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[[Gartagens/Yggdrasill]] First Contact


Inactive Member
OOC: JP with Ira

The SRSS Yggdrasill traveled due Galactic East from Azorea, moving around the edge of occupied space in an effort to get an idea on sensors what was to the immediate Galactic North. Her Commodore's true destination was northeast, but he was cautious. On one hand, Toshiro wanted to go further north and move his mining base and shipyard operations away from regular space to evade NMX assault. On the other, he wanted to be amply sure that the NMX didn't have any secret surprises up here, too. Sensors and communications were up, poised to detect anything that seemed to have an intelligent source as the ship crossed into uncharted space.

The past few months for the Union had gone well. The Gartagen race as a whole was in the beginnings of a space aged renaissance that could perhaps turn into another golden age for the species. Colony ships were fully stocked with their precious cargo of cryo-pods, loaded with Gartagen civilians. The Solar Navy patrolled the system and ran war games scenarios in the event they encountered hostile aliens.

In the Shara system a convoy of five Guardian class Cruisers moved on patrol. Their destination was to the edge of the system so they could plot a hyper-jump to the neighboring system, and begin colonizing. In one of the private cabins, a female Gartagen stood looking at her self in a mirror. She was not particularly old, and was of the age to select a mate. How ever her task denied her such luxuries, and she stood meticulously putting on her Naval Uniform.

"Father, I am detecting power spikes consistent with possible Faster-Than-Light drives, but are not matching anything in our database. It does not appear to be Yamataian, Nepleslian, or Mishhuvurthyar in design." The Yggdrasill's computer said, the fully sentient and sapient Sourcian AI loaded into the Yggdrasill by the Maras still operating smoothly and cleanly over the years since its installation. "Should we change course to observe?"

"Hrm...Yeah, show down and change course toward that star system to take a look...but be ready to jump back to FTL the moment there's trouble if they're hostile." Toshiro said, his curiosity piqued. He also detected energy from one of the planets, indicating that something was going on there, perhaps a base or a population center. The Yggdrasill changed course, slowing as it approached the star system and quite possibly showing on Gartagen sensors.

The Gartagen convoy maintained its course. The mood on the ships was enthusiastic. The respective crews were bustling, and chattering about the excitement of actually visiting another star system. There was talk of the ship’s officers of getting land grants from the System’s life bearing world, provided it was suitable for Gartagen Colonization.

The Female Gartagen had put her uniform on, and reported to the bridge. When she stepped, the bridge crew all shouted “Hail.” and did swift bows with their heads. Her rank pin was that of a Solar Commander. She was in charge of this expedition.

“Engineering, what is the status of the battle groups hyper-fold engines.” She called down to her subordinates, which sat in a trench around the bridge stage. “CORE, is the jump plotted into the nav-computer?”

The Core responded. “Aye Solar Commander. The jump is plotted, but I recommend we shut the hyper-fold cores off. The Solar Commander let out a loud snarl. “Why is that?”

“We have an incoming energy signature…unidentified. Moving to current position. The speed of the craft is…intimidating, yet it is slowing down.”

The Yggdrasill's speed was slightly higher than the Gartagen ships' maximum, roughly a match for their escort ships, but it was indeed slowing. Soon enough, the green and white ship was visible, though it stayed outside the edge of the star system. It was holding a minimum distance of 5 AU from the outermost world, and seemed to be alone. Before long, the Yggdrasill confirmed that the other ships were not of Mishhu design, and started sending messages to attempt contact...though Toshiro was speaking in his native tongue as he transmitted.

"Hello, this is Commodore Yuki Toshiro of the SRSS Yggdrasill...who am I addressing?"

As Yggdrasill winked into existence, it began transmitting to the convoy. The Language itself was difficult to translate, but the CORE identified that it was indeed a communication signal. The tactical officer spoke up. “The ship is armed, but the weapons are not powered up.”

The Solar Commander turned and looked at the holographic podium that was projecting a detailed image of the Yggdrasill. “Impressive design…communications, notify fleet Command, we have encountered an Alien star ship, and we are moving in to intercept. “

“We are moving in to Greet, Solar Commander, we are going to greet these visitors.” came a very assured voice over the Bridge PA.”

“This is Agent Tarsk, I and several of your RRF garrison are waiting in the hanger bay at shuttle 2, with a prototype communication software. Send a message to the alien ship using binary code. “Tell them, welcome to Shara, and we will be sending a delegation over to their ship immediately.”

The Convoy approached at its top STL speed, they did not power their weapons, but they did have a defensive formation as the five cruisers closed in on the Yggdrasill.

A simple transmission came in text. Binary code. The characters and coding was different then anything the Yamataians may be using, but their advanced computing systems should be able to decipher it. The transmission stated “Welcome to the Shara System. We represent the Gartagen Union. We will be sending a diplomatic envoy to meet you on your vessel if you wish.”

Toshiro pondered for the moment...he wasn't exactly in a place where he could quickly get aid from the Star Army, but they didn't seem hostile, and he was the one new to this space. The Yggdrasill did not move to advance or flee, but it did open one of its shuttle bays.

In response to the communication, the ship sent back along the same binary system: This is Commodore Yuki Toshiro, of the SRSS Yggdrasill. Meeting aboard my ship is acceptable. Is this your first contact, or are your vessels omitted from the Empire or Imperium databases for some other reason?"

