Star Army

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Golem Assault Armor

Is this army only or also available for general public? Cause that would be kinda cool. Make a sort of skimmed down version or something?
I'll point out some confusion with the name. Back when Nepleslia used NDI goods, there was a Golem power armor.

If you want it that way, sure, but it could be awkward to people backreading and seeing how there were Golems before too.
The naming issue is known and has been deemed a non issue with the difficulty of finding solid information on the old Golem PA. It's also why I added the Assault Armor moniker. talked with Sig about it already and it didn't seem to be a problem to him either.

As for availability I'll get right on that. Probably via Sig as well.
Fred, that issue was noted. There are only 3 references on the wiki to the old Golem, all of which were not an actual "Golem Power Armor" page.

As for availability, this is supposed to be a military grade system.
For reference, here are the old Golem stats:

Version 1.11 - Thursday, November 18, 2004

Based on an original design by Derran Tyler & Marty Bowles
RPG Stats by Derran Tyler

The M3 Golem Mark II is an upgunned and armored version of the original Golem power armor that was designed to bridge the gap between the Spacy Marine's new M1 Phalanx class. The end result is a unit that is over 300 percent more combat effective, largely due in part to its upgraded sensor suite and integral countermeasures blister that integrates with the newest version of SLICS -- v6.7 DELTA. In addition to its upgraded electronics package, the new Golem benefits from new weapons developments from Phoenix Armaments Corporations with the M81 battle rifle with its underbarrel 17.5mm grenade launcher, which can carry 30 semi-autonomous rocket-assisted grenades. This greatly increases the trooper's combat effectiveness with the upgraded firepower. In addition to the new main weapon, the Golem also gains new forearm-mounted weapons -- a high-frequency vibroblade for close-combat situations and an optional disc launcher similar to the ones used on the Warhawk.

Government: Nerimian Galactic Confederation
Unit Type: Powered Assault Armor

Can lift up to 3 tons. Can push/pull up to 4.5 tons.


1 Argus Millitech XL Fusion Power Plant with triple rendundacy backup
1 Valencia mk VIII propulsion system, uses four main turbines in the back for 'jump' capability and 2 hover-jet engines on each leg and one above each heel.

Running: 71 mph
Maximum Flying speed: 225 mph
Maximum Hover speed: 125 mph
Power-cell endurance: 125 hours continuous operations

Phoenix Arms M81 6.65mm/17.5mm Suit-Integrated Assault Rifle (SIAR): The new standard infantry combat weapon is Phoenix Armaments Corporation's high-powered M81 SIAR, which is configured to fire the new 6.65mm smart explosive sabot round and a 17.5mm SARA grenades. Like the previous SIAR designs, the weapon connects to the armor via an armored high-density data/power transmission cord that feeds the weapon and battledress-equipped trooper combat data. The M81 fires a light 6.65mm caseless subcaliber round with a dual-purpose design. A hard-seated high-density xenotronium needle shell surrounds a much softer, malleable core of tritonal explosive, offering good penetration and exceptional stopping power. As each round employs a explastic charge integral to the design, damage does not fall off with range. Practical rate of fire was 3500 rounds per minute with an effective range of 3000 meters. Accurate to twice that, the M81 SIAR is an excellent sniper weapon for the common soldier.
GRENADE TYPES: High-Explosive Fragmentation, Prefragmented Anti-Personnel, Stabilized Liquid Explosive
RANGE: 6000 meters
RATE OF FIRE: 3,500 rounds per minute.
PAYLOAD: 1000 rounds in a stacked helical cassette. 30 grenades pre-loaded in the underbarrel launcher.
Phoenix Arms M58 Dedicated Integrated Weapons System (DIWS): While the SIAR is the standard Confederate infantry weapon, the M58 DIWS is the standard infantry support weapon. Firing 10mm rounds at speeds exceeding six kilometers per second, the DIWS is the weapon of the dedicated sniper. Fully integratable into the SquadNet system, it possesses the same hardware and software capabilities of the SIAR, only in a heavier package. It is effective against all manners of targets given it can carry 1000 rounds each of three different types of ammunition (typically standard AP, KEAPER, and HE-I). The suit's FCS can naturally choose the proper types of munition for the selected target, or it can be done by the end-user.
RANGE: 8000 meters
RATE OF FIRE: 5,500 rounds per minute.
PAYLOAD: 3 1000-round helical cassettes (3000 rounds total)
Phoenix Arms C7 Phased Pulse Rifle: The C7 Phased Pulse Rifle has been a mainstay of the Confederation's armed forces since before the Mizadi Wars. The weapon is an energy-based weapons system that fires high-powered phased energy bolts that are exceptionally damaging to all manners of targets. With a low-end output of 40 megawatts, the C7 is somewhat overkill for unarmored targets (which is why the SIAR and DIWS came into widespread usage), but against armored and shielded targets, it is the ideal weapon. Using a X-ray/laser system that identifies the target materials, the weapon fires its blast at the destructive frequency (full out-of-phase) to allow it to effectively damage target materials.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Armor/Shield
RANGE: 2.5 kilometers
RATE OF FIRE: 1,000 pulses per minute.
Phoenix Arms G11 Explosive Disc Launcher: Integrated in the left forearm of the armor, the G11 disc launcher fires 6cm hyveloc discs that are exceptionally effective against enemy personnel or light vehicles.
RANGE: 3 kilometers
RATE OF FIRE: 100 rounds per minute
PAYLOAD: 500 discs per launcher
Argus Millitech F-10 Plasma Enveloper: The F-10 plasma enveloper is the granddaddy of all hand-held weapons systems. It isn't a particularly large weapon (no larger than a shotgun), but it packs a devastating punch at relatively close ranges. Unleashing a blast of unrestrained plasma energy at a target, the plasma enveloper has been known to totally vaporize light vehicles with single blasts. It's only real drawbacks are its slow rate-of-fire and lack of range.
RANGE: 250 meters
RATE OF FIRE: 1 shot every 3 seconds.
Phoenix Arms T6E 3.5cm Squad Support Weapons System (SSWS): Support at the squad level is provided by big, semi-portable T6E spread bore fluid to gas injected pseudorecoiless mass repeaters. The weapon is officially classified as a support weapon providing both area and support cover fire, but its additional ability to defeat even large mobile frames at close range is legendary. They are designed with two dedicated tactical microprocessors operating in tandem with the tactical onboard of the suit the weapon was assigned to, in turn coordinating T6E operation seamlessly into the whole of the SLICS system.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Heavy Squad Support
RANGE: 5 kilometers
RATE OF FIRE: 600 rounds per minute.
Phoenix Arms High-Frequency Vibroblade: The Golem Mark II's right arm is slightly bulkier and used to accomodate a high-frequency vibroblade that can extend from the forearm and be used in melee combat. The blade is made of super-dense xenotronium alloy and treated with mercurite ceramics to extend its durability. It vibrates at a very high frequency to allow it to easily cut through enemy armor.


