Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP Ghost in the machine [cowboy, Jack and Shadow walker]


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 43.9
RP Location
Yamatai space port.
Frank was thankful that Captain Aoba mentioned that after their last mission that the Resurgence would return to Yamatai for repairs and give the crew a chance for some leave. With the permission from some of his superiors and His squad leader Sanda accompanying him to get repairs and instructions on how to repair him if Ty isn't around Frank was all set to see some old faces. After getting the contact info From Thad of all people Frank ended up gathering the curage to call someone he feels he needed to call. "Hey, is this Nora? Its Frank....Look i know its hard to belive and yeah I understand that but If its any consalation that hitman Ty brought me back from the grave, and given everything that happened during the exodus Im surprised he escaped let alone survived. If you have anything you want to talk about I have a lot of time before I go get repaires done by said Ghost." Frank added waiting with baited breath For Nora's voice on the other line.
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Yamatai Space Port

Sanda entered the bar and immediately stepped to the side and swept the room. Her new cybernetic implant began highlighting weapons in the room as well as other cybernetic implants, such as arms and legs. Sanda was still getting use to the new hardware but she was very happy with it so far. Her upgrades had a few other fun surprises that she was curious to test out but would need to do that later. She deactivated it before walking to the bar and ordering a tot of Rum. Picking up the glass with a dark metallic hand she took a sip, savoring the burning sensation as the sweet liquid ran down her throat.

Sanda sighed. She wasn't really sure what she was getting herself into. On the flight back to Yamatai one of her teammates had approached her. Frank Sterling. She and Frank had had a rocky start. During her first taste to acting command, she had had to correct the big android on proper etiquette. After almost 40 hours of several high tension and high emotional situations, Sanda had been quite short with Frank. Seemed Frank had had his own issues to deal with. It still came as a surprise when he asked her to accompany him. Apparently, Frank's creator was some bad dude that Frank didn't fully trust himself. He wanted someone else there with him in case something went wrong. Sanda really wasn't sure what good she could do, but had agreed to accompany him.

Now as she sat at the bar waiting for Frank, she began to second guess herself. Why had Frank not asked Thaddaeus to accompany him? Thad always said he loved spending time with his crewmates and the two seemed to hit it off at the end of their last mission. Sanda figured it was probably because since Frank didn't trust the guy, he wanted someone who would spend more time with their eyes open instead of their mouth. Whatever the reason was, Frank had asked Sanda and she had said she would. And she had come prepared.

According to Frank, this guy was some assassin wanted by several governments, but not Yamatai. He was an android and had created Frank's current body. The guy's body was like Frank's, but tougher. Sanda had seen Frank soak up punishment when the had attacked a Kuvexian cruiser. His body was almost as tough as a Mindy Power Armor. So Sanda had come equipped to deal with power armor strength if it came to that. She had changed out her right shoulder and arm for her toughest cybernetics. Normally she sported a cybernetic one that looked like a real arm, right down to having her matching lighting tattoo that covered the rest of her body. The one she had right now was beast. Sporting PA level strength and durability, this thing could punch right through a Mindy. The hand attachment had another little attachment that had finally come in. It created an electric charge in her hand. Basically it was a PA grade taser. It could fry computers and most cybernetics. Sanda just liked it because it she could create lighting in hand. She was also packing her Plasma Revolver. Now she always carried the thing, but was so handy about it was the ammo. Normally she carried it loaded with 3 light cartages, 2 medium and one heavy. The light were for unarmored targets. The medium for against body armor. The heavy rounds, those babies were for against Power Armor. Her normal 3, 2, 1 loadout was so she would have firepower against any type of target she might encounter. But for this encounter, she was all loaded with heavy rounds. If this guy was half as tough as Frank made out, she wanted all the firepower she could incase this turned out to be a bad idea.

She took another sip of her Rum. This was the place Frank had asked her to meet him. She shifted in her chair to take in the room. She really hoped that she wouldn't regret this.
Frank would arrive at the bar shorty Wearing a old flak jacket as well as his old paramilitary uniform with a old patch labeled Scarecrows security force. A combat harness with two novacorp Grav granades on it and a GP-1 on his back. Ordering a shot of run he sat next to Sanda. Before downing it, "Thanks for coming along, I know we didnt see eye to eye but It means a lot. Common ill show you to his location. Theres some things I didnt fully clue you in on, First Ty isnt exactly a android. But what he is currently is too far gone to be considered a cyborg either...A monster is more like it unless you rather me use the term cyber zombie." Frank would lead Sanda out of the bar to a more shady part of town while he continues to explain things.

