.

It'd be like this.

===== Table Manners =====

===== Common Dishes =====

And then use H4 or less for each individual dish. Just so it breaks it up a little more, makes it pop and easier on the eyes. Plus it'll help on making the name of the foods more presentable.


==== Sobori Rhonyt ====
Grilled Rhonyt Steaks are a very common meal for upper class Gartagens. There are many variations with additional ingredients, and toppings.

You can add a small white space between the header and text below as well. Either works fine.

Beverages basically rinse and repeat the above. See how it looks to you and if it cleans up the page a little more.
Modified the wiki as suggested. Thank you Soresu, it does indeed look better.
Looks quite a bit better. Approved.

One thing I'd do however and this is just me. For whatever animal meat you're using in these dishes it'd be a good thing to include a link to said animal on the page in the dish section.


"This dish uses [[gartagens:domesticated_animals#rhonyt|Rhonyt]] in it."

The way that the above link is done will take you directly to the given animal for reference, and highlights the other page in the process as well.. The | is there just to make it look like how I did it. (I'm sure you may know this stuff already but I figure if not, better safe then sorry.)
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