Systems Descriptions
Armor: The armor of all Confederate space mecha is a new development in low-mass composite materials Andrium™ plating that became standard for all NDI mecha after its application to the SF-28S Scorpion superiority fighter. Aside from the superb protection against projectiles, missiles, and other kinetic-impact weapons, this army is also resistant to plasma globes (annihilation discs), lasers, and to a lesser extent, particle guns, owing to the fact that the armor can flake off and evaporate in layers under fire from such high-energy weapons, taking much of the weapon's energy and converting it to latent heat of sublimation of the armor. The armor stops all small-arms fire and provides moderate to excellent resistance to all mecha weapons.
Anti-Projectile Shields: Originally designed for the LAMIA series of KFY Power Armor, these 6-foot elliptoid shields are also well suited to the Warhawk. The shield consists of an effectively invincible transparent Zesuaium center mounted in a gray Zesuaium-coated paintable frame. The "lens" of the shield itself is actually hollow inside (it contains a permanently-sealed vacuum), making the shield surprisingly light. The back of the shield contains flexible attachment straps for mounting on the forearm of the power armor, as well as six adjustable pouches along the inner frame for any storing ammunition, grenades, explosives, or batteries desired.
Auto-Pilot: The mecha is equipped with an auto-piloting system, allowing the pilot to relax or sleep during long voyages. The auto- pilot can be programmed with a single destination or a complex flight plan involving multiple speeds, directions, and destinations. The onboard computer will alert the pilot when the fighter is near its destination, and can also be set to automatically signal when sensors detect objects near the mecha. The auto-pilot was designed with long intra-system space journeys in mind.
Barrier Shield Generator: The mecha's personal barrier shield generates a powerful shield that deflects any and all manners of physical energy attacks, but can depleted by multiple, powerful attacks. Given time (10 seconds avg.), a shield will recharge to full strength. In combat conditions, the shield can sustain operations after significant barrage from enemy mecha. Damage capacity for the barrier shield is 450.78 megawatts.
Damper Field Generator: A by-product of antigravity (repulsion) technology, the damper field has been heralded as the best defense against scalar electrogravitational pulse weaponry, which are notorious for their ability to destroy ammunition, electronics, and organic life forms. While scalar EM waves penetrate conventional shielding because they can travel wherever gravity can go, the damper field uses a low-power antigravity field that negates the force of gravity and consequently provides an effective shielding system against scalar EM weapons systems.
External Audio Pickup: Range: 300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification system that can pick up normal conversation up to 300 feet away.
Oracle Microsystems SS-4 Combat Computer: The mecha is equipped with a combat computer that can store and analyze data during combat with hostile forces. The computer is essentially a Class III AI system with the capability to display large amounts of data to the pilots and highlight enemies and attacks with overlaid graphics. Capable of interfacing directly with the pilot's brain, the graphics are presented to the pilot as a normal part of the pilot's vision. The computer tracks and identifies specific enemy targets and has an internal database based on SCRIBOL programming that can identify virtually every type of combat unit the Confederation and Draconian League has ever encountered. The computer can identify and track up to 650 targets simultaneously.
Oracle Microsystems MS-17e Integrated Sensors Suite: The MS-17 integrated sensor suite (ISS) is a combination of multiple sensor systems that give the mecha a wide-spectrum of options when in the field. The primary system is the WydeSCAN GHX-44H hyperwave spherical pulse-Doppler radar, which provides medium-range (7.5 miles) detection of all targets at all altitudes. It is also equipped with special stealthy and passive modes.
