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Gartagen Culture

For various purposes, this article is considered approved. However, since it is the intent of the Gartagen members to produce a player character faction, I will go to task reviewing each section for the purposes of quality assurance and reviewing internal content.

Header Section

I can already start to see a few problems with this, but the core concept seems workable. It's just a bit saturated with contradictions.

Why would a creative person be thought of as lazy? Are there factors that make a Gartagen who is creative also not a hardworker, or is this just a logical fallacy that a person who tries to resolve a problem through anything other than sheer effort less moral and valuable than someone who does? That this is an important part of the culture (important enough to be in the header section) means that Gartagen culture would be one driven to perpetuate itself without changing.

Gartagens place emphasis on their families and immediate social group, so I don't understand how pride (a very personal thing) would be important to them. People are proud of things because they elevate them by association, not out of altruistic desire.

General Culture

The scent section seems fairly legitimate, but there's an issue with the lines referring to prey. In the grand majority of evolutionary paths only predators have those refined senses of smell, so I don't see how or why prey would have the capacity to sniff out Gartagens. It's not impossible, but doesn't follow the logic of terran species that you otherwise seem to follow.

If a task is impossible, how would a Gartagen succeed at it? This feels a bit incomplete. Before I risk spouting off a rhetorical and circular logic extrapolated from this, I'll just ask you to reconsider how you've phrased this. I'd suggest trying to express how consistently going for difficult tasks is a way of ensuring respect among your peers.

Gartagen society is definitely clannish and somewhat stagnant for their rejection of the creative mind, and much more eusocial in structure than most mammalian races. Was this your intent?

I'll also warn you at this point that the phrasing of your sections seems to be slightly redundant and repetitive. It wouldn't hurt to chunk some of your ideas into more cohesive sentences and rework the structure a little.


As I expressed in the Psyche section, I don't think this section is necessary at all. The swirl of contradictions and the unclear expression of 'Cleverness' among Gartagens as being a natural extension of their 'Boredom' or an analogue to Autism never really being clarified makes it difficult enough for me.

Military Culture

The military culture section is somewhat unnecessary, actually. I'd suggest finding a way to shoehorn this into your military page.

Intellectual Culture

The new most notable new technology resulting from this paradigm shift are artificial gravitonics, inertial reducers, subspace travel and quantum entanglement communication devices (Ansibles).

This cannot be canon, however. Submit these separately, please.

Artistic Culture

The contradiction is confusing, but seems to hearken back to the state of many Communist Dictatorships from the second half of the 20th century, so I won't tell you it's impossible. Just cut down on the redundancy, because 'Cleverness' and 'Waste' are mentioned far beyond the point where their use would be poignant.

Nudity Taboo and Clothing / Sexuality

Since very little is said that wouldn't otherwise be obvious for a comparable 'human society', I don't think you need these sections at the moment. Perhaps at a later date when you have more to say... but what is being explained here feels somewhat useless to a player trying to make a Gartagen PC.

I'll review the remaining sections in a bit, but I'll give my brief summary first.

While your core ideas are fairly unique and provide a decent contrast, the manner in which it was explained is somewhat disjointed and redundant. The phrasing could definitely use some improvement as well. I will be free to help with this if you need any assistance, and I certainly hope this doesn't bother you to hear.

There are certain standards that have to be followed for PC races.
Well, I heeded many of the suggestions you provided.

Your critique does not offend me in the least, because all that can happen is I only improve.

I test fired the approved articles on some people in my RP net work and they all said they can comprehend the article(They also found it interesting.)

Rest assured I will be tweaking my articles for some time.
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