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Yamatai News (YINN) Growing Trouble at the Elysian Fringe

"There's a protest outside of the Senate today, the third in the past week focused on the lack of ESDF responsiveness against the steadily increasing reports of piracy," the crimson-winged reporter announced as the screen behind him panned across a gathered crowd of several hundred Elysians, many of whom toting signs they shoved upwards to make them visible.

Scrawled on the signs were varying messages, often four words or less;


The feed zooms out again, as the reporter resumes speaking, "The Senate has so far refused to authorize Yamtaian aid for this issue, leaving many citizens at the fringes of our civilization at risk. With even entire vessels and merchant fleets being stolen, it's hard to believe these pirates are going to stay away for much longer. The Self-Defense-Force has even admitted defeats in some cases, with their vessels being captured. Those on board have yet to be put up for ransom, leading many to wonder if they're even alive at all."

"The good news is that the ESDF forces available are still growing, with three new patrol craft slated to be in full operation by the end of the month. We can only hope that this will push back the wave of crime before it is too late."

This is a push to help give traction for @Eric 's new plot idea, with reports of missing ships and crews. The fate of these captured assets will be revealed during the plot itself.
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