Oracle Microsystems MS-11 Integrated Communications Suite: The MS-11 integrated communications suite (ICS) is a combination of multiple communications systems that give the mecha a wide-spectrum of options in the field. The primary method of communication are hyperwave communications, which provides FTL communications in the heat of battle. These transmissions are heavily encrypted and authentication protocols are updated several million times per second to make it hard for enemy electronic warfare to tap into friendly transmissions. Standard radio communications allow for a much more inefficient (albeit reliable) communication method, but is often limited because of its practicality in space. A more secure method is the directional laser communications, which is the hardest to hack, but cannot transmit a high load of data (usually limited to text or low-quality audio).
Ichigeki Electronics "Blackout" Countermeasures Suite: Quickly becoming the standard electronic countermeasures system of Confederate mecha, the Blackout suite is an active sensor jammer that is effective against enemy radar and other EMS systems. With its own dedicated sub-processor in the mecha's internal combat computer, the Blackout system serves as a formidable ECM system for such a small mecha.
Oracle Microsystems OP-50 "Deadeye" Optical Sensor Cluster: High-resolution optical/UV/IR sensor in the head unit of the mecha allow the mecha exceptional passive sensor capability. The optical sensor cluster also includes a high-powered flashlight in the head unit.
Radiation Shielding: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life-threatening heat and radiation. A radiation detection and alarm system are linked with the shields and will sound an alarm if there is a rupture in the shields and what levels of radiation have penetrated. Also, the shields will prevent damage from conventional electromagnetic pulse weapons.
Homing Signal: The mecha is equipped with a homing device that enables rescue teams to locate a disabled craft.
Loudspeaker: A loudspeaker system is built into the craft, which can be used to amplify the pilot's voice up to 110 decibels.
Squad Level Integrated Countermeasures System: The SLICS was a complex system of squad level LOS and indirect networking among the high performance tactical computers that were part of each MI battledress. The SquadNet integrated each individual MI battledress equipped soldier into a operational unit and doctrine solution that was greater than the sum of its individual parts. Utilizing SLICS, an entire squad of battledress equipped soldiers could function as one greater effective unit, instead of as many lesser effective individual units. What one soldier knew or could see, sense, smell, detect, the entire squad knew equally well. All information from one suit or soldier was instantly available to every other member of the squad. SLICS also worked to integrate the EMS of the squad into one homogenous source, working to blend the squad into the background and 'phase' it out of enemy targeting systems reach. Suit emissions were carefully monitored by the SLICS and individuals were electromagnetically 'bled' selectively to match their backgrounds at a constant rate, monitored both locally by the individual suits which 'buddy checked' each other several hundred times a second, to the remote tactical drones which did 'removed' views of the squad to make sure that no EMS spikes were readily visible to the enemy. Target reference and engagement, target spotting, and integration into the mass of data which made up the 21CB became the norm. The entire squad worked flawlessly and seamlessly as one mobile unit, pooling resources and operating on a squad level instead of a individual level as had been the case before SLICS
Stim-Injector: The suit is automatically patched into the pilot's vital signals and will intervene with a variety of chemicals to stabilize the pilot in the event of injury or to enhance combat performance. Combat stimulants like "White Tear" and painkillers like morphine are commonly used with this system. Also, to provide nourishment, a concentrated sugary fruit juice is available to the pilot in the field to keep his blood sugar levels normal.
Tactical Drones: In order to spread out the mecha's presence, three RPV drones are stored on the backpack 'hangar' of the mecha and are used to facilitate LOS sensor, communications, and countermeasures capability for the mecha.
Tactical Life Support System: The mecha's internal environment is pressurized, and also provides additional air feeds to the pilot's flight suit that provides him with pressurized breathing. In emergencies, the system can recycle the available air supplies long enough to allow the pilot to survive up to 36 hours.