The Solar Commander moved as quickly as she could to get to the hanger deck. It would take several minutes, and as she did this the Yggdrasill would immediately receive another communication.

“This is first contact for our race.” With that came an image file detailing both sexes of the Gartagen biology, with some standard information for any science staff to analyze.

The Cruisers closed to a distance of 100,000 km, and a single shuttle with an escort of 7 Sun Dancers left the central craft in the five ship convoy. It began closing in on the Yggdrasill’s docking bay, and after several moments of travel the craft was hovering in the docking bay, and had landed. It powered its engines down.

Toshiro was surprised at the speed they'd arrived at his ship, and went to greet the seemingly excited people while viewing the information sent via his mind. He'd gotten good at telepathically networking with his ship, as he used the data to ensure that the air was breathable for them before proceeding. Soon, he was ready to greet them.

While he did so, he had the Yggdrasill send another communication, both asking for data on their language so he could speak with the personnel and translate a first contact-specific document which law stated he offer their government.

The Ship’s core operated quickly at Toshiro’s requests. She was beginning to like this alien based on his speaking to her. Almost immediately, Toshiro would receive the information on several Gartagen languages, including the official language of the union. It was all in binary code of course, to ease the transition of the differing computer systems, and written language characters.

The Pilots of the shuttle would scan the atmosphere of the craft. They determined that it was safe for a Gartagen to breathe the air, though it was a bit cold. Moments later, the shuttle’s hatch would open. Toshiro would see five armored creatures standing with rifles held in their three fingered hands. Their digit grade feet had them walking with a jerking, hop like gait, and they were using their tails to balance. The weapons did not snap up at the sight of any of the alien personnel on the hanger deck of this ship. Following them was the Solar Commander. Her peach colored skin could be seen on her bare hands, and face. Her body was covered in the thick blue naval jacket that displayed her rank, and at her hip was a holster Suleo XRASER pistol. Her hair was thick limp tentacles, and she had them neatly pulled back so that her ears were visible. The ears were little more then holes on the sides of her head. Her eyes were gold, and had slits like a cat’s eyes. A small pair of white fangs could be seen barely sticking out of her mouth. To the eyes of a Nepleslian, Her facial features were some what flat, and very girlish looking. Aside from the obvious alien biology, she was regarded as a rather attractive Female.

Behind her stood Agent Tarsk stood. He was male, and was rather plump. His pale green skin and dark green eyes were off set by the grey coat he wore. At his back was what appeared to be some kind of sword, and he wore his tentacle like hair cut short, and tied into a topknot. Tarsk’s facial features were ruggedly handsome at best. He did not seem particularly aged, but he was clearly had body fat, and a thicker build then his more militaristic kin. He would hold position at the Solar Commander’s side, his green eyes examining the vessel in great detail. "Congratulations Solar Commander Di. You have made history."

Toshiro smiled, quickly translating the Rights of Early Contact into the primary language given to him, and it was transmitted to the other ships. The data-pad Toshiro held was also loaded with the translated Rights, as he approached the shuttle, and spoke based on the downloaded language...he hadn't mastered it, since he had just been given the data, but having a digital brain allowed for some interesting tricks.

"Hello. Your ship has provided language data, so I think I can manage well enough for verbal communication. Welcome to the Yggdrasill, I am Commodore Toshiro Yuki."

The RRF guards gave Toshiro a wide birth, and Tarsk stepped forward. He bowed, and crossed his hands across his chest. “Greetings Commodore Toshiroyuki, I am Agent Tarsk and I will be the diplomatic Liaison representing the Gartagen Union on be half of my Government, and my Leader.”

Tarsk then turned to Solar Commander Di “This is Solar Commander Di of the Union Solar Navy, and she will be standing in on all proceedings as a witness to the events. I’d like to apologize for the presence of the armed guards…” Tarsk said motioning to the RRF troopers. “They are a precaution…I hope you and your people do not take offense.”

Tarsk would then took the Data-pad and begin diligently reading the document in detail.

Solar Commander Di would then approach Toshiro. “Is this…a military vessel?” She said her voice a mix of fear and wonder. The Union had some impressive ships, but nothing this…beautiful. The lighting was a bit bright for her, and the temperature was cold, but she was managing. “Are you from a nation, Commodore Toshiroyuki?

"Ah, I am a civilian and this is a civilian vessel, but this particular civilian vessel has been upgraded to military specifications to combat pirates and to survive combat if needed. I'm a salvager, though I also own a fleet of mining ships and a shipyard...and about my name, Commodore is a term used like rank indicating that I command several ships, Toshiro is my personal name, and Yuki is a surname -- a family name passed through the lineage."

"I'm not offended by the armed guard, and fully understand the precaution. I'm actually obligated to inform my government as well so that they can send a representative, though I can make some information known to you before that takes place. I am a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire, one of several nations to the Galactic South spanning multiple star systems. I found you by chance while looking for a safer place to relocate my shipyard."

Tarsk read the information on the data pad intently, and looked up at Toshiro, as he conversed with Solar Commander Di.

“Civilian…” Di said as she continued looking about.

