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Approved Character Gilthanil Silvarne


Inactive Member
Name: Gilthanil Silvarne

General Information

Species: Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 80 (Appears about 24)

Family/Creators: Parents - Tervil and Treyllin Silvarne

Faction: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Doctor/Geneticist
Rank: Nito Hei
Current Assignment: YSS Nozomi, Medical Specialist

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 143 lbs

Build and Skin Color: Gilthanil's build is lean and graceful like that of a dancer as most Elvish builds tend to be. His skin color is pale, much like the inside layers of a tree.

Face and Eye Color: Gilthanil's face contains angular features similar to those of trees as most Elvish features tend to be. His eyes are a crystal blue, similar to the color of the sky on a warm, clear day when there are only a couple small clouds in the sky.

Hair color and Style: Gilthanil's hair is a strange shade of white-silver, the color similar to those of moonbeams that shine off a river's water in the middle of a still night. Similar to a waterfall, it flows from his head down his back that trails off just under his waist. The bangs on his forehead hang down in a similar fashion, however they trail to an end around the area of his jawline, framing his face.

Distinguishing Features: The fact that Gilthanil is Elven is even apparent in the grace with which he carries himself when he moves--no movement seems to be unneccessarily wasted, however his entire movement seems to be more natural and balanced than the movement of the other races by comparison. He seems to move with a poise and grace that shines with confidence and awareness of who he is and what he needs to do--the shine of someone who knows their purpose.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Gilthanil's psyche is a rather complex one. A rather peaceful person who dislikes war, he entered into the army in hopes of actually finding a way to peacefully end fighting altogether. A firm believer in the teachings of the Elven Elders, he believes that all things originate from nature and it is only natural that there be peace so that everyone can live in a harmonious balance with the world around them. Since this is the way he thinks, he will treat all races and creeds (even enemies) without a second thought as to his own safety or even if it is against his orders. He is of the firm belief that all life is precious and he will try to save those very lives--even at the cost of his own. While this may make him sound like a very serious individual, Githanil is only this serious when he is trying his hardest to save someone's life. However, when he is off-duty, he is much more serene and calm, a very intelligent and friendly individual. He enjoys a good game of strategy whenever one is available--if he wasn't so peaceful, he would have made an excellent tactian.

Likes: Peaceful situations, games of strategy, reading
Dislikes: Violence, statements that demonstrate lack of intelligence or forethought
Goals: Peaceful interactions rather than war


Gilthanil was born before the Yamatai empire was established eighty years ago at night on the Elven planet. That night was cloudy, yet when he was born, the moon shone through the clouds to strike the water from the river, matching the color of the hair that he would soon grow. As a boy, he was a dutiful son, following his parents' instructions without hesitation and with a smile of enjoyment. To his parents' surprise, the young elf was a quick study and eager to learn as well, so they frequently sent him to the village elders so that he might be able to learn the ways of the elves more effectively. It was there that Gilthanil began to learn the ways of nature and how all living things were bound by the same laws of nature and the philosophy of the elvish view of life. This was also where Gilthanil began to learn that all elves were connected to nature in this manner and that they could manipulate and guide nature's path to alter how things work.

The young boy's parents warned him not to leave the safe confines of the inner parts of the forest where the village was located, but with all the knowledge that had been imparted to him by the village elders, his curiosity knew no bounds. Travelling swiftly across the ground, Gilthanil wanted to know more about the world itself. The knowledge of nature which he had studied only raised more questions about how the world worked and what the true meaning of nature was.

It wasn't long before he understood just what the world was like. After taking a few trips into the outer areas of the forest and finding no problems, Gilthanil lowered his guard and was caught by slave traders, struck in the back of the head as he was inspecting herbs that did not grow within the inner parts of the forest. When he awoke, he was already being sold to Ketsurui Yui as a slave.

Yui was a strange mistress and through her Gilthanil found many things that the Elders did not teach him. The young elf knew much about how the body's nervous system reacted, but he did not know half of how they reacted to stimuli like Yui did. He was forced to be exposed to many sexual acts that Yui committed to many female elves in her care, living out several years in a confused sort of existance as her slave.

However, after several years as Yui's slave, Gilthanil began to yearn for home. Not only that, but he felt as if his mind was stagnating in the den of pleasure that he found himself in. Using his knowledge of the system of the security combined with his knowledge of tactics he had developed through his learning experiences, he escaped from Yui's care and left back to the Elven planet. Studying more with the elders, after eight years Gilthanil decided to leave the home world once more. After seeing the outside world thanks to his years as a slave (especially under the care of Ketsurui Yui during her warlike teenage years), Gilthanil had been exposed to the tragedy he knew of as war. After accumulating all the knowledge he knew about nature and life, war seemed like a rather large travesty in his eyes. Even though he knew he was just one being, there might be some way to change the whole outlook of a nation with the right attitude and mindset shift. Hence, he thought he would start in the army--the place where war could either start, or be prevented altogether.


Biology: Due to his study of nature, Gilthanil is rather well versed in the ways of animals and many other forms of zoology and genetics.

Communications: Gilthanil is able to speak the English language with ease as well as the Elvish language he is more comfortable with. He can also fulfill all requirements of a member of the star army, especially able to articulate orders when necessary.

Entertainment: Since one of his duties was to help the females give birth so Yui would have more servants when necessary, Yui taught Gilthanil how to pleasure a woman to a very large extent. The elf's knowledge of people's bodies allowed him to learn faster in this capacity and now he is quite capable when it comes to sexual relations of any sort.

