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Ge-C1-2a - Ookami-Class Light Cruiser


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Submission Type: Cruiser
Submission URL: Ge-C1-2a - Ookami-Class Light Cruiser

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? Yes

Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes
Previously Submitted? Yes, I withdrew it when the discussion bogged down about the presence of torpedo tubes.

Notes: The Ookami is back, and this time there will be no arguing about the presence of torpedo tubes as it is being marketed as a configurable warship for purchase by Allied Factions, and Civilian Organizations.

Two Geshrinari Shipyard weapons systems alternatives to SAOY weapons of similar nature.

Wait a minute ... so what's the difference between now and last time?

I work in media. This sounds like a marketing gimmick — "Oh, don't worry about those torpedo tubes and what we talked about last time; now it's a configurable warship!"

I don't see how this changes the argument: torpedo tubes being put on enormous cruisers in the hands of civilians is a bad plan. A plan most folks in general seemed to be against, including Wes.

Can you explain the difference more in-depth, please?

I also press the point because I am not aware if the test you laid out at the end of the last post in the last thread was adopted. ... i:shipyard

Civilian design that's required for this.

The difference is this is for sale to other governments, and civilian organizations such as law enforcement and security.

And the reason I am calling it a warship is it no longer passes that test because I'm allowing customers to add addition weapons at cost.

As for that test, its from the guides as to what defines a warship. With the changes I made the ship is being sold to people to use to fight. So it is a warship, although that is a silly rule, because that means every patrol craft made and sold is automatically a warship.

The torpedoes stay, because the people who this ship will be sold to have the right to use them. The limitations I placed on the Ge-Z1 keep the most dangerous ones in SAOY hands, and that's all I am going to say on this subject.
OK, I think I'm following here. I think the issue was one of semantics.

When you say "civilian organizations," I think any Tom, Kyou and Luca could make up an organization and buy one.

Governments I get. But instead of saying "civilian organizations," can we say, specifically, "law enforcement" (which is a branch of the government) and security services (which are hired or licensed by governments)?

I get that I'm being picky on words, but please understand that semantics are a big deal here — we're talking about a large, powerful vessel.

Seeing it sold to orgs who are, in essence, government agents is totally cool with me. I want to see that in the submission, specifically. In part, that's so players and their created organizations can't walk up and purchase such a cruiser, then go crazy with it. I want players to be forced to go to a government and say, "Let me act as your agent so I can use this to protect your interests."
Personally Doshii, I have zero problems with Nash's ship and do infact like the changes he made.

Price: MSRP 1,500,000 KS without options

Also, the cost of this ship makes it 'very' hard for players who are just starting an organization to BUY one.

So actually, I see no issues with civilian organizations being allowed to buy one of these. However, there is one other thing that makes me not even mind the torpedo launchers, that reason being is this part right here:

The Anti-Matter and Aetheric Torpedos are 'only' available to SAOY and the governments, this means that legally civilian organizations are not allowed to buy one.

Reference: ... _torpedoes
To be honest while I have no problems with this submission in terms of its loadout and such, I can see where Doshii is coming from.

Nash, can you answer this question for me please?

What kind of civilian organizations would be permitted to purchase this ship? I'm certain police would be allowed to, naturally governments as well. But I'm assuming paramilitary corps (Sorry Arieg) wouldn't be right?

From what I gather, Doshii is worried that this ship could potentially be used against Yamatai or the military in general by civilians. I think I know one of the other reasons for this concern, but I'll address that shortly.
I have amended the page to read.

Allied factions, and Civilian Law Enforcement and Security Organizations with the approval of their respective governments.

This basically puts the decision about what organizations within an respective Empire can purchase them in the hands of that government.

As for the whole issue about torpedoes. The Ke-Z1 can be simply attached externally to a ship and later launched. This is according to Wes how the Plumeria carries these torpedoes.

So Doshii's concerns about people getting a hold of the most powerful torpedo and using it, is irrelevant to any ship design. They could mount it on a simple freighter if so inclined.

If someone were to illegally purchase such a weapon, and later use it. I would expect that the SAOY, SAINT and the Empire would investigate such an incident, and track down those responsible.

And just for the record, Tamahagane Corporation's Security is planning on acquiring 6 of the basic configuration to protect their assets when moving outside of Yamatai space. They will upon approval of this design be submitting official communications and seeking Approval.

As for Arieg's organization, as I said above. Paragon would need to submit a purchase request in the public communications, GS will then in turn contact the Nepleslian government to approve the contract or deny it.
Those two situations don't quite compare though, Nash. I can go out and get ahold of a RPG if I really want to, but that doesn't mean it's permissible for corporations to start selling them in turn, since we can get hands on them regardless. Including the capacity to use something from the start is a bit different from it being possible to mount it later.

I don't think that should hold up approval here, I just wanted to point out the flaw in that argument.
Huh. Never heard of a Plumeria doing that, Nash, but if Wes does it, it's canon, so there I go. I won't worry about the torpedo argument, and I'm cool with the page amendment. Thanks Nash.
It looks like everything is addressed and the submission is solid so it is APPROVED.