Content by Derran Tyler and Marty Bowles
HTML by Derran Tyler ([email protected])
Copyright © 1999-2004 Black Ocean Studios, LLC

Version 1.05- Saturday, October 4, 2003

Based on an original mecha design by Derran Tyler & Marty Bowles
RPG Stats by Derran Tyler

The Golem series power armor is the standard infantry power armor of the Nerimian Defense Initiative’s Advanced Tactical Army Corps (ATAC). The Golem series provides full-spectrum nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protection as well as unprecedented defense against enemy weapons. The Golem allows the 21st century infantryman to keep up with friendly armor and gives him the tools necessary to defeat his enemies at range with superior firepower. The Golem is equipped with Andrium armor which offers it protection from most small arms fire. Outside of the Spacy Marines’ high-powered Phalanx armors, the Golem is the NDI infantryman’s best friend in the field.

Propulsion & Power Systems

Argus Millitech Type 84 Fusion Reactor
Genesis Propulsion Systems L-34 Turbofan Boosters (2)
Genesis Propulsion Systems G3 Ground-Effect Thrusters (4)

Speed (atmospheric): 110 mph (running); 460 mph (flying)

Phoenix Arms M55 Suit-Integrated Assault Rifle (SIAR): The main Confederate infantry weapon is the M55 suit-integrated assault rifle, a highly-dependable weapon that is built into the power armor itself. Stored in the right hip (or left, depending on the preference of the wearer), the SIAR fires 6mm rounds based on the cone bore operation principle, which allows it to fire 6mm rounds at speeds exceeding four kilometers per second without the usage of magnetic linear acceleration. The software of the SIAR allows it to fully be integrated into the SquadNet system and made the SIAR a valuable point-defense tool as well as a precision select fire option up to and including highly accurate single shots placed against softer targets of opportunity via the enabled sniper mode and targeting uplink. The software was modular, integrating itself easily into the OS of the battlesuits, and was designed for the end-user in mind, meaning that even the battlesuited trooper could work on his weapon and solve any software or hardware conflicts that might arise. With the servos / myomers of the battledress locked for recoil, the Colden M4C became a very stable weapon for precision long range fire and while not as devastating as the DIWS, it was also cheaper and easier to employ.
RANGE: 3 kilometers
RATE OF FIRE: 3,500 rounds per minute.
PAYLOAD: 1000 rounds in a stacked helical cassette.
Phoenix Arms M58 Dedicated Integrated Weapons System (DIWS): While the SIAR is the standard Confederate infantry weapon, the M58 DIWS is the standard infantry support weapon. Firing 10mm rounds at speeds exceeding six kilometers per second, the DIWS is the weapon of the dedicated sniper. Fully integratable into the SquadNet system, it possesses the same hardware and software capabilities of the SIAR, only in a heavier package. It is effective against all manners of targets given it can carry 1000 rounds each of three different types of ammunition (typically standard AP, KEAPER, and HE-I). The suit's FCS can naturally choose the proper types of munition for the selected target, or it can be done by the end-user.
RANGE: 8 kilometers
RATE OF FIRE: 5,500 rounds per minute.
PAYLOAD: 3 1000-round helical cassettes (3000 rounds total)
Phoenix Arms C7 Phased Pulse Rifle: The C7 Phased Pulse Rifle has been a mainstay of the Confederation's armed forces since before the Mizadi Wars. The weapon is an energy-based weapons system that fires high-powered phased energy bolts that are exceptionally damaging to all manners of targets. With a low-end output of 120 kW, the C7 is somewhat overkill for unarmored targets (which is why the SIAR and DIWS came into widespread usage), but against armored and shielded targets, it is the ideal weapon. Using a X-ray/laser system that identifies the target materials, the weapon fires its blast at the destructive frequency (full out-of-phase) to allow it to effectively damage target materials.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Armor/Shield
RANGE: 2.5 kilometers
RATE OF FIRE: 1,000 pulses per minute.
Argus Millitech F-10 Plasma Enveloper: The F-10 plasma enveloper is the granddaddy of all hand-held weapons systems. It isn't a particularly large weapon (no larger than a shotgun), but it packs a devastating punch at relatively close ranges. Unleashing a blast of unrestrained plasma energy at a target, the plasma enveloper has been known to totally vaporize light vehicles with single blasts. It's only real drawbacks are its slow rate-of-fire and lack of range.
RANGE: 250 meters
RATE OF FIRE: 1 shot every 3 seconds.
Phoenix Arms T6E 3.5cm Squad Support Weapons System (SSWS): Support at the squad level is provided by big, semi-portable T6E spread bore fluid to gas injected pseudorecoiless mass repeaters. The weapon is officially classified as a support weapon providing both area and support cover fire, but its additional ability to defeat even large mobile frames at close range is legendary. They are designed with two dedicated tactical microprocessors operating in tandem with the tactical onboard of the suit the weapon was assigned to, in turn coordinating T6E operation seamlessly into the whole of the SLICS system.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Heavy Squad Support
RANGE: 5 kilometers
RATE OF FIRE: 600 rounds per minute.


