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Commander Alastor

Inactive Member
And Salutations,

I stumbled upon the site whilst searching for some fun space RP sites, and I have to admit, although I have been skimming through much, I am indeed intrigued. Frankly, I am shocked that I haven't stumbled upon this awesome site much much much sooner.

Now personally I am a huge fan of sci-fi, space and all that good stuff. So I am looking forward to getting involved. (A huge fan of the following: Firefly, Mass Effect, Babylon 5, and a bunch of other franchises)

However I do have a few questions, and I am in need of a bit of advice.

I am currently going through the playable races, and I was wondering, is it possible to play something akin to Firefly/Serenity (within the Independent Roleplay Forums) and which race would be the most suitable?

Thanks for any advice and help.
Sure, it's possible to make a Firefly-style RP. In such an RP, almost any combination of species could work. Nepleslians are a good start because their culture is quite familiar with concepts of self-reliance and shady dealings (there's a lot of crime in the megacities).

Wes is the ultimate source of information, this is his site after all ─ if he can't tell you about something, he knows the people who can.

As for the rest of it, or if Wes isn't available, feel free to contact me. I'm a mentor on this site, and it's my job to make sure you get all the information you need if you don't know who else to ask.

Firefly is one of my favorite series, and the Independents of the setting don't get as much love as some think they deserve. Firefly-like roleplay would honestly fit in quite well with what we have currently, especially with the Nepleslian nation as the backdrop.

Welcome to the site!

I'm also a relatively new player, and my initial interest was to do exactly what you're describing in playing an independent space-roguish type of character. The character I currently play is Sienna Shelton, and Wes actually suggested that I introduce her to the YSS Eucharis plot as a civilian passenger. A few ideas were exchanged, and it wasn't long before the ship picked her up from a backwater world and offered her amnesty in exchange for assisting their away team out of a tight spot.

He has told me that he'd like to see the SARP universe diversify a bit more, and I'm sure he'd be open to accommodating a Firefly-esque plot if there was enough interest. But until then, just ask him, and he's always more than willing to work with you to get your first character integrated.

And who knows, maybe soon we'll see an independent starship gain a crew and start roaming the stars looking for work on the fringes of society, and Sienna just might jump on board.
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