Tarsk interrupted Di, and spoke intently. “As a representative of the Gartagen Union, we find the stipulations of this document agreeable, and accept it.” “May I keep this pad…after you have copied the data regarding the official acceptance?” He said tilting his head slightly. As part of acceptance we do request the data promised in the treaty, as well as the trade of our own information.” Tarsk began examining the territorial map and found Shara to be, a great distance from the actual Empire Toshiro hailed from.

“For Gartagen Colonial interests, we would like to reserve the unexplored territory of your star map for our exploration and colonial efforts.”

Tarsk’s intent was not for technological reasons, but merely to present it as a gift to the Leader…a memento of the encounter.

Di paused at the mention of a ship yard. Tarsk had taken note of it and decided to press the issue further. “A ship yard? Why are you searching for a new location for your ship yard?

"I don't have the authority of my people to guarantee that space, though my government has already signed this agreement, as have several other nations...and you'll certainly be able to contact them." Toshiro said, making the copy of the signed treaty and informing the ship that it had been signed and accepted...as well as giving the information required for limited civilian-level PANTHEON access.

As for the reason why I seek to move my shipyard, there's a major war going on in the area to the Galactic South where I am from, and I want to move it to a more stable area. A race of beings called Mishhuvurthyar is attacking various nations, and they are a danger to civilians and unaffiliated people as well. I don't want to sound like some propagandist or anything, but they are considered quite malicious and have a tendency to consume the prisoners they capture when they conquer a world. They are not bound by the Rights you're holding there.

Tarsk and Di both took the information regarding the Mishhu in. “We would seek to stay out of any conflict…our world can defend it self, but at present we would be unable to fight a war against a technologically superior race. “ Tarsk said in a solemn tone. “Like many other governments, and worlds, we have our own problems at the moment; however, as an act of good will, we will allow your ship yard to sit in this system.”

Di tensed at the arrangement’s mention. She had her set of objections, especially with word that a war was occurring with a xenophobic alien race. “Agent Tarsk is that wise? Perhaps a neighboring system is a better idea.”

Tarsk shifted a glare at the Solar Commander. “That is Commodore Toshiro’s choice.”

"I am thankful, though I don't know how much authority you possess. Is that not the sort of thing that your government should be consulted upon? Unless your particular government gives you that kind of power...as for the war, I don't ask you to be involved, merely to keep your colonization efforts out of this area and warn you that they are a danger to be aware of.

At some point soon, I will have to contact my home government so that they send a ship out to meet with your government as well. The same ships that do combat do diplomacy, so it will certainly be armed...ah, and I wouldn't like this repeated, but if the person sent is a woman by the name of Ketsurui Hanako, who is a Taisa and member of the Ketsurui clan, appears, please be patient and careful. She's not a bad person, but she's...excitable. I've been involved in First Contacts before, and there have been some interesting experiences had when she's been the responder.”

Di looked at Tarsk and then at Toshiro. “Agent Tarsk’s authority can only be over ridden by the word of the Leader.” She said bowing softly. “He has supreme authority in such matters…and the Leader is confident in the abilities of his agents.”

Tarsk merely smiled at Di’s response to Toshiro’s question. “I do indeed Commodore…but your objection is right…but if what you say about these creatures is the truth, then they would try to slaughter us regardless of your presence.” Tarsk said.

“We could of course aid you in finding a more distant location for your Ship Yard.”

Tarsk then smiled “We have our own hot heads as well, but we will indeed be careful in our dealings if this Hanako appears before us.”

"Good to know...she is a Princess with authority, but has more experience as a soldier than a diplomat. She might not be the one who comes though, given that the war seems to be keeping her to the distant South. I merely deal with her the most often for these things.
(JP with Ira and SSharp)

Tarsk nodded sagely at Toshiro’s words. “It is good to know that alien life is not as hostile as we originally assumed. My Government had a good idea that the universe was inhabited by another species of alien that had star ships. I am glad to see you have proven the military wrong in this matter.” He said shifting a glare to the stern Solar Commander Di.

Di barely reacted. Her posture was as stern as a tree, and little seemed to get under her thick leathery skin. Ignoring Tarsk and his childish antics, Di advanced on Toshiro. She was attempting to take in his scent, which was Gartagen social custom when attempting to be friendly. “Tell us more about your people Commodore Toshiro.”

“Indeed.” Tarsk said sharply.

"My people...my race is a young one." Toshiro replied, sighing. "Our three forebears were originally created artificial life forms, Nekovalkyrja, built as soldiers for another race of people...but eventually became their own race and earned independence. They even took their captors into their Empire for a time, but now each is independent and friendly, though there are some feelings left over from those days. I'm a civilian of the empire those soldier women created, and my body is a civilian model of theirs with some benefits, though I'm still not as advanced...and before you ask, we ARE considered living beings rather than machines. It's even possible to interbreed and switch races by being transferred into new bodies..."

"We were born out of war, and war is still common...but it's not the sole reason we exist anymore. Besides, the two nations have a far larger enemy than each other, and it's united them in a positive way." Toshiro said, being honest, but trying not to give the wrong idea.

There was an audible 'beep' from benath Solar Commander Di's collar. It was her CORE chiming in from a distance, asking permission to speak.

