Star Army

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RP Grand Admirals' Chat


Inactive Member
NSS Episcopus, Nepleslia System

"Permission to come aboard?" came the question.

"Permission granted," was the reply.

And then two of the most powerful men in Nepleslia stood apart from each other and shook their hands firmly, as if old friends greeting one another. This was, in fact, only the second time they had ever met face to face.

Then it was time to go through the formalities. Introducing each others' staff, catching up on fleet deployments and what each fleet had accomplished since they last spoke. All of this happened as they walked towards the conference room.

The sailors of the 2nd Assault Fleet were used to their Admiral's presence but now the prestige was doubled. Not one but two of the Imperium's vaunted Grand Admirals walked this deck and for long stretches, sailors peeked out of cabins or conveniently were on the way, saluting as the Admirals passed. None of them had seen the newest Grand Admiral in person. And all of them knew what was going on. There had been a leadership change and that had left a gaping hole in the command structure of the Nepleslian Navy.

Charlie Coast had replaced Pyros Westwood as Sky Marshall and Premier. He was no longer Grand Admiral Charlie Coast, Commanding Officer of 3rd Assault Fleet. He was Premier Coast, Sky Marshall Coast. And now there was no Grand Admiral to command the 3rd AF.

That position had yet to be filled. And what else, short of a war, would bring two such personages together?

As the Admirals took the places, their staff filed in behind them.

On one side, Commandant John Corcanz and Admiral Nero Romani flanked their superior. On the other, Field Marshal Audrey Keyes and Rear Admiral Valencia Ironside flanked theirs. And facing each other, Grand Admirals Vladimirus Corcyra and Dominic Valken.

"Shouldn't Flint be here?" Corcyra asked casually.

"He's busy getting the 1st back into shape. He said to talk to you first and then get back to him," Valken replied.

"Typical. So, I guess it's time to play Kingmaker. I'll start with the obvious - why not promote Lao? He's served as exec for 3rd for years," Corcyra asked.

The smaller Admiral nodded. "The Admiral embodies his fleet, its overall doctrine and roles. No getting around that. Lao is a solid leader but he's not someone on Charlie's level. And he's been wanting to retire. Lao fights cold and is an excellent counterpoint to Charlie. To lead 3rd Fleet while maintaining its current operational doctrine, you need someone who fits Charlie's mold. Someone who fights hot and who is larger than life. Or at least someone aggressive and assertive like Charlie. Do you know anyone with that kind of personality?"

"A couple but not with the experience to lead an entire fleet. I admit, I haven't worked with them for years. You guys are out on Prime while we're here staring at the NMX on one side and the Cats on the other. But you wouldn't be here if you didn't have any ideas," Corcyra smiled.

Valken chuckled and passed a folder filled with papers from a briefcase that Ironside passed him.

"More than an idea, I see," Corcyra said, opening the folder and reading the top page.

"Motoyoshi Saito... former UOC Grand Peacekeeper and ... commands one of my divisions?! You want to put a mere Captain in Charlie's position? I haven't even heard of her!" Corcyra exploded.

Valken kept smiling. "Read the simulated combat reports. You'll see she's got the qualifications."

For long minutes, the room was silent as Corcyra intensely reviewed reports penned by his subordinates, which he had never seen. They detailed how Captain Motoyoshi had led her squadron and division in various combat exercises. For the most part, they were full of praise for the aggressive and efficient command of the Jiyuuian woman. A few reports were more overtly racist and less positive than the majority.

"'She maneuvers her units and strikes decisively'," Corcyra read from one report, before moving to another, "'Her units advanced swiftly, in perfect formation and attacked boldly in unison. They failed to break the opposition's battle wall because supporting units could not move with similar precision or strike simultaneously, resulting in her squadron's annihilation.' Sounds like she doesn't know how to slow down and wait for support instead of charging head on." Vlad Corcyra frowned. He didn't have anything against Motoyoshi but why hadn't he heard of her if she was so good. Coupled with his distrust of Yamataians, even those from the UOC, he wasn't entirely convinced that she was ready for the fancy jacket.

"Sounds like Charlie. Do you think we would honestly have slowed our own attack down if we were ready? We'd have gone in guns blazing as well. The fault of other units not kicking off their own attack on time can't be blamed on the one commander who got it right. She knows how to lead fleets and think of the political impact. It'd be a blow to Yamatai's prestige to have someone like that. The IPG did some digging and she's one of those who really hates Yamatai and accuses them of waiting for the UOC to fall before moving in and grabbing the land. She left Yamatai because of her outspoken views," Valken responded.

"You know what, Dom? Fuck it, let's do this. Charlie's top dog, time to shake things up. If you think she's got the balls, tits, whatever to grab hold of 3rd Fleet and ride it, I'll back you. So far, you've been on the ball about these things. I'll hold onto these and have a chat with Flint later. You should get off my ship and tell this Motoyoshi girl just how much trouble you're dropping her into. In person!" Corcyra laughed loudly.

Valken laughed as well and they both rose, shaking hands. "After that, come back and we can catch up on stuff besides business," Corcyra added.