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Gartagen Union

Well, since no one else has gotten around to it...

There are a few spelling and grammar errors in your article, I'd recommend you read through it again. It's nothing major: But it makes people like me happy.

Also, the Council of Regional Advisers is... a bit chaotic. I'm not sure how it could really function if every meeting degenerates into a riot?

Maybe you could tell us how often this occurs, and what brings them to order. That sort of system can't function if everyone's yelling and beating one another down to 'swing votes'.

Also, on the details of the Adviser's sticks... It's nice fluff, but I don't think it really has a place in the article. Better just to get rid of it.

Once those things are addressed, this article has my Recommendation for Approval!
We have been going over this in private Sharp. ^^; It's just a matter of us making heads or tails of it at this point before making posts on the matter.
Slimmed up the advisers, and I think I fixed the coding issue with the Statistics.
All right, I have cut the fat off, rewrote a few details. Added a chart, reduced the population.
Ok, question, the Supreme Ruler, chooses his Successor. But what are the conditions of succession. Is the position of Supreme ruler a life long assignment or is it for a specific period and if so what does the Successor do during the time the current ruler chooses them and they actually ascend to power? Also what happens if the Supreme ruler dies before appointing a successor? Or say an accident occurs and both the Supreme and Successor are killed. What happens then?
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