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Gartagen Neurological Computers

Before it gets said that I stole this idea from home world, I want to state the idea came up as a discussion between me and Blind Gardener. The idea is actually based on a Short Story we both read called "The Ship Who Sang" As their are many difference between this article and Karen S'jet. Another factor of influence of this idea was Dune. The idea of a "Living" computer has always fascinated me.
That's an awesome story, by an awesome author. I can totally see the relation too, so I can vouch for that part.
Loved the books, have them and read them many times.

However, you do not explain why being hooked up to the various systems makes them think faster. They are still a Gartagen in a body, connected. If you are going with the concept that Anne had, you should have brute force data crunching relegated to other computers, that are under the subjects control.

Also why would anyone with a healthy body want to give it up to become a computer?

And you never say what happens to "with a seventy percent wash out rate," the ones who are washed out?

I went ahead and stated what happens to the wash outs. I admit I overlooked that little tidbit of information.

I also intended for the candidates of the program to be forced into it. I edited the article so it states that more directly.

Brute force data crunching being handled by other computers was implied when I made this, but again I edited the article to state that face more directly as well.

The article states that the subjects undergo a lengthy training program from the time they are children, with it ending when they enter adulthood. This training works on increasing thought speed. Though again it is implied, I edited the article to more directly state that.

I am also considering stating that the result of these surgeries, chemical stimulants and such shortens the lifespan of the subject in question. Do you think I should add that tid bit in?
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