"As much as i used to work with the guy and at one point call him my freind he kinda scares me, his body having been broken and put back together so many times that little of the Human that once was Ty Sibo remains. 3d printed bones and artifical muscle tissue replacing traditionally grown flesh and blood. Furthermore, his body is encased in an attached exo skeleton. Angular, armored plates cover him, . This armor is not intended to be removed, merely replaced when damaged, as his body is not intended for long term use outside of the armor itself. The face under the armored visor is somewhat mangled. Much like the rest of his body, his face requires the suit's medial maintenance systems to stay healthy. Back when the NDC was known as section six, they crafted him a custom revanant mk 1 suit of power armor...the man is, well hes a troubled soul if we want to be technical hes only 18 years old when he was critically woulded in the service of dovainia back when that group still existed. a technocratic corperation that boardered on cult picked up his body and became the first super solider they ever made. Hes over 100 years old with a lot of kills under his belt. when I died i thought he did too hell acording to Nora whos royalty now says he must have faked his own death. now why that scares me is it means he survived being in the blast radious of a nucliar reactor and has been living off the grid in yam space ever since."

Arriving at a hole in the wall ripper doc building frank opened the door and went inside. as they made it threw the door the sound of a coaking system fizzled off. "You know Frank you could have nocked, and whos this your new flame or just someone you wanted to come with you?" Ty asked as he moved to the center of the room wearing a old set of revenant mk 1 power armor on his back was a releck of the past a anti medium mech sniper rifle a weapon from the days they worked with USO.
Frank looked to Sanda, "this is Sanda my squad mate, I uh asked her to come along to make sure things go smoothly. cant be too careful with you." Frank stated the sound of fear in his voice.

Ty just shook his head "Hop up on the table so we can get this show on the road I have bountys i need to turn in before they start to stink."
Sanda finished her drink then followed Frank out. She listened as Frank described the guy he was going to meet. "If he's so bad and you don't trust him, then why in Hell are you going to see him?" Sanda asked as she followed. "I don't understand why you don't get a body transfer instead of dealing with a guy like this. If he's such a monster, why let him repair you?" Sanda didn't get a clear answer to that, just more details about the guy. She really wasn't interested in knowing who this guy was, but she did pay attention to any details she might be able to use in case this monster attacked her.

Along the way Sanda made careful observations of their route. It could come in handy. When they arrived, Sanda send a location ping to the Resurgence. Before she had left the ship she had talked to Yayoi. Her fellow Ranger would monitor their location and if anything went wrong she would send the Calvary to their precise location in minuets. Sanda was not going to take any chances with some syco assassin.

As they entered the building Sanda began to do a scan of the area. She remained silent, her only answer to Ty's question was a hard look. She scowled when Frank told him her name. Thanks Frank, I really want a weirdo like him to know my name. Sanda thought but still didn't say anything out loud. She merely folded her arms and continued to exam the place for possible ambush spots, cover and escape routs. She also studied their host, making note of how he moved and where his body armor looked weak.
As Ty powers frank off he begins peeling off his suit revealing a cybernetic enhanced corps underneath. "Hope you dont mind child, im more dextouras without the power armor." Setting a alarm Ty walks over to begin work on repairing frank removing his jacket and shirt before grabbing his surgical tools. "I'm sure Mr Sterling has told you his fears about me I assume." Ty says not looking up as he peels back the artificail skin and muscle to work on the demal plating and coolent system on franks side.

"In truth I dont blaim him If it scares him that much I can just give you the blueprints to do this sort of thing for him back on your ship. If were being honest with each other I brought frank back from the grave because his life was snuffed out when he was only 24 years old during the NDC's exoduce. he died protecting the late Jack pines adopted daughter from being taken by Hades corp..." Humming to himself as he worked he looked up breifly. "we were just mercs back then but that was the first fight we fought without a paycheck. me him and about a dozen scarecrows cut ties with hades corp for one big fight to protect the freinds we made with NDC. one big glories battle. but in the end only i survived so i spent the next five years rebuilding frank as a full conversion android."
There was a small chime of the dented and rather old bell, as the door was opened yet again. Three individuals entered the foyer of the shop, likely the waiting room, and by the desk seemingly left as an afterthought, makeshift office area. Made sense with these places, they always were a mess with how legally grey they operated, but they always seemed far more common in Nepleslia. To find such a morbid hole in the wall, was quite an odd thing indeed. Something that crossed the woman's mind as they stepped in, and she gestured the two suited people with her to wait.