Di listened respectfully, looking up to the much taller, larger Yamataian. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could she heard a very audible beep from under the collar of her service coat. “CORE, speak.” Di said, her voice assuming a much more professional tone as she spoke. She did not speak to the CORE as it was a person however; she spoke to the young woman as any Yamataian would have addressed a simulated intelligence program. As Di waited, Tarsk used the opportunity to speak up.

“Again, fascinating. Our respective races have something common; we were both shaped heavily by the wars we fought. Our freedom, however, is still being earned. Our world has been shattered by our last war, and I can not lie to you Commodore Toshiro, the ships you encountered are the result of a desperate to leave it behind in search of a better world. My one hope, and it is the hope of our leader, is that we can live together in peace.”

“These Mishhuvurthyar you spoke of however…have me curious.”

"The NMX are the military arm of the Mishhuvurthyar race. We had a war against their race's previous military group, the SMX, which spanned several solar cycles and did not come to a decisive conclusion. After about a cycle to a cycle and a half of peace, this new army attacked, obtaining resources and enslaving people in any way they could tactically do so. Many have been slaughtered and eaten, and they wouldn't hesitate to subjugate a race they'd never seen before."

"I don't know if you have anything similar that I can use as a basis for describing to you...but their basic appearance and description is available to you, as I've given your ships the information needed for limited civilian level access to PANTHEON, our interstellar communications and information network."

“We will heed your advice. We will avoid them, as it is reasonable to assume they have the technological edge over us. If they come our way we will fight, and die with honor.” Di said calmly.

Tarsk smirked. “Most Gartagens are warriors as well.”

Tarsk then began walking, observing the ship, Commodore, if you have any questions about my people, I will be happy to answer them. My leader has given me limited disclosure of information that is common knowledge to most of our people.”

Di nodded to Tarsk’s statement. “One of our stipulations for a first contact was a cultural exchange, perhaps even trade. ”

An electronic voice sounded off from beneath Di's collar. "Solar Commander Di, I was actually wondering a bit more about this 'war' to the 'galactic south'. Who was the aggressor? Who's winning? This... alien seems to be being quite frank and honest. Could he-she-or-it tell us more? Also. It would be very interesting to know if their nations have access to Artificial Intelligences? What are their capabilities and..."

The CORE trailed off.

Toshiro pondered... "The limited access to common knowledge is something we share in our First Contact policy, which is why you've been given the know how to connect to our information network, though limited and to the civilian side as outlined in the document I handed you. Trade with a government, however, may take away your classification as a newly discovered and unaligned people...though trade with a private company wouldn't."

"As for the questions your comrade there has...I am male for one. Being as candid as possible seems to build trust as well, and I'd feel somewhat responsible if I cause any misunderstandings early in such contacts. Secondly, my knowledge of how the first war started is more than a little vague. I was young, they were the enemy out to destroy us and conquer territory, and were a threat to our survival. I didn't get my own ship and start salvaging until near the end of the first war. The second war was started by their side when they attacked a shipyard. As for who is winning...I want to say we are but it is actually very hard to tell. They've taken a fair amount of territory, but our primary planets and settlements seem secure for the moment. They made a terror style attack in the capital home planet of our allies, the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, though. Briefly took over the civilian news outlets. I make no understatements about how serious a threat they are.

As for artificial intelligences...well, the lines have long blurred between the two. Since our brains are a completely digital design, we can even construct fully sentient and self aware beings and soldiers, though they have their own rights. Ships have complex Artificial Intelligences in the military, though I hear they keep them less than sentient for various reasons...my ship's AI, however, was implanted during another first contact...it's fully sentient, self aware, and everything...but I haven't let anyone replicate my daughter."

"Your daughter?" The CORE asked.

Tarsk nearly objected to the Core’s question, Di’s eyes merely settled onto Toshiro as the CORE’s questions were indeed valid. Even the Rapid Reaction Force Guards seemed interested to know the details of this war.

As Toshiro finishes his speech, Tarsk spoke up “Sounds very Similar to our CORES, with the exception being, our CORES are not artificial.”

“Pipe down Kuutshivan.” Di commanded. Di continued to observe the former alien, now organic construct with much interest. The Yamataian were fascinating to her. They were clearly something to be feared, considering the advanced technology located on the ship. “Kuutshivan, my ship’s core is a very curious and talkative one.”

"I'm sorry Commander." Kuutshivan sounded slightly hurt.

“Like most CORES trained for combat she wishes to test her abilities…” Di said looking back to Toshiro.

"I'm not offended by the questions. I expect them. And I consider the core my daughter because I refitted and maintained this ship since before she came online in her current form. I created her 'body', and am the only parent she's really known. Her current form may be in the computer, but she follows the format of the intelligence of an organic ship and has her own emotions and everything...I guess we just all consider our Intelligences differently. After seeing first contacts and the different forms life can take, I personally prefer to err on the side of caution and treat them with respect. At this point, I'm operating on the assumption that your CORES are alive."
(JP with Ira)

“You assume correctly, but due to the COREs being heavily tied to our defense net work, I can say no more about them. You are permitted to speak with the one on Di’s ship, but she can not answer any questions regarding her performance, or origins.” Tarsk said.

He continued looking about. “But I sense you are growing tired of this talk about war, Perhaps a tour of your ship is in order Commodore.”

