Well, Uso likes to make his little schpeals on Physics in a sci-fi rp setting, and while I can appreciate some of his points, I don't really care for a vast majority. (I.E Physics playing such a major role on here.)
More or less, there isn't anything wrong with using Gravimetric Systems. Maybe they don't make sense, or "Won't work." to Physics Professors and the like, but they are still a legit piece of tech that had no issues until one person went off on them.
Manipulating gravity should be
easy in regards to the level of technologies some of the races have.
The major thing that is throwing me off a great deal is this (It is not the entirety of the quoted text, only about two or three points.),
Wes said:
I rule that Gravimetric drives:
- are basically continuum distortion drives used for STL
- are projected from shield-like panels or large hull surfaces like CDD/CFS
- Do not need rocket nozzles
- require energy but no fuel
- Can be used for any STL speed
- are subject to Anti-FTL fields
- Like CDD drives, produce no inertia
I would like to see these drives phased out over the next two years by replacing them with CDD/CFS and/or other drive systems like ion, plasma, etc.
If we are comparing it to a CDD drive, then what is the big deal? CDD will
never be gone. CDD is a FTL drive, but in this instance, Gravimetric Drives are being compared to a drive that more or less a Subspace 'Tunneling' or Warp drive (The CDD drive's wiki isn't lengthy enough for me to draw a better conclusion).
And in truth, I have stated a few times, species do not evolve on the same evolutionary track as others, and will a vast majority of the time develop different technologies, and innovations. Gravimetric systems, being a part of that is entirely feasible. The only way for every race ever to be made to have a Hyperfold, CDD, CFS is if it were given to them. The chance of them developing the same technologies and principals are low. In some instances it can be high, and in major instances, extremely erratic and random from a statistical point of view to the point of being unpredictable.
Gravimetric systems could work B-5 style, or another way. Ion, and Plasma systems are a major step back in terms of propulsive technologies (I am however confident others can be found.) considering we're making them viable now, in the real world. And something that I have constantly tried to pound into Uso's skull is, "Your Laws of Physics are ever changing, they do not remain a constant." which, holds true.
Things we theorized never could be done, we're doing now, and I imagine things we theorized never could be done now, could possibly be done in the future.
On the subject of Anti-FTL fields, they may or may not work on Gravimetric Drives in a given situation from a reasoning standpoint. If Anti-FTL utilizes gravity to hold a ship in place, disabling FTL, we could equate the usage of them on a Gravimetric Drive (If they indeed use Gravity) to a person with wet hands, and a lathered bar of soap squeezing his hands together. The soap flies out at high speed as pressure and or force is applied.
To nullify a Gravimetric Drive (Minus me going into Quantum Theory and Physics and using what we have on here. And me speculating on how to do this.) you would have to make a field of Anti-Gravity, canceling the propulsive 'force' much like sound cancellation and resonance. It would have to remain constant, and exert a much greater force. But, this means that an Anti-Gravity field is an Anti-Anti FTL field. Which...if given some thought on just how far it could go would make things very confusing, lengthy, or frustrating.
If a Plumeria were to cancel another Plumeria's drive system, it would, but based purely on the fact both are equal in terms of force exerted if using stock equipment. However, if the other Plumeria were to exert an Anti-Gravity field, nullification would be gone, and the Drives working again. The scope of it can be rather daunting, or tiny given a varying degree possibilities in a given situation.
Or, you could disrupt the normal flow of space time, which, is a bad thing for everyone.
-Takes a step back, and looks at what he typed.- "It's just umm...WOW, I really confused myself. The possibility of a paradox, or a never ending loop, and or self perpetuating constant are staggering if this held true.
" -Actually now has the beginnings of a headache. (Yes, I tried to think and rationalize this.)-