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a lot of mine are kinda blurry. Will get updated or take new photos when i find my camera.

i only have pictures atm of my 5.56 Block II build in the works and my SLR in 5.45x39.

not in these photos are my good bakers douzen of other rifles, Shotguns and my couple pistols. Will get those as soon as i can.
I'll have to find photos of my firearms. Just sold my SKS and my Ruger Service-Six; still got my Glocks and my JW-15 .22. And Silver, my 1957 Wingmaster 870.

In the meantime, my inheritance from my grandfather -- his 1948 Smith & Wesson Military & Police. A six-shot .38, with a six-inch barrel.

its customary when selling a firearm and taking a picture to leave your bare feet in the picture, Often times it will be sore ridden or outright disgusting looking in general. Theres a whole meme about it tbh...
Yea, has a slug barrel on it. We don't do much hunting outside of deer, though I do have the old barrel for it as well.
that is a beautiful gun. All the more so because you got it from a loved one.
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