ARMOR: The armor of the Golem is composed of an advanced Andrium composite alloy coated with crystalline mercurite. The armor performs excellently against all manners of small-arms fire (both ballistic and energy). The power armor provides complete nuclear, biological, and chemical protection and provides an overpressure cockpit environment activated by radiation and hazardous chemical sensors, or manually when biological warfare conditions are anticipated. The internal consumables supplies can provide atmosphere for two days' worth of life support.
BARRIER SHIELD GENERATOR: The Barrier Shield Generator of the Golem generate a high-yield electromagnetic barrier shield that can deflect most types of weapons, protecting the powered armor from harm. The shield regenerates its power when not in use. The shield is always present but is not visible until a force is exerted upon it.
DAMPER FIELD GENERATOR: A by-product of antigravity (repulsor) technology, the damper field has been heralded as the best defense against scalar electrogravitational pulse weaponry, which are notorious for their ability to destroy ammunition, electronics, and organic lifeforms. While scalar EM waves penetrate conventional shielding because they can travel wherever gravity can go, the damper field uses a low-power antigravity field that negates the force of gravity and consequently provides an effective shielding system against scalar EM weapons systems.
DEDICATED REMOTE WEAPONS SYSTEM: The DRWS4, or "Draws 4" as it was commonly termed, is a squad level support weapons system (SLSWS) built around a semi-independent model four processor based Type II drone chassis mounting a plasticeramic light armor shell and dedicated electronics. The drone was slaved into the SLICS system on a base array and appropriated as a resource by all members of the squad as needed when needed. The Draws is capable of mounting various weapons packages, ranging from TAC missiles, various gunpacks, and other assorted squad-support systems.
JUMP JETS: For rapid movement across large distances or to clear obstacles and battlefield debris, as well as for advanced maneuverability, the suit was equipped with a pair of miniature ultra-high speed super compression turbofans housed in an armored nacelle array in a semi-retractable cradle assembly. The fan itself was an advanced carbon alloy design with one hundred individual mounted variable pitch ceramic blades to relieve stress on the operating parts and allow faster spool up. The fan was suspended on a frictionless magnetic bearing and the turning motors were advanced design rotary turbines with the direction of thrust determined by physically moving the entire fan array within an armored gimbaled housing. They worked equally well underwater, moving water through the blades just as easily as air, providing aqua jet type propulsion in full wet mediums Armored screened intakes over the back of the suit sucked in ambient air, and used part of the plasma heat exchanger to super heat this air into over thrust usable by the battledress though dumping the superheated air into the mixture generated a massive thermal spike readily visible on tactical target acquisition sensors. The ceramic material of the fan blades was proof against the high wash temp for extended periods of time but general practice was not to use the over thrust potential unless necessary as it allowed the enemy sensors a huge advantage when scanning for targets thermally. The micro bursts of thrust provided by the jump jet array could be applied to each side individually, at angles, and even straight down, allowing the wearer to generate ‘jumps’ of up to 50 meters at a time.
LASER COMMUNICATIONS: Short-range, directional communications system. Effective range: 10 miles. The communications systems of NDI units are propreitary; that is that only other friendly systems can decipher the encoded transmissions.
LASER TARGETING SYSTEM: Range: 1 miles (1.6 km). Used for increased accuracy in the striking of enemy targets.
OPTICS: INFRARED: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). This optical system projects a beam of infrared light that is invisible to the normal eye, but detectable by the Tempest's sensors. The system allows the drone to detect hidden/concealed objects by their IR reflectiveness. The beam will be visible to anyone with IR sensitive optics, however.
OPTICS: NIGHTVISION: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive light image intensifier that emits no light of its own, but relies on ambient light which is electronically amplified to produce a visible picture.
OPTICS: THERMAL IMAGER: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive optical heat sensor that detects infrared radiation projected by warm objects and converts that data into a false-color visible image. The system enables the trooper to see in the dark, in shadows, and through smoke.
RADAR: The radar-based systems of the Golem powered armor are the Thompson Mark III short-range pulse radar array which provide spherical short-range detection at ranges up to 4 miles. The radar has special passive modes for 'stelathy' modes of detection.
RADIO COMMUNICATIONS: Wide-band and directional radio and video telecast capabilities. Range is 7.5 miles or can be boosted indefinately via tactical drones. The communications systems of NDI units are propreitary; that is that only other friendly systems can decipher the radio's encoded transmissions.
SQUAD LEVEL INTEGRATED COUNTERMEASURES SYSTEM: The SLICS was a complex system of squad level LOS and indirect networking among the high performance tactical computers that were part of each MI battledress. The SquadNet integrated each individual MI battledress equipped soldier into a operational unit and doctrine solution that was greater than the sum of its individual parts. Utilizing SLICS, an entire squad of battledress equipped soldiers could function as one greater effective unit, instead of as many lesser effective individual units. What one soldier knew or could see, sense, smell, detect, the entire squad knew equally well. All information from one suit or soldier was instantly available to every other member of the squad. SLICS also worked to integrate the EMS of the squad into one homogenous source, working to blend the squad into the background and 'phase' it out of enemy targeting systems reach. Suit emissions were carefully monitored by the SLICS and individuals were electromagnetically 'bled' selectively to match their backgrounds at a constant rate, monitored both locally by the individual suits which 'buddy checked' each other several hundred times a second, to the remote tactical drones which did 'removed' views of the squad to make sure that no EMS spikes were readily visible to the enemy. Target reference and engagement, target spotting, and integration into the mass of data which made up the 21CB became the norm. The entire squad worked flawlessly and seamlessly as one mobile unit, pooling resources and operating on a squad level instead of a individual level as had been the case before SLICS
TACTICAL DRONES: These small RPVs were housed in a ‘hanger’ on the back of the suit and could be launched singly or together. The drones, no bigger than a man’s hand and roughly spherical in shape, were powered by a silent internal aerodyne system, and included a multi-sensor along with a compact hyper pulse transmitter and encoder. Using a drone, the onboard could spread the suit’s presence out to several hundred meters. The internal crystal storage power of the drone allowed it to loiter on station for upwards of two hours at a time, returning to the suit and recharging its internal batteries from the suits own power supply. Drones were common at depots, and were considered expendable. A drone could operate for up to 8 hours on a single charge, if it did not spend a lot of time in flight.

