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Approved Character [GM NPC] Tachibana Hayate


Inactive Member
Here he is.

For the Task Force Phantom plot, he'll be leading GM-Level NPC.

He went through about three revisions, so some things might not fit anymore.
I think this character is decently ready. My only complaints are small ones, so I wouldn't hold it up over them. I, personally, don't like orphan characters. It's a little cliche, and people tend to write them kinda the same, though it seems like you did a decent job of staying away from that.

My only other thing was that he isn't very personalized. I find it hard to believe that he would have spent that much time in the military without picking up any hobbies in his off time, or have no battle trinkets. It just seems like the inventory and skills aren't personal at all. Remember, with a GM-class NPC, it's okay to have an extra skill or two, and some personal items are to be expected.

And one last thing that I think the age to join is 17, not 18, just like in the US. As an orphan, I figure he wouldn't have much trouble talking his foster parents/current orphanage into letting him join at 17. I don't think it's a big deal though.
As far as I've known, the recruitment age has always been 18.

As for personal items, I was thinking of adding in one of the Katanas that used to be mass produced and distributed to Nekovalkyrja that he bought, but I thought that there were two problems:

First, I never checked, but I thought that the only ones permitted to have Katanas anymore were the Ketsurui Samurai.

Second, what Nekovalkyrja would sell or give it away?

The second can be explained away, but the first would be a serious problem. I'll look into it tomorrow when I have more time. I'll also probably run it through Word Processor tomorrow as well, to see if there were any spelling or grammar errors I missed in my first pass.
You can still give him a katana . There is a sword company who makes swords for the SAoY. He could have purchased one or had it given during a promotion. I will post a link to it later. Doing this on my iTouch.
Here is the link promised.


They off a variety of blades, and will in the near future offer a sword designed to be used with PA's.

I added an Advanced Katana. I'd figure that Hayate would have waited until after being promoted to Chui, and bought it as a gift to himself or somesuch. I'll also add a skill that says he has a basic grasp for swordplay.

Why Advanced? There is no damage increase via stats, it's just that the blade is a bit flashier and that would appeal to Hayate. It's also functional and very hard to break. If he had the misfortune of actually using it in combat, he would. I'll add his basic grasp of knowledge on how to use it under Fighting later today.

Is there anything else that needs fixing/adding?

Edit: Nash said it would be alright for him to have received the Ceremonial and THEN bought the advanced. I've added it in.
Unless there's something else... Is this approved? The prologue post I made for the Task Force isn't technically legal without this NPC approved.

If there are still issues, I'm ready to fix 'em.
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