Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 188604 Groundbreaking Diplomacy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Navian
  • Start date Start date


ON, Queen's Slave>

"OK, so I know this is going to sound a little but 'uncaring', but just who are you?" Uso asked.

The ship, much like the Neko talking inside of it, was a bit dishevelled. Datapads strewn about, one clipped to Uso's belt, and even a half disassembled power armor in the corner along with parts to a small pistol scattered about like it had been torn apart.

"How is that 'uncaring'? If you didn't care, you wouldn't ask." 'Queenie' looked back through a camera on the White Lament, surrounded by a sterile, colourless hallway, with markedly less character than most empty warehouses. "I can't say I've heard much about you, either. You know our mutual acquaintance, of course. She wanted an engineer, so she 'hired' me."

"So is that all you are? I got the impression that you could help solve a problem that extends beyond just banging on machines.

Right now, more than anything, I need combat-ready ships." Uso replied.

"Is that what this is about? I've never built combat ships, but if you're not asking about engineering per se... I am rather well-respected back home, you could call me something of a folk hero. I'm not in a position to give you ships, but I can speak to those who could, and tell you a bit about what they might want in return, if you're looking for a diplomat."

"That then. Did anyone fill you in on what's going on here?" Uso asked, not bothering to wait for a reply,

"There are these bug things called the I'ee. Just stepped out of their home system, totally unprepared for the NMX that showed up. They are super loyal, adorable, hard working, and probably extinct as well if someone doesn't roll in and save them. We've got some ships, and I plan on being that someone very soon, but right now it is a fairly even fight.

I'd rather it not be an even fight."

Queenie squinted up at the camera, as if she was reading the device. She had the image of Uso being fed to her vision cortex, but nevermind that. "What sort of scale are you talking about for this battle? I know this is your largest ship, but I don't have much of an idea what sort of forces are involved in this fight."

"9 Drone-things. Smaller ships but very combat oriented. We've also got an assortment of other small ships and a handful of larger cruisers and megafreighters.

Freighters aren't exactly warships, but ours is full of missiles.

We're up against 21 Mishhu ships, 3 of those are carriers, the rest are those pillager types." Uso explained. "Its not a grand star army or anything, but it is serious."

The engineer paced the corridor for a moment in thought, before turning back to the camera. "Hmm. It seems I have good news and bad news, then. The bad news is, if we've got cruisers, we're not telling anyone. The good news is, our gunships can outrange their main guns. I'm no tactician, but I suspect that means we can help, at least once we sort out the details. We've never engaged a true naval fleet, though we do have some veterans."

"How do you have veterans if you've never engaged a true naval fleet?" Uso asked, "Nevermind. Not important. Really ANYTHING will help. We've already got a pretty solid computer running the tactical bits of the operation. We have a plan and we will win, but having more ships means we will be able to keep more of our ships from getting destroyed during the operation."

Queenie waved her hand, and continued, "Short of that, an allied squadron should at least serve to distract the Mishhuvurthyar, and weaken their flank. I can start the discussion, we are looking for allies, after all. There will be some resistance, however. I don't think any back home ever expected to save a species from extinction. Perhaps our own, but that danger seems to have passed."

"The Nepleslians saved your collective asses by giving you a skirt to hide under when Yamatai came-a-calling. You've got a chance to pay that forward here and save someone else who needs a-saving. We're going to win this, and you're being handed a golden opportunity to make a name for yourself, win allies, and build good will. If your people don't want to help stop another genocide they can fuck off and die all by themselves." Uso said firmly, leaning in towards the display to press her point home.

Queenie snorted, covering her mouth demurely. "I won't say we don't benefit from the treaty, but we found another skirt to hide under, quite of our own accord. You don't need to convince me, but I don't think a guilt-trip will work on the majority. Arccos didn't tell you I was an autocrat, did she? The Hive is still a democracy."

"I know basically nothing about you. If you want to be all democratic then go right ahead..." Uso said furrowing her brow, looking at Queenie intently, "... fine, what does your democracy want?"

Queenie threw up her arms in an 'I don't know', gesture, but smiled and answered regardless. "I want an alliance, there are those who agree with me. Others want ships, tech, even money. They're easy to please, but not very responsible. A few of us just want some combat experience, believe it or not.

"On the other hand, some of us don't want anyone else to have wealth or to experience combat, so I'd advise some discretion. We're going through a bit of a renaissance period. If you can find markets, techniques, and inspiration for our artists, they may prove more willing to turn a blind eye to the scary explosions.