Fighting and Physical: While Gilthanil really does not like fighting of any sort, the elders determined that he would not be allowed to leave the village unless he at least learned a means of defending himself. As a result, the young elf was trained in an elven martial arts style similar to Tai Chi, however it is effecient at striking points in the body to disable an organism's movement as well as dealing damage--though Gilthanil would most likely only use it to disable a potential threat. Although he does not like it, he is also trained in the ability to use his sidearm as well as rifles, however he usully keeps his sidearm unloaded when he carries it.

Information Technology: As any member of the Star Army, Gilthanil is able to use computer with a decent amount of proficiency, though he is not able to use them especially well in comparison to others. He is, as usual, curious to learn more about them, however.

Leadership: Gilthanil is a very calm and collected person. Even in times of great stress or emergency situations, he is able to think on his feet and use his superior reasoning ability and find the best possible course of action, able to command others effectively if the need arises for someone to take control to avoid mass hysteria. This composure also carries over into the main field he excels at--diplomacy. Because the elves are a very tightly knit society, he is able to be empathetic with most people's situations and try to find a way for both sides to maintain a harmonious relationship.

Magic: Gilthanil is able to use the natural magical ability of the elves as taught to him by the village elders. This magical ability is largely tied with nature and his abilities with things beyond this are limited.

Mathematics: While not very good at the operations of computers, Gilthanil took to Mathematics with a great zeal, passing the minimum requirements of the Star Army easily, even passing through 3D Calculus without much of a problem since all Mathematics relates back to nature.
(For those that do not know, 3D Calculus is Calculus III)

Medical and Science: Because of his rather extensive knowledge of how organisms work both scientifically and intuitively, Gilthanil is a rather skilled surgeon, able to blend both technology and magic to increase a patient's chances of survival.

Military: If not for his pacificistic attitude, Gilthanil would have made a rather remarkable tactician because of his ability to reason effectively and because he is able to understand how other people's minds work. Even though he will not lend this sort of aid to a military operation, if someone needs to be saved in a strange place that will most likely not involve any combat, he will find the most effective way for the team to move to rescue. Since he grew up for many years surviving in natural environments, he is also very skilled at finding the basic necessities of life to survive in the wild.
Other than some details over the history, a decent character. Thad's about to be angry with you over the history. Your details of elves in this setting is sketchy though.
Well, it's possible, thought the two main issues I see are that Yui got most of her Elves from Ayenee, and that during much of her "warlike teenage years" she was actually off fighting wars much of the time, bringing only Minori with her while she counquered the area of Yamatai affectionately known as "Hell" and the floating islands known as Heavens. That, and every slave mentioned in the RP Yui was in back then was a female.

Anyway, my point is that although he's one of Yui's former slaves, he would have been one of the lower-ranking slaves that she barely ever saw (I'm thinking a dishwasher or something...maybe he was in charge of making Elf babies for the next generation? ).

If that's alright, then I'm ready to approve the character.

EDIT: Oh, one more thing, because he's in the Star Army, there are certain skills he's going to need to have that wil need to be mentioned in his skills. Under fighting, for instance, he's going to know how to use energy pistols, rifles, and grenades. The full list is here in the CCG:

Since your character is so old, don't worry about having to add extra skill areas (Mathmatics will need to be added, for instance).
I don't mind adding in mathematics and things such as that since I thought those were something automatic. I do have a bit of a problem with the weapons proficiency because of his outlook on weapons in general (I even hesitated to give him an unarmed fighting style, but I thought about it realistically and added one in).

If it really needs to be added in, I can do so, but if not, I'd rather not have him be well versed in them.

I have edited all the skills save for the one relating to weapons as I am waiting for a reply on the comment I questioned about. If there is a problem with the history regarding his relation to Yui, please relate that information to me so I can change it.

Oh, and I do not mind either way about what his task as a slave was. If you choose the latter (birthing for the next generation), I'm afraid I will have to add another skill in to reflect this--the good in bed skill. ^^;
Well, for his task during his service at the Kitsurugi estate is something I'll leave up to you to decide, alright?

As for the weapons thing, I shall defer the Character Creation Guide:
Please understand that it'd be insane for a soldier not to know how to use the weapons provided to him, particularly his sidearm-a defensive weapon. In the real Army, for instance, I install and troubleshoot communications and computer equipment...but I still have a requirement to qualify on the M-16 rifle. Even my dad, a Navy surgeon (ranked Commander), gets issued a pistol and sometimes even a rifle when in the field.
I would be pretty damn angry about the history, but right now I'm tired of repeating myself (not that I'll never comment on histories again, don't worry) and I don't feel like a long explanation about how the history is bad. I think I just posted something similar on Arild Bard. Basically, the history is way too involved. I remember the girl who was too young also had a history like this and I also commented on that one.

Making your character really special is a big mistake. He can be unique, but linking him to prominent figures in history is not good. What would happen if you were to actually meet Yui in RP? You'd have to act like they knew each other (or not, with Wes' explanation) but you never RPed that out. Big events should be added after the character has been created. The history doesn't have to be a completely blank slate, but it should be pretty close. I like the character besides the history though.
We talked about it beforehand and I approved it before the character bio was written, Thad. It's all good.
Ah, heh. I don't know why you would want a special character and talk to the GM about it, but if he's fine with it it's ok. The other times I actually covered myself, said "I don't know if you talked with Wes about this, so I won't lecture you or anything" but it's funny that I didn't do that this time, when it was actually the case. My mistake, but I hope people understand where I'm coming from. Good job.
Yeah, actually at first I didn't think of connecting him to anyone, but when Wes and I talked, we had a small brainstorming session for something that would make a sort of funny sub-plot on this ship, especially since it's something of a social/romantic comedy.

I hope to write with you soon, too, Thad. That way we can make this plotline fun. ^^
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