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Genetic scan grenades


Inactive Member
All credit goes to DocTomoe for the idea.

Background: Realizing that the Star Army of Nepleslia might someday have a high demand for anti-Neko weapons, various groups throughout Zen Armaments decided that they would rather be the ones to be selling them than letting the Reds get all the profit. In the meantime, they expect to have a limited number of private consumers with their own personal agendas to fill, paying 120ks for a dozen of them.

Information: A "genetic scan grenade", when detonated, releases small amounts of radiation and chemicals commonly used for chromosome analysis. Though no records are taken, this would tend to trigger any biological self-destruct mechanisms associated with deep genetic scanning. Side-effects on humanoids without these mechanisms may include a mild burning sensation, nausea, and in rare cases, cancer.
It does raise the question though of how the nanomachines can differentiate between a pulse/beam of radiation and a scan, since both might very well be the same in all respects.
The weapon does not work against nekos.

Trust me on this one.

Edit: There is nothing wrong with the tech so I don't see any problem getting this approved once you delete your testing results (as those haven't been RPed out and would be much different anyways) If you are going to test this weapon on live nekos you need to get in touch with Wes.

The weapon was also tried in Ayenee, it didn't work there either.
Yeah, I'd approve it if not for the testing paragraph.

Please note the genetic scan thing won't affect later-model nekos (NH-18 through 29).
NH-22Ms are immune?!

WHOOOOOHOOOOO! You have no idea how relieved it makes me be for Kotori. Now, she can strangle Miles without fear of one-hit kill reprisals! XD

(No DocTomoe, Kotori only mildly dislikes Miles at this point - she slates it as a case of noncompatible personality... but she hardly hates him or wants him dead. No worries.)
The price seems FAR too low for their effect and complexity. Aside from feeling far too light on the explanation side.
Wes said:
Yeah, I'd approve it if not for the testing paragraph.

Please note the genetic scan thing won't affect later-model nekos (NH-18 through 29).
Okay, deleted that bit. It was just for flavor anyway.

Sounds like it might not be so useful after all ;D NH-18+ are immune to deep genetic scans? I was kind of worried about the Yamatains but...

What do you mean, though, Uso?

Rei said:
The price seems FAR too low for their effect and complexity. Aside from feeling far too light on the explanation side.
I don't see why. Radiation (ie, x-rays) and chemicals are both very cheap to produce; you won't see those being the bulk of a DNA testing lab's costs even today, and this thing doesn't even have a microscope on it.

Lin said:
I have this vision in my head of a grenade that just sprays polymerase everywhere...
Yeah, that's pretty much it ^.^' that and X-rays.
Wes said:
Please note the genetic scan thing won't affect later-model nekos (NH-18 through 29).

A way shall be found to take down them overpowered sexy things... indeed... a way shall be found.
Rei said:
Just in time for your war? :?

Oh wait, I was supposed to pretend that wasn't so obvious. ;)
What are you talking about? What war? There's no secret agents in all black trying to kill Miles or conspiracies going on... >.>