Solar Commander Di nodded. “I too am very interested in seeing this ship, if we are permitted of course.”

“I assure you, Solar Commander Di and my self are not scientists. I am a student of the arts, and she is a student of war. If all goes well, perhaps you would be interested in touring one of our ships, or visiting our capital city?” The plump Gartagen stated.

Toshiro smiled, liking how nice these Gartagens were. There was the expected diplomacy, but he could detect honesty in their good nature as well. "Alright, though she isn't a very large ship. Also, this ship has systems from various races across space and quite a few of my own custom modifications, so it is far from the representative for its class.

The male led them into the ship proper, and sent a telepathic request to the Yggdrasill to increase the temperature a bit within the ship for the benefit of his guests. The data on the Gartagen biology indicated that the temperature was a bit cold for them, so he adjusted it to a degree...his Yamataian body could handle the change well enough.

They emerged into a spacious room, with tracks along the ceiling, on which grappler arms ran. It seemed fairly empty for the moment, and was obviously a cargo area, but devices that looked like suits of armor lined the wall nearby. Four "Ironman" Power Armors dedicated to salvaging were present, a custom Ironman with a more advanced head which served as Toshiro's personal unit, a Demon which had been upgraded with a Super Demon's armor, and a Kylie.

"This is the cargo area, which is fairly empty right now. I initially made my living salvaging during the last cycle of the first war I mentioned, reclaiming civilian and military technologies lost in battles. Sometimes I was fortunate enough to help recover entire military vessels and return them to the Empire's army, and sometimes I was able to act as an early responder to conflicts and aid in recovering survivors. I don't know how your people look at those who make their living picking through battlefields, but it's an important function to recover resources and occasionally allows for lives to be saved which would otherwise not be...as long as it's done responsibly."

The Two Gartagens followed, and two of the Guards remind behind with the shuttle, and its pilots. The Guards that stayed with Task, Di, and Toshiro gave the group a wide birth, but diligently followed, being careful to keep their weapons shouldered

Both Gartagens listened on patiently, and only spoke until Toshiro had ended his statement with a question. The question was something for Tarsk to answer, but Di was the one who spoke up. “Socially, you may find our standard of living to be some what low. Salvaging is often the way many Gartagens make a living on the home world. We had a great war long ago, and many cities are still little more then grave yards. We actively delve into the ruins looking for relics and machines of the past.”

“Resources are precious to us at the moment. In our past we were irresponsible with our planets resources, and had to resort to mining in our Solar System. You have meet the newer versions of our ships, but we recycle and re-use all that we can at this point. Your salvaging operation may not be glorious, but it is necessary for survival. Plus your people are fighting for their lives…our people would view your job as a way of helping in the fight.” Tarsk said calmly.

“You are a warrior…just in a different way. There is no dishonor in recovering lost things, or in saving lives.” Di said attempting to be respectful. Tarsk smiled, showing off a maw filled with sharp pointed teeth. “Our new friend is a warrior of peace it would seem.” He said cracking a joke.

Toshiro also found this a bit amusing. "Well, my brother was the warrior and the first owner of this ship, and my family already lost him in combat. I'd considered joining the Star Army of Yamatai briefly, but my family had lost enough by giving him up to the Army. It turns out that I greatly prefer the life I have now anyway."

As he spoke, one of the robotic arms in the ceiling’s tracks took a cloth and started wiping a bit of dust off of one of the Power Armors in the room. Two of the seven had weapons equipped, but the fact that they needed dusting indicated that they hadn't been used regularly.

Di nodded solemnly to Toshiro’s mention of loosing a relative. “He died in the service of his nation, and his people. There is no telling how many lived as a result of his death.”

Tarsk however had ventured over to the Armor that was getting wiped down. “I say, what in incredible looking device!” His voice was a mixture of awe and excitement. “What a beautiful machine, it reminds of those new Exo-suits the Rapid Reaction Force is starting to deploy!”

"Thank you. I'm leading the life he had hoped to live after his service was over. Had he lived, I'd have been his First Officer." Toshiro said, thankful for Di's respect. He then noticed Tarsk's interest in the Power Armors.

"Ah, those are called Power Armor. The green and white ones are custom models geared toward salvaging, and are the IronMan series. I modified the head of one of them to allow for more movement and use it as my own custom model. This one is an upgraded "Demon" Power Armor and is used often by criminals. It used to belong to a pirate who tried to attack my ship and found it to be a bit too formidable. The one the arm is cleaning is a Kylie, and is a salvaged military model from several years back which I was allowed to keep. It isn't commonly used in their forces anymore, but is still more than powerful enough for most pirates I might run into. Power Armors are a common machine among the various nations' armies, and are used heavily in combat. I keep them for salvage and defense against pirates."

“Enhancement armor is something our Military is interested in.” Tarsk said as he reached out with a clawed hand and caressed the dormant armor. Di nodded. “We are developing a similar machine, though judging by your people’s large size, our Exo-Suits are only slightly larger.” Di turned and looked it over. “Though the Exo is larger, more of a vehicle, an armor to enhance our soldier’s performance is an idea that many engineers have considered.”

Tarsk turned. “Looking at all of this, I wonder what it is you use your ship yard for?” He smirked slightly. “You do not seem to be an industrialist who constructs fleets of star ships to help in the war.”

