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Greeting Fellow Travelers

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Inactive Member
I have come from a distant planet to make friends here in this new and wonderful land. I hope that this is the right place. I really enjoy science fiction, and RP things. This is my first RP forum. Thanks!
Hi Lazarus, welcome to SARP. I am Nashoba one of the site admins. We have a lot to offer folks with a wide range of plots. If there is anything we can do to help get started do not hesitate to ask questions. You can do so here or you can go online in our IRC where there are always folks around who can give answers or advice. I look forward to seeing you around.
Thanks Nashoba!

I was wondering, the first character I made is named Lazarus, and his character is kind of a bounty hunter private detective guy. I made him at 2AM in the morning, and I had a lot of fun making him, I just would like to know is there any place here for a character like this? If not, that is cool, i would be happy to delete him and create a more cohesive and plausible character for this world.

here is his character page on the wiki for reference.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ch ... rus_deagle

If there is a place for such a character, which plots would you suggest for this kind of character, and which would also be good for beginners. I really want to get involved here and contribute, just need a direction!

Also, if you read any of what I wrote on his character page, I want to thank you for your time.
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