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Approved Character Hakumei Honoka


Inactive Member
Name: Hakumei Honoka

General Information

Species: NH-29
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Family (or Creators): Hakumei Takeshi-50, Hakumei Mariko-49, Hakumei Kenshin-29, Hakumei Haruto-12

Employer: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Operations
Rank: Nito Juni
Current Assignment: Fourth Standard Fleet

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'0"/152.4 cm
Weight: 90 lbs./40.8 kg
Bra Size: A

Build and Skin Color: Slightly pale, but creamy skin over an unusally thin frame. She's slightly, though noticably, thinner than the average Neko build.
Facial Features and Eye Color: She has a child-esque brilliance about her. Large, deep blue eyes, and a small nose and mouth.
Hair color and Style: Dark jade green hair, thats kept down or occasionally in little pigtails. It flows down to the base of her neck when kept down.
Distinguishing Features:

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: She is nearly perpetually happy, to put it simply. She is more than willing to help with anything, even the most strange or useless tasks if asked to, at least by a superior. Though she's still willing to help lower ranked individuals as well.
There are a few occasions when she'll actually be serious, mostly just when it is really needed. She also has a fiery temper, if someone can actually piss her off enough to her there.
She's a hard worker, though she'll sometimes have a streak of semi-laziness. But she'll still get it done on time, even after all of her procrastination.
Honoka is also a slight neat freak, on certain things. They have to be perfectly orderly, otherwise she'll just keep working on it. On other things, she can also be fairly messy in her presentation, though this only really includes her own personal stuff.

Likes: Helping others, Keeping things organized
Dislikes: Disorganization
Goals: To hopefully finally something that her family would be recognized for, also to just continue the family tradition.


Originally a Geshrin, born back in YE 10. She grew up in a family where military service was a tradition, though no one in her family had anything notable. Though service was obviously dangerous, the fact that everyone in her family had come back relatively unscathed blinded her to that fact, so she was never that serious about it. The military pay also kept the household fairly well off, allowing Honoka to focus on schooling and the like.
Once she was old enough, Honoka would too join the military, to keep tradition. She went through basic training just like everyone else, and specialised in starship operations.
Unfortunatly, not long after she joined, the Species Restriction Act came into affect. This put a damper on her military service. She had to make a choice, leave the military and break the family's tradition and honor, or switch bodies. She opted for the latter.
Then, there was the choice of a Yamataian body or a Nekovalkyrja body. Though a tough choice, she chose the neko body, much to the dismay of her family. The main reasoning behind the choice was that the NH-29's SPINE interface would help her in operations work. She took an extended leave due the shock of switching bodies, to get used to the vastly more complex 'control' over herself.
From there, Honoka quietly rose through the ranks.
Eventually, despite the lack of anything special in her profile, Honoka was put up as a possible candidate to be an aide to the recently reborn Taisho of the Fourth Standard Fleet, Shimizu Akina.


Having gone through basic training, Honoka has become very familiar with standard procedures of radio operation, as well as sending and recieving transmissions using various means: headsets, power armor, shuttle, starships, telepathically, etc. She is also well versed in Nepleslian and Yamataian. She can also write clearly with filling out forms, reports, etc. This can all be done in combat and non-combat situations.

After all the training done, Honoka can fight skillfully in melee combat, as well as fighting with energy pistols, grenades, knives, energy rifles, and power armor. This can all be effectively done in zero-gravity or in Yamatai-like conditions.

:Technology operation
Honoka is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information.

Honoka received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry.

:Starship Operations
Honoka was originally trained as a starship operator, and is familiar with stellar cartography, navigation and especially piloting. As such, she can successfully pilot shuttles, up to much larger vessels.

She's practiced and is good at driving a car from her experience before the military. It was for babysitting-esque stuff, to keep her little brother, Haruto, entertained by driving him places when her parents were busy. She's good enough to the point where she hasn't crashed... yet.

Growing up, she was taught how to cook many various dishes. She got pretty good at them, though she can definintly improve.
0. As Wes has explained before, all bios are supposed to be put up on the wiki. I can't approve this until you do that.

0.5. The idea of a Yamataian converting to a Neko's body ... I don't think that's been addressed before. It's a whole different bag for a Geshrin — there's no evidence that it's actually possible.

We know that Yamataians > Nekovalkyrja is possible. My character, Yukari, proves that at the very least. But she started life as a Neko, so she retained much of the operational data necessary for a Neko body. We can theorize, however, that as the Yamataian body was originally a Neko off-shoot, going between it and the NH-29 is not a huge stretch.

We know that Nekovalkyrja > Yamataians is possible, as this was done for several years before the advent of the NH-29.

But Geshrin > Nekovalkyrja, with no stops on the way ... I'm not sure that's possible, but I'm not sure that it isn't possible, either. The Yamataian android body was designed to accept the Soul Transfer from a Geshrin android body, but the Geshrin lack a computerized brain. The Yamataian body is designed to accept that, but we don't know how the process is completed, other than Soul Transfer.

There's also the issue of her becoming accustomed to having this Neko body — a much larger switch than if she were to use a Yamataian body. We know that the Neko gyroid body has a more complex computerized brain, and that it naturally has more processing power due to SPINE. There needs to be some adjustment time for her, as she will be experiencing the world like never before when it comes to her operations work.

I can't really be sure on this one. I don't want to hamstring your character based on this alone, but it's a big setting question.

1. The personality ... sounds a lot like you, Kyoki. I'm not sure that's a bad thing, but could you expand on it some?

2. What is this "possible candidate as the recently reborn Taisho ... " It doesn't make any sense. She's supposed to replace a Taisho?

3. The Vehicles skill ... when did she do this? When did she learn? What did she learn on? Why did she even learn it? It seems thrown in there as filler.

4. Culinary I can live with.

Overall: More or less there, but it needs a little work. The real hang-up right now is the Geshrin > Neko body switch, and all that's involved in it. By the way, is she using an NH-29 body, or an NH-29H body?

This character is pending. Please review and address the list of edits above.
0. Okay... well, I need to know where to put it first and to link off of where. This is news to me ^^;;

0.5 Well... maybe if Wes or someone could say whether or not it was possible. Otherwise I might have to change some other parts to transition.

For now, I added a little bit saying she took leave to get used to the body.

1. Really? That sounds like me? I'm much much more shy in real life... and I'm really only happy like that when I'm goofing off with my friends. Anyway, I expanded.

2. Oh geez. Missing words are missing. Ok, changed it to be the aide. That was a really bad mistake.

3. Added some reasoning. If its not good enough, I suppose I'll switch out the skill.

4. Yay~?
Geshrin to neko is doable.

Character Approved
but only once it is in the character namespace on the wiki.
Added struct. Kyoki hasn't been around since 2013 so this character is eligible to be adoptable.