"Ah, I use it mostly to construct a type of small, multi-purpose personal Civilian vessel called the Packrat, which can be used for transporting salvage, materials, or even simply act as a general transport or small logistics vehicle. I also use the shipyard to store raw materials from my mining ships and assorted salvage I have yet to sell or use. It keeps me from having to pay rent for space elsewhere, and allowed me to construct my mining ships after I got the mineral rights to a star system, and conduct the upgrades to this ship. I use it as my home port away from the fighting. I had also helped construct a new type of battery for my Army's standard handheld weapon, but they haven't really used it widely."

Wishing to continue the tour Tarsk began moving towards the next door. “As I understand it if we traded technology with you we would be breaking that treaty I signed. What about working out a mutually beneficial way for your ship yard to be located near out system?”

“Would aiding a citizen of The Empire break the treaty, or would it go well as a gesture of our good will towards our neighbors?”

Di responded to Tarsk. “I am sure the Commodore would not wish to anger his government by accepting any aid from our government. Most agreements are never one sided.”

Tarsk smirked again. “Naturally, but a there is nothing wrong with symbiosis. Helping a new friend is our custom, and we should endeavor to stick to our customs when dealing with our alien guests.”

"Well, when I wrote and submitted this agreement, I did so to protect it from governments. Private Corporations and people would be able to trade, but would be governed by the law of their native governments...so it depends on what the Empire would allow I suspect. There is something else I would like to ask, if you are going to be searching planets for a new home..." Toshiro said, leading them across a passageway and toward the Lounge.

Both Di and Tarsk looked at Toshiro, and awaited his request.

"There is another race I helped initiate First Contact with a few cycles ago...actually, they're less advanced technologically than you. They only had one space ship, and they had to recall it after First Contact because of the dangers revealed in space travel and various other political issues. They also seek a new world to live upon, specifically one where they can live in its oceans as they are an aquatic race. If you should happen to find a heavily aquatic world that doesn't suit your needs but may suit theirs while on your search, it would mean a great deal to their people if that world could be made known to them and possibly allowed to be their second homeworld if it meets their needs. If a world has any definition of life, even microbes, I'm obligated to report it to my people after which it would be most likely claimed by them...but you aren't under such an obligation."

The lounge they entered had several couches and a recliner, a tall table in the middle, a microwave, a mini fridge, a nice volumetric projection device with speakers, a game system hooked up to the projection device, a shelf full of both video games and board games, and a rack full of various magazines and data disks. "This is the lounge, a relaxation and casual meeting area."

“That is big request…” Tarsk said having not expected it. “How dire are their circumstances.”

Di shook her head. “By the rights of the Tiq’vioad, we are obligated to aid those in need.” Tarsk waved it off. “I am aware, but only at the behest of the leader.” Tarsk did perk up. “We can order ships to search; actively helping these people with the move would require the hand of the Leader in order to divert the proper craft. Such a venture would be expensive…” He stated hesitantly.

Di made no smile. “About two par-sec out we located a world that is over 75% water with some of our jumper probes. But that is the extent of our first hand data. We ear marked the world as un-suitable for our race, but a survey convoy is to be dispatched in the next few weeks to finalize the judgment. Perhaps your words could spur the Leader into action?”

Tarsk felt this may be manipulating the Leader, but he also knew that The Leader will want to meet Toshiro first hand. “Perhaps. But as stated it would require your direct words to the Leader and the Councils. The request is reasonable.”

Tarsk moved to inspect the couch. “Your people have strange comforts…but the aesthetics are pleasing.” Tarsk attempted to sit down on the recliner. He struggled for a moment to get his tail situated, before deciding to settle it on his lap. Di decided to simply remain standing.

Toshiro allowed them to enjoy the comforts. "I'm not saying you have to go out of your way, and I'm not asking you to move them since the situation hasn't even gotten that far yet. I'm merely saying that if you happen to spot something in your travels that may not be useful to you, that you perhaps set it aside as an option. I don't want you to feel compelled to facilitate an exodus from the offset. Just to keep your eyes open." Toshiro said, wanting to be sure he wasn't misunderstood.

"Their situation is one of overpopulation, so much that their first spacecraft's mission was to find a new homeworld. They are safe for the moment because another nation acts as a buffer between them and the NMX, but the NMX have been pressing against and successfully attacked that nation's capital city on their homeworld. The situation is stable for the moment, somehow. I can't really speak as their representative, though I feel some responsibility for them since I first introduced them to the larger community...and I know they seek alternatives."

“This request is feasible. As Solar Commander Di stated, we have located a world that could be suitable for their needs, but requires further examination, most certainly from the race in question.”

Tarsk spoke as he touched the couch with his hands feeling the strange texture. “Our people are a paradox in a sense. We have a rich warrior culture, yet it is marked with honor and a need to defend those unable to do so. We have little interest in invading other species, but we are more then willing to defend our people and any worlds we colonize. The official policy on relations with aliens is one of peace. But in order to defend that peace our military will always be vigilant. So we will try to help you in any way we can. Plus it helps to make friends.”

Di nodded to Tarsk’s statement in agreement. “Such an arrangement could be used to promote peace and prosperity to both parties. To be blunt, we are too proud to ask for any sort of compensation for such a feat, and it would be unnecessary in any event.”

