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Laz Public Network [GeekFeed] - Galaxy Adventure 3 & ISC Phoenix Trailer


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
A computer generated room housing a cartoon Yamataian and caricature Nepleslian could be seen following the glitzy title sequences announcing the GeekFeed, a publication that covered games, civilian technology news and celebrity rumours in relation to movies.

"What's up my little geeks?" The Yamataian hologram inquired. She was a girl in her twenties wearing a dark bodysuit with lots of glowing lines in a shade of lightish red, "We're here with the GeekFeed! The latest in tech news, rumours and games - coming straight to you from the Digital World! I'm Akikko Yamada,"

"And I'm Jack Mallory," The Neplslian confirmed. He was dressed similarly, but the lines on his suit were less curvy and more of a straight system, and they were green, "Today on the GeekFeed, we've got Kirin Games Manufacture in the spotlight with Galaxy Adventure 3, Kaidan Telecommunication's server troubles with Pirates and Privateers and an unofficial trailer for the ISC Phoenix movie. Will it become reality? One way to see on the GeekFeed!"


A title card passed for a moment as the Yamataian hologram, now given flesh could be found standing outside the offices of Kirin Games Manufacture on Delsauria in the city of Juhana on the outskirts in a refurbished warehouse. She moved inside and was greeted by the mysterious figures known as Donny, Kirin's advertising manager and Anomaly Detective, a programmer.

"So, Donny," Akkiko inquired, "We've seen the screenshots, we've seen the teaser trailers, what else can you tell us about the upcoming Galaxy Adventure 3?"
"Galaxy Adventure 3 is going to retain the same core gameplay that made the previous two titles such a blast," Donny, a Nepleslian businessman in his thirties in an immaculate suit said with a straight face: "Vast amounts of exploration, a deep story with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing, hundreds of side quests if you want to ignore the story and enough player choice and customisation to make your dream adventurer and their story. Also, we're giving the character a voice, and a selection of voices to choose from."

"We've heard that you're deviating from the previous two games, and using a completely new engine and combat system," Akkiko's microphone moved to the other interviewee, "What can you tell us about this, Anomaly Detective?"

Anomaly Detective, a woman in her twenties with a fedora and overcoat (somehow oblivious to the Delsaurian heat!) nodded and replied: "One of the complaints with the second game is that the game engine, while spoiling for choice was difficult to navigate and sometimes clunky, since it was adapted from a pen and paper system," She cricked her neck and drew attention to one of her earrings, a twenty sided dice hanging from a spiral, "We're streamlining it for computer use, but we'll still release a tabletop system for all you old schoolers out there!"

"Wonderful!" Akkiko said, "I'll have more soon, back to you Jack!"


"Thanks Akki, now I'm here with the VA team that produced the unofficial trailer for the ISC Phoenix movie that's been the talk of the town for the last week on the InterNep and PANTHEON," He was sitting with a team of about twelve people, including the actors - one of which had a similar, but not quite resemblance to Luca Pavone, "So how did this all begin?"

"It all started when news of the ISC Phoenix started to break a couple of years back with that Virus scare," He nodded knowingly, "I mean, freedom of information meant that after a while, he had to be named. And we were all like: 'who is this guy?' - the next big things he did was go to Tami and set a third of the planet on fire by going FTL in atmosphere - in the process taking out an NMX compound, then go to Drift and hold off the NMX so the civs could escape,"

As improbable as all of that sounded, it was true, and Jack's eyebrows were raised significantly as he contemplated how unbelievable it seemed, "He then to Dawn Station and fought that Vitriol monster, then he might've gotten busy with the CEO of Origin, and the news has just been following him since as he and his team just kept doing what they did best!"

"So he's like some kind of real-life action superhero? Did you contact him?" Jack inquired after stopping to contemplate how all of that was.
"We did, but we haven't gotten a reply yet. I'd like to think he was flattered by the trailer."
"Awesome, maybe we'll hear from him if he's watching. Let's take a look at the trailer!"


The screen flashed a pair of cards for a movie publisher and the VA Team, titled: "Firebird Pictures". They then faded to black.

"So here's the plan," The actor's voice had changed, now deeper, sounding more masculine, rugged and distinctly Pavonine. The screen flashed with images of people standing in a ditch amidst the sounds of a pitched power armour battle and planning. They were all wearing Lorath WIND armour with GUST attachments, coloured black, white and orange.

The Delsaurian Desert had been repurposed into a film battlefield. For now, all of the faces were framed in shadow, "We've not got a lot in the way of options, and the only obvious choice aside from being taken prisoner is to fight our way out."

"We're fighting against the NMX, we're just a team of eight," Someone who resembled John Morris, the Pilot would be the first to be revealed, "They've got unlimited resources to throw at us!"
An image of the assembled NMX Horde could be seen, stretching as far as the eye could see.

"We've only got enough ammo fer wot, twenty of 'em - if they aren't in armour?" Melissa Jones was revealed next, and the actress' breast size was a bit too big for the real Melissa Jones, "Its an uphill battle!"
An image flashed of the NMX Horde in closer view, armoured and firing everything they had.

"I will agree that its a suicide mission," Sebastian Pavone was the next to be revealed, looking surprisingly spritely for his age of about sixty, "We got ourselves into this, we can fight our way out the way we came through this passage."
Running bootsteps of one of the ISC Phoenix members could be seen as were firing behind them frantically with a battle rifle.

"Hmm," An actor for Zeta Five was in, and she had the arm, and the mohawk, but the hair colour was a bit wrong, "That is correct. We could do that - but they were following us too."
An NMX Armour could be seen taking a grenade to the head, followed by another, knocking it down.

"Don't worry, I left a few surprises along the way, see?" Enzo Bortelli, who had a couple too many scars and his cigarette was dangling from the wrong side of his mouth, "I hopes they appreciates it, if y'know what I mean."
Massive explosions could be seen rocking the blasted landscape.

"Great," Robert Raggleton chimed in, and his heterochromia was the wrong way around, "We'll need every advantage we can get our hands on, who feels like nicking and re purposing an NMX Armour?"
One of the Phoenix Crew could be seen wielding an Aether Cannon and going to town.

"I can do that," Echelon was revealed, second to last as a humanoid robot shaped Freespacer, "We will snatch from them everything, salvage, repurpose and turn everything they have at us against them."
Echelon could then be seen holding a piece of NMX technology and repurposing it on the fly.

Luca was revealed last, "Excellent, I think we have something resembling a plan!" He sounded enthusiastic enough to be the real deal, "Everybody ready?" He looked to his crew, who all gave him nods of acknowledgement and cheers of approval, "Good." He put his helmet on and raised a battle rifle of some sort, "Let's give 'em something to remember us by."

The next few shots were action shots, including lots of gun firing, jeep driving, armour punching, flying ships, explosions and finally, a slow mo-sequence of Luca jumping onto the back of a Ripper, thrusting his hand into the back, piercing the armour and tearing out the brain slave pilot. As he did this, it was punctuated by Luca yelling: "If they keep coming for me, I'll keep sending them home! - There's enough of me and my crew to go around, so come get some!"

Finally, the title for the film: ISC Phoenix - The Revenge appeared.


"We'll be back after the break with more from GeekFeed!" Jack said after having to pick his dropped jaw up off the floor.
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