"Last but not least, there's many who just want to be left alone. This means that they don't want entanglements, which makes it hard to form ties, but also means they don't want outside interference, which means they'd be happy if you could cover them while we're bootstrapping our teeny, tiny economy.

"That should serve as a brief summary." She put her hands back together, and tilted her head to the side. Even with most of the population going unrepresented, listing what everyone with a say wanted might have taken days.

"So form a voting block and win your democracy already. Isolationists are losers, they'll back away from anything and probably won't vote. Assuming your demographics are all over the place like normal spacers you should probably just get your war-pigs and those that want ships/tech/salvage/money and promise that they'll get that from the upcoming battle plus access to lucrative markets on 188604...

188604 is where we are now.

... well, you know, down there..."

"They will 'vote'." Queenie made air quotes to go with the word. "The leftists form the second-most powerful bloc. We can form a coalition against them--both wings, even, the center has a narrow majority--but the issue isn't winning the vote, the difficulty is winning it fast enough to form our first-ever expeditionary task force in the time allotted. This is a bit of a rush job.

"Salvage rights and a trade advantage should help with everyone... though we don't have the starships we need to collect salvage, so that's something that needs to be worked out. I don't suppose you could delegate the negotiations to someone?"

"Ugh, so you need ships to give me ships? I mean, I can get you ships if that is what you need but you're going to have to wait until after the fight. You can always give me a call, and I can negotiate. Or you can just give me your shopping list right now and we'll see what I can fill." Uso replied.

Queenie shook her head a few times, closing her eyes. She was starting to think this unlikely. "Our star system is not friendly to outside hardware, which adds complications. Cargo we can intercept would be worth more than promises, but I can't tell you what we would value most, nor do I know what you can deliver.

"A freighter to drop off the salvage in our outer system would be useful even if we just borrow it. Plus, it could serve as collateral, that we won't have a motive to steal, as it will only be worth its own scrap value to us. Is that along the lines of what you were thinking?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Ships for rent is something I can do. We can even give you a cut of the salvage. Keep what you kill I suppose." Uso replied.

"An interesting incentive, though I can't be sure how rewarding that will be for our little squadron. A cargo ship should at least tell us we'll get something out of the bargain, and if we can fill it with the right cargo beforehand... well, that might take some discussion. Who's responsible for exports of, say, paintings or pottery from 188604?"

"Me... as of right now..." Uso replied, "If that's what you really care about I can give you ship-loads of art and pottery. I'll make it RAIN art."

"Hmm, throw in some luxury goods and we have a deal. That's not the same thing as having a deal with the Shravana Hive, it just means I'll try to work with it, to make one." Queenie didn't think of herself as much of a diplomat, but even so, the level of formality of this arrangement--a little less than none, that was--felt bewildering. "We'll send our own crews to pick it up, and use the hauler to pick up our salvage when the time comes. If you can help us collect it, and protect the ship that we're borrowing, we'll be more likely to give it back in one piece. Pirates have been a problem."

"How are pirates a problem? You've got a fleet just go blow them up?... You know what? I'll slide on by and wipe them out myself. You can throw that into your deal with the democracy you're trying to work out.

Consider it a bonus." Uso replied.

"The pirates are scattered through hundreds of star systems, and we have about... ten... ships allocated," Queenie said carefully. "I'll let them know you've offered us your protection, and give them the very fight for the I'ee we're proposing as evidence. And point out that you do want your ship back, since you're presumably renting it from someone else, for us. This might be enough to work with."

"Democracys suck." Uso said, "Just go and make this happen, I'll send you a ship full of art and if you manage to come through for us then... you know... all that other stuff. You can start being a real, grown up, power in the universe and all that." Uso replied tapping her fingers on the console infront of her for a moment. "Is that it? Because once I close this communication out I'm going to go get shit done so fast your head'll spin...
... you know....
... because I'm not wasting all my time ...
... voting...
... like you are."

"My head's already spinning, but fear not, I'll waste no more time than you. We are done." It took every effort for Queenie to say that in the tone of one who was happy to have made a good deal, rather than one who was quitting in frustration. Technically, she was both. "Are you available for a debriefing, Arccos?"

Meanwhile, on the Queen's slave Uso was setting up another call,

"SAMMY! I NEED YOUR ARTWORK!" She shouted, "You know what, I'm coming over, start drawing on stuff now I'll explain later!"