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Gartagen Physiology

How fast do the reflexes work? I'd rather not see a bunch of people using this as an excuse to get all matrixy.

can you add in an example of a wound that would cause them to go into shock?

Claws and Poison is not filled out.

How potent is the sense of touch?

An example of how much less taste they have perhaps?

The 'males' are actually female and vice versa.
The 'Males' being female was done on purpose, if I recall my discussions with Ira.
Thought speed and reflexes

Similarly due to their obsessive nature Gartagens favor the “slow but certain” route of thinking. They're better able at ignoring smoke, mirrors and distractions then humans, but less quick to respond to unexpected situations requiring sudden reflexes unless they're expecting and preparing for the situation. They're ambush predators, when they're poised to strike (or poised to do anything) they can do it with a rapidity and timing that would make a striking cobra jealous.

The mechanisms behind this are very similar to the mechanisms behind short term memory. It's a sort of 'short term muscle memory'. Through information chunking it can store 4+/-3 maneuvers/motions. These motions are 'memorized' by performing them really often to put them into long term memory. As many motions as the Gartagen wants can be stored in long term muscle memory. They're then recalled from long term memory to short term memory. Once in short term memory they can be triggered quickly, repeatedly, and precisely. This process requires some focus to do. Large amounts of pain, stress, or other things that impair memory can impair this process. This process is extremely useful for assembly line style manufacturing. It is also useful for pressing sequances of buttons in a fighter, tank, or starship.

Part of hand to hand combat training is teaching Gartagens maneuvers that will allow them to stall for time while they change the set of motions that they're storing in their short term memory. Another part of combat training is teaching them to only store simple maneuvers in it (A single, perfect, punch for example, or the squeezing motion on the trigger on the gun) as using long routines risks luck effects. Once a stored action is initiated, it does not stop until it's done.

If a Gartagen does not pre-plan their reflex, it will be slower then a human's reflex on average, due to the time needed to think up an appropriate response.

This is in a different article. I hope it helps.

All other points have been addressed.

Thank you Kai.
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