If grandfather were still with us, then he would have likely forbidden me from coming anywhere near here. Nora thought to herself as she cradled her four year old child, a little apprehensive at seeing the father again after so long. A small part of her was scared of how he would react to her having moved on, but at the same time, owed him that much for all he had done for her. The letter she had gotten was definitely a thing she hadn't been ready for, having stood with it in hand for countless hours in dazed confusion. But that was there, and this was here, which was the moment of truth in closure for it all.

One of the ISD agents with her, offered to take her coat, as the other held her child Mia for a moment. Once it was taken care of, took her back into her arms, before stepping forth. With slight hesitation, slowly pushed the door open, leaning as she tilted her head to peak in. Her long raven hair hung from her head in curiosity, as she looked into the room of three with crimson eyes. A small grimace came across her face as she saw Ty, his appearance not phasing her, but his presence alone. "Last I heard, didn't you like blow up in a hallway, or something dude? Also who's the.. friend, packing the fuck off revolver?", Nora asked as the woman stepped in fully now.

Her hand slowly covered Mia's eyes, not wanting the toddler to see the exposed deprecated flesh of Ty's body. Meanwhile, Sanda's scanner would light Nora herself up like a Christmas tree, her body being augmented from head to toe. Beneath her normal exterior of a shorter statured woman, of a curvy, but athletic build. Was an encased skeleton of metal, and synthetic musculature, all supported by a system of micro servos and spinal reinforcement topped with a Geist. She was dressed fairly casual in jeans, a black tank top, and a red flannel shirt over it.
Sanda shrugged but remained silent as the... thing know as Ty spoke. She really wasn't interested in small talk. She was here because Frank had asked her to accompany him. Her knowledge of the NDC was pretty limited. She hadn't spent a whole lot of time studying it's history or it's people.

"Why?" She finally spoke. "Why bother with the whole android thing? Yamatai has their whole soul transfer set up. Why not just do that?" She really didn't like this place. She was suppose to be on leave anyway. This was definitely not how she wanted to enjoy her leave. "How long is this going to take anyway?"

Sanda spun around as she heard the sound of an old bell as the front door opened and someone else entered the premises. "Expecting company?" She asked, clearly unhappy with what was going on. She considered trying to find some place to hide but that seemed like a bad idea. So she remained where she was, her hand resting on the butt of her revolver.

Her surprise when four individuals entered the room was hidden from her face. Her cybernetics lit up as it identified the woman in the lead and her two... bodyguards? Oh esto va a ser divertido. She thought to herself. More androids. She remained silent at first as the woman spoke. Sanda's eyes narrowed slightly as the woman commented on her revolver. Most people tended to notice her tattoos first and weapons second, if they noticed them at all. Interesting. Sanda also noticed the small child in the woman's arms. Maybe 3 or 4 years old. Almost the same age as Sanda's niece. The presence of the small child gave the Ranger the feeling that this was a social call and not an assassination attempted. So she said, "I'm Nito Hei Hoshi, YSS Resurgence. Sterling-Hei," She nodded towards Frank. "Is a crewmate. He asked me to accompany him during his... repairs." Sanda eyed the woman. "And you are?"
Ty looked up from fixing franks side and began stitching himself back up looking to sanda he gave a sigh. "I dont know honestly, Frank has always had this strange code about him where he doesnt let things go to waste hell I dropped him off in a abandonded lab in yam space just so he could get a soul transfer instead of being a android so honestly i dont know." he would perk up as he heard a framilure voice. ask him a question.

"Five years and you still havnt lost your firecracker attitude. you know as well as i do I was made before the lazarus project, so I was built to last, but if you must know i technically didnt in reality im nothing more than a AI piloting a rotting carcus." Seeing the child Ty chuckled and began booting up frank as he climbed back into his old suit as it hissed shut around him. "That Dear Mädchen, is Franks wife or was not entire sure were you two stand after 5 years. not to mention shes a princess if the criminal underworld is to be belived anymore. sorry to hear about the old man though." Ty added as frank began to stur awake.

Opening his eyes Frank looked to his left, "Well you let your hair grow I see." Sitting up frank would put on his shirt before looking at her and the child. "As much as it brings me joy that your brought our child I want to be the first to say it. Its good to see you again." Frank said Not sure if he should hug nora shake her hand or just stand akwardly like his is currently. "Im sorry it took me this long to come back from the grave."
"Nora, his ex-wife... No last name unfortunately... Never got one of those. Don't worry about the old man, that one had it coming, and I'm sure the real one is happy to have the knock off gone.", she replied as she found a chair for herself to sit. Speaking before Frank was up yet, in return greeting to Ty and yam soldier woman. "As for being royalty, yeah I guess I am, not that it matters much to me. Kinda happens when your grandad starts a nation, just wish he was still here. Jack was killed last year as I'm sure you heard Ty."

