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Approved Character Gearhead Michael Two Three 23-1659-2450

A few notes:

Zodiac: It isn't specified anywhere (yet), but this far for Freespacers i've used, instead of the 12 zodiac signs, their 10 gods, with each Freespacer being born under the auspice of one of them. It's more exotic than using the usual zodiacal signs

I love his personality profile the kind of quirky character freespacers are/should be famous for! It's a bit weird that he dislikes "robots", though, considering how heavily mechanized the Free State is.

Add something to your history, explaining how and why you met this travelling nepleslian. Was he an engineer visiting your Mothership? A freetrader whose ship broke down and was rescued by a Freespacer Fleet? Or what else?

And a final question: Do you have your eyes on any particular plotship? If not, well... I might have an idea for you

Apart for that, it's fine. You're good to go, as far as I'm concerned.
Cool, thanks for reveiwing! As for your suggestions: I changed his sign. Of course Fabricator would be the most useful to him.

Thanks for the lovin! And he doesn't dislike robots per se, but more the archetypel robot personality: cold, calculating, emotionless with no sense of humor, etc. It counts for both "robots" and people.

I put the traveling Nep as a merchant, where he buys and sells a bunch of different types of things, but especially electronics. Kinda like a pawnshop on FTL. He also repairs, so he was an inspiration of sorts.

As for the plotship, why no, I didn't have anything in mind; there's so many to choose from! If you have one in mind that'd be great. Thanks again!
I've recently been working with the leaders of other factions (Azoreans, Iromakuanhe), setting up first contacts.
You see, we're thinking about, at a certain point in the future, running a plot focusing on us minor factions. This was meant especially to encourage new players, since the minor factions have next to no players if compared to Nepleslia or Yamatai... and this mostly because they have little or no active plots.

Freespacers are an exception, of course, since they can join Nepleslian plots freely, but... if, with each faction my itself, we don't have enough players for a plotship, and we don't have a plotship to get players to join... then, by making a plotship together, we can make it work!

Of course, right now it's in planning stage, both IC (first contacts are just being had) and OOC (we have only the basic idea outline right now).

Anyway, right now the Free State is having first contact with the Azoreans, here.

They don't have advanced spacefaring technologies (or what passes for "advanced" in the Free State, given their "rugged low-tech" approach), but they have a lot of water.

How about being a tech ambassador for a while? Go there, visit their place, teach them about some more advanced tech and make friends. Learn from each other's culture and all that. Consider it a temporary assignment (It's not permanent, certainly: the main purpose is to trade tech for water and make friends).

In the meanwhile, you'll have all the time to check other plotships to join, or wait for out joint minor-faction plotship to be written up, (hopefully) approved and launched! (and, since you're a gearhead, you might have your part in designing it and building it IC! We have too little designing and building of ships IC!)
Heh, funny thing you should mention the Iroma plot, cause I already have an Iroma character in the plot! :lol: But about being a tech ambassador, maybe. He's friendly, but plain and simple he's a dick. It would make for some nice conflict though. Yeah, that'd be cool if he also designed the ship for the plotship: doing all that would definately make him famous, at least to the Azoreans. Would I have to design the ship OOCly? I could do it, I'd probably need a crash course or something though. :lol:

It's early to worry about designing and such, don't worry

As for being a dick, you're being sent there because you're a good tech, not because you're sociable. Being sociable doesn't propel you at several times the speed of light.

And roleplaying THRIVES on conflict. Just... guarantee me that he's not going to cause a war or whatever.
Okay, but when the time comes, I'll be ready.

Ha, good point. As long as he gives them good info there should be no problem, though maybe they'd ask for someone a bit...older? Michael's pretty young.

Haha, I hope not, but you never know. So when will he be shipped to Azorea? When can I start?
As soon as I have a chance to throw you in this plot, that is, as soon as the Azorean ambassador shows up, I'll mention that a "technical expert is on his way".
Okay, thanks! Can't wait till I get to use him. I suppose I'll have to bug Fay then, hehe...
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