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(Gartagens) ship componant, Manuver Ball

Shield threshold doesn't apply this system just allows the ship to make sudden unanticipated moves to throw off targeting
Oh snap, meant to put it in the battle cruiser thread. No idea how it ended up here.
YEa, I already added the threshold to it. The threshold is usually the same as the ship's class though. I was told you don't really need to add it.
I've been told otherwise, that you need to have the threshold otherwise its assumed to be 1.
"Typically, shields have a stopping value equal to their size class (1 through 5). For example, a light hull's shields will entirely block a very light damage or light damage weapon, but stronger weapons will only be mitigated and the excess attack power would hit the ship's hull. A vessel can improve the stopping power of its shield by transferring more power to one facing of the vessel at the expense of another (A light ship [2] could reduce mitigation on his front shield to 1 and increase his rear shielding to 3 while he is being chased)."
Perhaps you should take this conversation to the ship, a maneuver system doesn't get a SP
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