Content by Derran Tyler and Marty Bowles
HTML by Derran Tyler ([email protected])
Copyright © 1999-2004 Black Ocean Studios, LLC

====== GOLEM M-2 Heavy Assault Ride Armor ======
The GOLEM M-2 Heavy Assault Ride Armor is the Sol Confederation's option for heavy armor operations. Unlike a true power armor, the M-2 is not a form-fitting armor worn by the pilot, but the pilot rides inside of the M-2, controlling its operations from inside. Larger, stronger, faster, and more powerful than the DEFENDER M-1, the M-2 is typically relegated to heavy assault and shock troop operations. While a significantly more powerful combatant, the main drawback of the M-2 is its reliance on ammunition-based weaponry, which means that it often has to retreat from battle to re-arm its weapons, making logistics even more important to the deployment of this weapons platform.

===== General Data =====

**Government:** [[Sol Confederation]] \\
**Organization:** [[Sol Confederation Armed Forces]]

**Type:** Heavy Assault Ride Armor \\
**Class:** GOLEM class

* [[CONTRA]]
* [[Phoenix Arms Corporation]], R&D Division III

* [[Phoenix Arms Corporation]]

**Pilot Information:** Requires one (1) Humanoid pilot between 5'2" and 6'6".

**Height:** 87.6 inches \\
**Width:** 45.22 inches \\
**Mass:** 648.44 lbs. empty, up to 8,240 lbs. fully loaded.

* **Atmospheric:** Mach 1.1 at Earth sea level
* **Underwater:** 92 mph

The GOLEM M-2 is not capable of transatmospheric operations but has supersonic flight capabilities in an Earth-type atmosphere. It is highly maneuverable, able to largely negate the effect of inertia as needed; can hover and climb up walls if needed.

===== Weapons =====

==== Configurations ====
The GOLEM M-2 is a highly adaptable platform, comprising of a standard loadout of weaponry but can be upgraded and fitted with advanced, mission specific weaponry and equipment depending on battlefield conditions.

^ **Battlefield Standard Configurations** ^^
^Alpha Configuration: | PAC 40mm MAC Cannon (right hand), PAC TV-8 Energy Projector (left hand), PAC ARM-6 Shoulder-fired Missile Launcher x 2 (shoulders)|
^Hotel Configuration: | PAC 75mm XL-V Gauss Autocannon (right hand), PAC 105mm XL-VII Mortar Launcher (right shoulder), PAC ARM-10 Shoulder-fired Missile Launcher (left shoulder)|
^Sierra Configuration: | PAC 40mm MAC Cannon (right hand), Nova-West Vibro-Blade (left hand), PAC ARM-10 Shoulder-fired Missile Launcher (right shoulder) WydeSCAN VK-3 Mk. 1 Doppler-pulse Radar/XCLIPSE Mk. 5 ECM Pod |

==== Phoenix Arms Corporation 40mm Magnetic Acceleration Cannon ====
A rifle-based version of the RRX-1 series, this weapon can be held by the M-2 Heavy Ride Armor and fires 1 kg Hephestium slugs at nearly 8,200 meters per second towards its targets. Each round is hollowed out with a soft, malleable core of high-explosive that ensures that the power of the round does not fall off with range. Known as a spectacular anti-armor weapon, even heavy tanks face extreme dangers from this weapon.

* **Primary Purpose:** Anti-Power Armor/Anti-Armor
* **Damage:** Heavy against all armor types; explosive and kinetic impact damage. (DR 6)
* **Range:** 25 kilometers.
* **Rate of Fire:** Two modes of fire: Single shot and burst fire (3-rounds).
* **Payload:** 250 rounds in helical magazine. 1 spare magazine is carried.

==== Phoenix Arms Corporation 75mm XL-V Gauss Autocannon ====
A heavy, arm-mounted, smoothbore gauss autocannon installed on the M-2 Heavy Ride Armor, this weapon fires 5 kg Hephestium slugs at over 10,000 meters per second with a rate-of-fire exceeding 15,000 rounds a minute. Two types of rounds are available - the standard HEAP (high-explosive armor-piercing) or armor-piercing sabot rounds designed for shredding heavy armor. An absolutely devastating anti-armor system - the heaviest of armored mecha and tanks fear this system.