Toshiro smiled. "I'd be very thankful, as would they. As for the exodus to such a world, it'd be large, but not impossible. They lack the capability at this time, but I’m already entertaining a few options…and yours is a very important attitude to reach out into space with. This isn’t an official request from any government; it’s a personal one, since I’m prevented from being able to do so for them myself. You would be well within your rights to decline and it wouldn’t impact this situation negatively in any way.“ As Toshiro spoke, he started to compose a message to the Star Army of Yamatai that was heavily encrypted…at least for civilian communications.
After a moment, Toshiro blinked. This system was just in Abwehran expansion zones, according to an amendment to the YE 30 Treaty...that could complicate things. He sure hoped they were a signer of the Rights of Early Contact...he decided to remain calm, after all, it wasn't like it was a major problem yet. The Nepleslians respected Azorea's sovereignty, after all.

"...It seems that your nation falls just within the treaty-defined expansion zone of the Abwehran Star Empire, rather than that of my nation...I'll have to contact them as well. They'll be the ones who have the authority to discuss your expansion with you. It may mean my request won't be viable after all...but that's not something for us to be concerned with right now.

Ah, in case you're wondering, Yamataians and Nekovalkyrja have respective levels of telepathic ability, which allows us to communicate with each other and our ships if so equipped, for short ranges. It's quite useful for getting paperwork done and giving the ship instructions."
"Well as you have stated before you do not on an official level represent your government." Tarsk said respecting Toshiro's position. Di opened her mouth to speak but hesitated. Tarsk looked at her "Is their something you wished to say Solar Commander."

She nodded and spoke. "I understand the diplomatic implications of expansion zones, and the like. I simply hope these Abwehrans you speak of do not consider our system their territory."

Tarsk nodded in agreement as he eyed up the room. "What can you tell us about these Abwehrans?"
"Hmm...I've never met them myself, but I know their Empire hasn't expanded nearly as fast as some others. Their expansion has been far slower, so I don't think they would conquer you or anything...I will look up information on them really quickly..."

Toshiro paused a moment, using his telepathic link with the ship and its boxed in EIES to obtain the information.

"...Their constitution does contain information regarding Independent States within their space in Section 2, Article 7 of their constitution, which indicates that it is very possible for you to maintain your soverignty and law and not be interfered with.

With what I'm finding on their expansion policy, it seems that you'd be considered by them to be a Modern Society from what I'm finding here, which is worded to consider you as an equal...ah, good. They've also signed the Rights of Early Contact which I handed you earlier.

From what I'm seeing, everything here is geared toward respecting the rights and wishes of your people, as long as they aren't attacked or forced to perceive you as a threat to their well being. You're very fortunate."

"Oh, the Abwehrans have replied to the communication...they want to send an envoy to any meeting point you choose. They wish they could just send one ship, but given the state of war and the danger, they want to bring a Battleship and three Destroyers with which to protect themselves from the NMX if needed...a fair precaution, honestly. Even if they are neutral in the war.

They also consent to a representative of my government being present and tell me that if you don't like the number of ships they're sending, to contact them again and negotiate security protocols.

They seem to have left it to you where and how to meet."
Tarsk looked at Solar Commander Di. "The leader has given discussion of security over to Naval command. Rest assured you actions here will dictate the fate of your career." Tarsk said calmly.

Di nodded to Tarsk. Then turned and looked to Toshiro. "You may tell the Abwehrans they are welcome to meet us at our home world, and they can send as many ships as they need to. Considering their concerns of safety, the Union Navy will guarantee their survival."
"....Alright, I've had the ship send a reply, and contact my people as well. Now we merely await a response...I'm thankful that everyone involved is a signer of this document...it means that there isn't any risk to your sovereignty."

Toshiro is thankful for this, allowing them to relax, though he is willing to show them the bridge if and when they are ready.
Tarsk stood up. "I am sure it will take both peoples time to organize a delegation to to join us here." "We can slow things down for a time."

Tarsk then approached Toshiro. "Commodore, would you and your people like to be the first aliens to set foot on our home world?"
After a bit of thought, Toshiro smiled.

"That's a part of First Contact I tend to enjoy. Is there any threat I need to be aware of? People who are less than happy about space travel or contact with an alien race? I'm also wondering if my daughter can come along by being connected wirelessly to an Ironman unit and using it as a body to walk around and observe with. It isn't essential if you are concerned, though. I don't want people perceiving Yggdrasill as a threat."
Tarsk smirked. "Of course you may bring your daughter, you can bring your entire crew if you so wish it." He then pointed to his sword. "My weapons are not decorative, I am well trained in the art of combat, and protection. Solar Commander Di is an accomplished warrior of the Union, and we will have an escort of RRF troopers."

Di nodded sternly "We will let no harm come to you from our people or anybody else Commodore. You are out guest, and will be treated accordingly."