Well this was certainly starting off awkward, but at least Frank seemed in pleasan- well 2/3rds pleasant company. Her thoughts on Ty were never going to be easily changed. Nora would know, she'd been through the whole twisted process herself of how shady corporations did things in hidden labs. His history was best left buried, making her own seemingly insignificant in comparison most likely. As Frank stirred however, the ambient pain that had been in her chest, was felt in full now as he spoke to her.

He had been her first love, and father of her child, her liberator, and the man who had helped a slave feel human. If time were not so cruel, things could have stayed the same, but neither of them were the same anymore, or of the same life anymore. "What a time to live in, that death is no longer ever final, but just a inconvenient waiting period. It's good to see you too Frank, and I'm happy that you have found friends to rely on. I also see you enlisted with the army, good on you for taking an honest job. Those old business practices were killer right?" A small joke, to help lighten the mood, before it became any more somber, and before the tears anymore chance to well up from her eyes.
Sanda wasn't sure what to make of this situation she'd found herself in. There was obviously a lot more history going on here than what she understood. She felt somewhat out of place. Not that it bothered her much. She didn't have to be the center of attention. Honestly, she enjoyed being off to the side and just observing.

Sanda was a little bit surprised that Ty had already finished with Frank. She had figured it would have taken a lot longer to fix whatever had been wrong with him. "All fixed up?" She asked. She really wasn't sure what she should do now. With Frank fixed up they should probably just return to the ship. But with the unexpected, at least for her, arrival of Frank's wife and kid, that seemed to have changed.

Sanda thought about how she would feel if her parents had just suddenly come back into her life. They had in a way. She had learned that they were alive on her last mission but had had to leave the planet before they could actually meet. She had left her private com number with a friend to give to her parents when they returned but so far Sanda hadn't heard anything from them. But if they were to suddenly appear, Sanda was pretty sure she would not want other people around while she tried to reconnect with them. So she excused herself. "Frank, I figure you'll want a little bit of time alone. I'll wait outside till you want to return to the ship. Unless you plan on staying the night off ship tonight?"
Again the door bell rang, as a 6'4'' man entered the building. He wore a shirt, tie and blazer, all in dark blue. His pants were denim and well worn. His boots were pratical. But the most defining feature was the hat. It was wide wrimmed, brown affair that highlighted the man's calm blue eyes. He nodded at the ISD agents, before coming to attention at Nora's side.

Roland didn't know what to think about this whole situation. Mia's father returning after so long, well it wasn't surprising considering the times as Nora said. But still, this whole situation was a veritable emotional powderkeg. So, Roland was here as Nora's support.

"Evenin', pardon the tardiness." he said, politely to everyone.
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Frank would chuckle at the dark humor from Nora. "To be fair it had its benefits I got to meet and free you from being a caged bird to psychopomp." Frank would admit to the bitter sweet nature of the meeting so to try to help the situation he dicided to crack a joke too. "have you gotten shorter? you seem to be smaller than I remember." he added with a soft smile. He nodded his head to sanda. "Yeah ill see you back at the ship."

when the door chimmed again and the new guy stepped inside it didnt take long for franks processer to put two and two together. "Ah you must be the new lover, Thank you for looking after Nora and our child. part of me wishes such a event didnt happen. But I'd rather Nora moved on instead of dwelling on my passing and if first impression are anything to go on your by my opinion a far better choice than Thad." Frank added slightly more upbeat.

Looking to Mia frank would smile. "Im sorry I never got to see you grow up child, for its something I never wanted to happen. but im glad you were raised well."
"Papa has made sure we're taken care of, grandfather had too. Roland here, is also my knight, so we will be protected. Despite all the loss, I've made sure no sacrifice was ever wasted, and would never be anyone's damsel ever again. Please stay safe, and try to avoid dying more then you already have." Nora began, stroking the toddler's hair as they stared at the strange looking man in confusion.

The child had never had the chance to properly ever meet him, and much less to ever know him. But the way that their mother spoke, carried a fondness still, that Mia despite being young could feel in every word all the same. She wondered in her child like fashion, of who mommy's friend was, and why they so sadly spoke of Mia in equal fondness. "We can talk visiting arrangements for the future. I will not deny my child her biological father, and I want to make sure Mia has a better childhood then I had, so any support is welcome in that.", Nora added finally after the long pause of letting her child examine frank curiously.