* **Primary Purpose:** Anti-Armor
* **Damage:** Extremely Heavy against all armor types; explosive and kinetic impact damage. (DR 7 using HEAP, DR 8 using armor-piercing sabot)
* **Range:** 25 kilometers.
* **Rate of Fire:** Three modes of fire: Single shot, 3-round burst, and fully automatic.
* **Payload:** 1,000 rounds in a helical magazine.

==== Phoenix Arms Corporation 105mm XL-VII Mortar Launcher ====
Designed for heavy assault applications, this mortar launcher fires self-guided mortars towards targets to provide indirect fire support for Confederate ground forces in the field. When mounted on a platform such as the M-2 GOLEM, the system becomes amazingly mobile and coupled with the advanced targeting systems of the M-2, the XV-VII is incredibly accurate. The 105mm mortars are equipped with two types of warheads: HEAP (high-explosive armor-piercing) or SLEX (stabilized liquid explosive) which will vent an area with aerosolized SLEX before an electric pulse timer detonates, creating a rolling firestorm similar to that of a fuel-air bomb. The XL-VII can ripple fire all ten mortars in a coordinated way to allow all ten to hit a single target simultaneously.

* **Primary Purpose:** Indirect Fire
* **Damage:** Extremely Heavy against all armor types; explosive and kinetic impact damage. (DR 7 using HEAP, DR 8 using SLEX)
* **Range:** 20 kilometers (balletic trajectory)
* **Rate of Fire:** Volleys of 1-10.
* **Payload:** 10 mortars pre-loaded.

==== Phoenix Arms Corporation TV-8 Energy Projector ====
The TV-8 Energy Projector is a relatively short-range energy weapon that fires particle energy at the disruptive frequency (full-out-of-phase) for the target's materials. The particles have a specific, disruptive effect against conventional shielding and will break down molecular bonds at the point of impact to significantly weaken enemy armor materials.

* **Primary Purpose:** Anti-Armor
* **Damage:** Heavy against all armor types; heat and kinetic impact damage. (DR 7)
* **Range:** 1.5 kilometers
* **Rate of Fire:** 1 shot every 3 seconds.
* **Payload:** Effectively unlimited. Runs of the M-2's generator.

==== Phoenix Arms Corporation ARM-6, 10 Shoulder-fired Missile Launchers ====
The ARM-6 and ARM-10 shoulder-fired missile launchers are 6.3cm and 10cm (respectively) launchers designed exclusively for the M-2 GOLEM ride armor. The ARM-6 is the most commonly used system, capable of firing the SRM-3 "Asp" tactical missile with an all-purpose seeker. The ARM-10 fires the larger MRM-5 "Rattler" tactical missile with the same all-purpose seeker, but with an advanced implosion warhead that can wreak havoc amongst enemy ground formations.

* **Primary Purpose:** Precision Strikes
* **Missile Types:** SRM-3 "Asp"; MRM-5 "Rattler"
* **Damage:** Heavy against all armor types; explosive and kinetic impact damage. (DR 6 for SRM-3, DR 7 for MRM-5) The MRM-5 deals area-of-effect damage.
* **Range:** 8 km (SRM-3); 27 km (MRM-5)
* **Rate of Fire:** Can be rippled off in volleys of 1-8.
* **Payload:** 8 missiles per launcher.
==== Nova-West Defense Systems Type VI Vibro-Blades ====

Forged of a ultra-hardened alloy of Hephestium, these forearm-mounted blades extend out up to 21-inches to give the wearer exceptional close-quarters fighting ability. Each blade is sharpened to near a molecule thickness and vibrates at speeds up to 500 kHz, allowing it to cut through nearly anything it comes into contact with.

* **Primary Purpose:** Anti-personnel/anti-mecha
* **Damage:** Heavy to all targets.

===== Systems =====

==== Armour and Stealth Systems ====

=== Outer Armour ===
The M-2 Heavy Ride Armor is the only Sol Confederation armor design to utilize Leptonium (Yamataium) exclusively in its hull design, affording it amazing protection from all manners of attack (save anti-matter). As such, the M-2 is considered the most survivable armor in the Confederation's arsenal.

**Armor:** DR 8

=== Shielding Systems ===
The M-2 Heavy Ride Armor is equipped with a high-powered barrier shield that utilizes electromagnetic repulsion to repel and dampen the force of incoming fire. At maximum strength, the shield is capable of absorbing impact equivalent to that of 5 tons of TNT. In addition to its barrier shield, the M-2 is also equipped with a damper field, which projects a low-power anti-gravity field that negates the force of gravity and provides an effective shielding system against scalar EM weapons.

**Shield:** DR 6

=== Interior ===
The inside of the M-2 Heavy Ride Armor is much like the cockpit of a fighter craft, with control surfaces, heads-up display, and other electronic displays that allow the pilot to effectively control the mecha.

== Life Support ==
The life support systems of the M-2 provides full, all-environment protection for the pilot and includes a rebreather system, dedicated oxygen supply and air-filtration/recyling system, sterile water and energy paste supply. The M-2 can support an active combat operation for the pilot for up to one Earth-standard week (7 days) before effectiveness drops to 50%. After that, the system will function for another three days before failing. The suit also includes an internal catheter system that removes the bodily wastes of the pilot to allow the pilot to remain inside the mecha for extended periods of time.

