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Haiku Thread


Everybody and Nobody
I would say something
Only my creativity
Is now on a low

However I may
Because I just did right then
Hurrah for the me! ()

Probably all wrong
So who cares anyway?
I certainly don't.
It keeps spilling

Misplace empathy of

Old boy club

Basho spins now

In an shallow grave oh,

Was he cremated?
Mob rule, wealth abused;
Poor are ignored, left to die.

Though wisdom's spreading,
There are still those who believe,
The most horrid lies.
Economy dead
Helping the poor to live well
Socialists rule

Anarchy relies
On the innate good of man
Shame we're all pigs

Utopia breeds
No heroes, for contentment is
The enemy of good
Something like children,
Beautiful and innocent,
Can yet bring darkness.
When the sky is clear,
And the tempurature is nice,
It's inspiring.
The day is nice now,
as I can go back to sleep.
Tomorrow comes soon.

Wes Wes Wes Wes Wes.
Thomas Thomas Thomas Wes.
Rei Thomas Wes Me.

Hehehehe. It's funny to me.
Damn it, I'm so late,
Missing my statistics class,
On its only day...

(Crap, should have been there at 7:45-10:00 pm but woke up from a nap just now at 9pm).
The friendly captain
Not only concerned for war
But also with love.

Meanwhile the cook
Browses his pornography
And feigns innocence
Oh, you peeping tom
You've watched it all already?
I'll send you some more
Late nights all alone
The empty bed is stifling
Won't someone love me?
She says, "I love you."
He replies similarly.
Then he ties her up.
This is not haiku.
Compose haiku to instill
Imagery, not wit.
Wes disappeared did
But now is back triumphant
His Internet fixed

Will tech be approved?
Who can say but Wes, GM?
Who controls everything.

Doshii Jun owns guns
Yet shoots only paper things
Seems a waste to me

Hold not you grudges
At least not on deadly kids
Harbingers of sick

These are really good
Sense the sarcasm in this
I really suck bad
This is an idea I had for the Valiant Motto delivered in Haiku:

For the Empire we,
The noblest of soldiers
Go in to the dark

A little over-dramatic I know.
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