Tarsk stood up, he wished to head to a shuttle and get down to Gartage. Operatives were generally very calculated beings, but Tarsk was giving away his excitement. "I will not try to pretend we are perfect, poverty is a large problem in our society, and one we seek to overcome. I often wonder if the Xeno-Nations such as yours have mastered such social diseases."
"There is certainly less poverty in many societies, especially in the society I come from. It depends on the society and its resources though. Mine has very little if any poverty -- though there are social classes such as nobility and warriors sworn to serve them. Also, I actually may come alone with my daughter because this ship isn't heavily manned at the moment. Will I be landing my ship on the planet, or following in a shuttle? This craft is trans-atmospheric, though I don't want to panic your people if they've yet to be informed of my existence."

Toshiro spoke as he led them back to the shuttlebay, and they were greeted by an Ironman, which waved to them. "It's not often I possess a body and get to interact with a new population...I must confess to looking forward to the prospect. I am Yggdrasill, father's ship and daughter."
Tarsk let out a smirk. "You can enter our atmosphere with your ship?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea, the leader has a love for melodrama, and the image of your ship parting the sky would warm his heart." Tarsk said halting his advance. "He has had his heart set on meeting an alien race before he dies. I am positive he will relish this surprise." Tarsk then looked to Di. "Signal the fleet, let them now the Commodore Toshiro and his ship will be making planet fall."

Di nodded calmly, and began speaking the information into her communicator.

Tarsk then smiled at the Ironman inhabited body. "It is a pleasure to meet you." Tarsk then looked to Toshiro "Have you not considered giving her a real body of flesh and blood? Or is that beyond your technology?"
The Ironman controlled by the Yggdrasill addressed the alien, the sentient ship choosing to speak for herself.

"I haven't decided if I wish to or not, and I am unique among the known known universe, save for my mother who is also a sentient ship. There are benefits to being able to use humanoid bodies wirelessly from a main hub capable of ship-level defense. Also, in this form, I can even sacrifice my body to protect my Father if I must, or allow him to board the empty Power Armor body to shield and extract him in an emergency."

Toshiro sighed, lightly rubbing the back of his head.

"She insists on considering what's best for my own safety, even if I tell her to choose what's best for her. Having the Power Armors act merely as body-like 'terminals' that can be replaced if damaged is something she's come to favor though...in any case, may you tell me what flight path to use, or where to land?"
Tarsk chuckled. "It is good to have somebody looking out for you." He said bowing to the iron man suit. "Set course for the first planet in the Solar system, landing coordinates ((XXYYZZ)).

"I am ordering the group to escort the ship to the Imperial City...they are transmitting the peaceful Sipher. The leader is expecting us."

Di looked to Tarsk. "That is why we exist." She said sagely taking into the fact that the Navy's task is to safe guard the innocent. "We protect our people, and they in turn protect us...in their own way of course."

Tarsk turned back to Toshiro at Solar Commander Di's wise words. "You said you were a salvage operator...and a private company..did you not? Tell me then, what is it you have for sale commodore?"

"This seems like an excellent discussion for the trip to Gartaga."
"Course inputted, we are entering the star system at subluminal velocity along with the Gartagen ships." Yggdrasill said, speaking through the Ironman.

"Well, I've been producing a civilian transport, cargo, and salvage craft. It's got built in manipulator arms along the top, and one in its cargo bay, which allow it not only to salvage, but also to load and unload itself with few personnel on hand. I can produce other things if needed as well...I've held the mineral rights to an entire star system for the past three years, so I've been stockpiling my shipyard with a massive amount of raw materials." Toshiro replied in response to the question.

"I also salvage from time to time, and sometimes have assorted odds and ends for sale from that if my military doesn't want those things."
Tarsk listened with interest. A civilian ship with such capabilities could be of some use. With a growing market in mining and ship construction, the ship Toshiro spoke of could be put to good use. "I would like to see such a ship."

"I am also interested in this Utility Armor your Daughter is wearing...would you be willing to produce and sell these in bulk? I am sure with a few modifications it could be made to fit our biology, and we could find use for the device in our industry."
"...While possible, it is likely that we should talk to your leader about such things. You are Faster Than Light capable, but he have to be sure any impacts to your society would be beneficial. Let us work out the contact itself first, and worry about business later."

Toshiro said, deciding he should be careful for the moment. The Yggdrasill would soon approach the planet, preparing for re-entry...
After a short period of descent, The Yggsdrasil's course had directed it directly to the private Star port of the Imperial Palace.

The Palace it self was extravagant and clearly of an ancient construction. Modern space age expansions had been added, but the Tan stone construction of the Palace was largely unaltered. Like much of the city, it lacked tall spires, and appeared to be a rather squat building. The city surrounding the Palace had large number of sky scrapeds making a well defined skyline. But it was quite clear the Gartagens liked their buildings closer to the ground, because this city and its palace were nothing like the glimmering Monolith like towers seen on Yamatai and Nepleslia.

"That may be a good idea. He may have more to say on the subject then I do."
The Yggdrasill landed gracefully with without even any heat build up on its hull, thanks to its shielding taking the energy of the re-entry. The sentient computer seemed able to perform such maneuvers flawlessly, and was even capable of making the necessary judgment calls to do so. The ship could literally command itself.

"We've landed at the pre-determined location, and the atmosphere is well within limits for Yamataian physiology. Taking off the jacket is advised, however. The average temperature is a bit higher than standard."

Toshiro took off his green jacket, wearing a white shirt underneath.

"Well...I believe we are prepared to disembark."
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