== Control Systems ==
The M-2 is controlled via dual-control stick and foot pedal apparatus, allowing the pilot to control each arm and leg individually with amazing precision.

==== Sensors and Communications Suite ====

The GOLEM is equipped with the SCAF standard Integrated Sensors and Communications Suite (ISCS), which includes tactical sensor, communications, and battlefield computer systems. Equipped with Oracle Microsystems' SPARTAN-M OS for use with the DEUS combat network, which facillitates unit integration all the way to the squad to the fleet level.

**Tactical Sensor Systems:**
* WydeSCAN GHX-34X spherical pulse-Doppler radar (Range: 31.4 kilometers [19.51 miles])
* Oracle Microsystems' OP-50 "DEADEYE" Optical/UV/IR sensor cluster
* Ichigeki Electronic "BLACKOUT" ECM Pod (provides active/passive jamming of enemy sensors and communication within 1 mile radius)
* Oracle Microsystems SS-5 Combat Computer

**Optional Sensor Systems**
* WydeSCAN VK-3 Mk. 1 Doppler-pulse Radar (Range: 76.44 kilometers [47.5 miles] (Sierra Variant Only)
* Ichigeki Electronics "XCLIPSE" Mk. 5 ECM Pod (Sierra Variant Only) (provides active/passive jamming of enemy sensors and communication within 5 mile radius)

**Communications Systems:***
* Radio
* External Audio
* Line-of-Sight Infrared (LOSIR)
* Laser

**I-Y8 "Pathfinder" Tactical Sensor Drones (8):** Mounted in a backpack recharge unit, the GOLEM has 8 tactical sensor drones that allow it to expand its sensor presence to a much larger area. Each drone is equipped with a standard tactical sensor package consisting of thermal, ultraviolet, optical, acoustical, and pulse radar sensors.

==== Power & Propulsion Systems ====
*Argus Millitech A-17B Fusion Cell Reactor (2)
* Argus Millitech D-7A Fusion-Electric Capacitors (8)
* Argus Millitech VX-446-B Gravimetric Pulse Drives (2)
* Genesis Propulsion Systems BK-71 Ion Pulse Thrusters (6)
Ok. So we've covered that there's no relevant connection to the defunct Golem PA and that it's not going to be sold on open market so you'll have to find pirates that snagged a shipment or something and they can charge whatever they want. Next disaster?
If the Golem Armors are not connected, would it be possible for you to consider changing the name? I just would like to avoid confusion. Would you be opposed to this?
Also, could we make the background of the art transparent (or at least wiki dark blue)?
Andrew said:
If the Golem Armors are not connected, would it be possible for you to consider changing the name? I just would like to avoid confusion. Would you be opposed to this?
What confusion is there? The majority of the Nepleslian player base would not have been around to even have heard of the original Golem. How often do you mention Golems in your plots or wiki pages?

A search of the word "Golem" turns up three hits (aside from the two that are associated with DB and his creation). The most used link is the Daisy, which is only used as a point of reference in its history and development.

If the original Golem was still running about, I'd say change it. But it's not. It doesn't even have a proper wiki page. So, unless the old Golems are going to start sprouting back up, there's only one Golem Assault Armor in active use. Hard to get it confused when there's only one on the wiki.
As was discussed briefly earlier, the suggestion to change the name was merely a suggestion. If he decides to change it, it is up to him. If not, it has no bearing on the review process.

(He had actually mentioned he was considering a different name anyway because he was not fond of the current)

Once he decides, I will start my review of this submission.
No better names have been thought up by the think tank which espouse the traits of the armor and are cooler. Please go ahead with the assessment.
This review is for: GAA

The submitted article is/has…
[x] A very high level of overall quality
[x] A general topic sentence under the title header
[x] Artwork (Required for new species; Strongly recommended for vehicles and hand weapons)\\
[x] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[x] In the proper format/template
[x] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[x] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[x] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[x] No red and/or broken links
[x] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[x] Reasonably neutral point of view

The submitted article is/does not…
[IN COMPLIANCE] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
[IN COMPLIANCE] Obtusely redundant
[IN COMPLIANCE] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[IN COMPLIANCE] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[IN COMPLIANCE] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[IN COMPLIANCE] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[IN COMPLIANCE] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[IN COMPLIANCE] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[IN COMPLIANCE] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[IN COMPLIANCE] Lacking Detail
[IN COMPLIANCE] Images hosted on sites other than (Photobucket, Imageshack, etc are not allowed)

The article has…
[IN COMPLIANCE] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[IN COMPLIANCE] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[IN COMPLIANCE] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[IN COMPLIANCE] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.

Note here if any serious issues are present. These are the issues that will hold up approval.
** Short description of the issue. If a longer explanation is needed, put it in Notes.


Looks good. Please add price. Not going to hold up approval for it.

I intend to finish this review by: COMPLETED