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Approved Character Gavril Papadopoulos [Origin, Atuan, Elysian]

I still say it's Paptimus Scirocco with wings.

other than that, it doesn't seem too bad, aside from his running ability, but that's probably mostly because I'm not to sure on Celisolans or Elysians in general. If someone could help on that, that'd be fine.
When you are fit three kilometers are not really that much. I bet Five didn't mean that Papa was sprinting. Also in deadlift five-times his bdoy weight is also attainable. Althoug he should be as muscly as Ely can get.
First problem I see is that you say he was a marksman, but then you say he's an engineer (in the skills). He wouldn't be both without a reason and none is given.

Other than that (and I actually like the history, how it's written), he looks fine to me.

This character is pending changes.
Not sure about Origin, but in the US Army, marksman is a rifle qualification badge and so any occupation can also be a marksman (or a sharpshooter).
Wes said:
Not sure about Origin, but in the US Army, marksman is a rifle qualification badge and so any occupation can also be a marksman (or a sharpshooter).

That's, essentially, what I meant.
Fair enough. All I'll ask is that you at least remove the capital M from it then, just to clarify that wasn't his primary job. I understand what you mean, but the way it reads makes it confusing.
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