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Closed Give Members the Ability To Create/Use Post Macros

These suggestions have been dropped by the suggestor or rejected by staff.


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This suggestion is to install the Post Macros add-on to give admins and regular members the ability to create macros for posts, kind of like how the wiki has automatic namespace templates that give you the basic structure of a post. Some things you could use this for would be: Orders templates, submission review templates, transmissions forum posts (e.g. "Thanks for contacting Origin Industries..."), Recruiter Guerrero's list of questions (lol), moderator warnings, and any other sort of thread where there's something that's used multiple times.
  • It's a free add on - doesn't cost Wes anything to set up
  • No one has to use it if they don't want to
  • Saves time so we can RP more
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm having a little trouble getting this plugin working after installation. I'm going to have to contact the author for assistance.
Closed due to lack of votes.
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