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RP: OIF Halberdine [Halberdine Prologue] Fighting Clothes


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The Tailor Kur'As'Co 'Spinner' Lmanel busily went about cleaning up her shop on Dawn station, making sure all of the uniforms she had been tailoring were presentable so that their new owners could wear them in comfort and style. She was waiting for an appointment, another new recruit in to get their uniform fitted, and she already had an unfitted uniform standing up on the dummy, ready to have measurements transferred to it so she could mark it and complete it properly, like any good tailor would. The Lorath girl enjoyed her work here, it was much nicer than back home, and she was payed better, on top of some other benefits being an Origin Employee afforded her.

As the last bit of thread was swept off the floor, the Lmanel girl sort of attempted to tidy her own appearance, but the crazy hair and multicolored wings ruined any attempt at making her uniform look nice, especially since it was full of pins and had scissor marks all over from her job. the doorbell dinged, and she called "Come in~" to whom she assumed was her appointment.

Walking in after hearing the tailor call out Fieke began to unbuckle her sword belt, already guessing she would be asked to remove it before the fitting could even start to begin. Stopping not far from where she thought the woman would be, the Nightwalker finally got her sword in one hand and looked up.
Thinking something was wrong, Fieke shifted her goggles and when nothing changed she just shook her head. The tailor had multicoloured hair and wings, and strangely enough for someone who dealt with clothing she was slightly disheveled. Cutting her inspection of the winged woman off abruptly Fieke spoke up. "Ah, Private Fieke Amsel ma'am. I was told I could come here for my uniform?"
Hoping she hadn't made a bad impression earlier Fieke smiled as she waited for the tailor's response.

"Fike Amsel?" the tailor mused for a moment before realizing that was the pronunciation of that odd name she had written down for the appointment. "Ah, yes, you're a little early for your appointment, but this is good, I can start sooner." Spinner rattled off, grabbing a roll of measuring tape from a pocket she had added to her uniform jacket to make it more useful. She quickly measured the Abwehran woman's height and shoulder width before the larger woman could say anything, then asked "Could I have your arms up, please? I need to measure your chest and waist"

Surprised by how fast the tailor could move, Fieke didn't even have time to jump backwards before the Lorath had already gotten her first measurements. Finding herself amused by the other woman's energy and warmth the Nightwalker's smile became genuine.
Lifting her sword a bit Fieke took a step back. "First I'll have to find somewhere to put this." Walking over to the nearest wall as she talked, she propped the blade up - watching it for a second to make sure it didn't fall - before returning to the tailor.
Finally lifting her arms straight up, Fieke nodded. "Alright, I'm ready when you are."

"Thank you" Kur'As'Co said, as the Abwehran woman first put her sword someplace safe, and then lifted her arms. She began to once again quickly measure, trying to find out what she could about the woman's physiology through what this flexible tape with markings on it could tell her. Beyond that, she had to ask her customer for preferences. "Hmmm.. Do you like your clothing tighter or looser fitting? And how about your arms, any preferences on the sleeves?" the Lorath asked, using the measuring tape on Fieke's arms as she spoke.

The Abwehran waited patiently as the tailor continued measuring. "Loose, please." She automatically responded to the first question. Taking more time to think about the second, Fieke almost shrugged before she gave her answer but just shook her head slightly instead. "As long as they are full length you can do whatever you think is best."
Then, thinking ahead, Fieke spoke again. "Ah - I don't want to rush you, but when we get to it if you can manage to get me pants...?" The Abwehran's voice trailed off before finishing the question, not really wishing to push the tailor but - well, Fieke would really prefer pants compared the other options.

The tailor nodded at Fieke's preferences, commenting "I was going to have to measure you for pants anyway, the OriSec uniform doesn't have skirts if you're going to be on an active duty posting, which my order form says you are, so I can just change the whole order to no skirts easily enough." With that, the Lmanel crouched down slightly and began to measure the Abwehran's hips and legs, taking stock of the proportions and other information she needed to know to keep the pants comfortable. "So, why's a girl like you carrying around a sword and joining a security force?" she asked, curiously, still intent on her work.

Happy to see that first her employers were sensible and had prepared for pants in the first place, and two that they weren't also stupidly strict and would allow for pants even in the more formal uniform.
"Everyone I know back home carries, and can use, a sword." The Nightwalker remarked off-handedly to the Tailor's question. Then, realizing that might need some explanation, Fieke grinned. "Back home we have more than twice the amount of women when compared to the number of men. With number like that we have to be able to at least defend ourselves. As to why I'm joining OriSec -" The Abwehran paused, her smile slipping a bit. "- well, it was preferable to having to risk working with my older brother." Or even being commanded by him, Fieke thought to herself.

"Don't get along with him?" the tailor joked, moving over to the dummy with the unfinished uniform on it. Pins came out of her sleeve as she transferred measurements skillfully and adjusted the uniform from the lifeless, unfinished thing it had been into a somewhat nicer looking jacket. Having done that, she removed it and pulled out a similarly unfinished undershirt, and began to adjust that one, too. "What's your boot size? or at least, how big are your feet? I can measure if you don't know" she asked, concentrated on her work. the Tailor was swift and efficient, her energy obviously at a very high level, but she did seem to focus more on it than on her customer. However, she wasn't rudely ignoring Fieke, either.

"Never have." The Abwehran stated. Fieke watched the tailor as she went about her work, interested in how the woman could work so efficiently and still manage to maintain a decent conversation.
Startled by the abrupt switch from clothes to boots, Fieke paused, before her pale face quickly began to show embarrassment. "Ah - well, with boots - ahem - I just always tended to follow the 'trial-and-error' path. If you don't mind a proper measurement would be nice." Near the end the young Nightwalker had regained her composure and gotten her face back to its proper coloration. Then, shaking her head, she smiled and calmly restated herself. "Yes, if you could get my boot size, that would be nice."

"Ah, got a nice rivalry going on, I see!" Spinner observed, finishing up the shirt and moving onto a pair of pants before descending once more upon the poor Abwehran female. "Could you remove your footwear, then?" she asked, her tape measure at the ready. It was astounding that the girl had so much energy, especially since it was what would be considered late in the day for her, even if it was only midday to the Abwehran.

Glancing over at her sword, Fieke grinned. "He never did manage to beat me at blades." Then, crouching down she removed her shoes, placing them next to her.
"So how exactly do we go about measuring for boot size?" The Abwehran asked as she looked up at the tailor. "Sorry if I'm a bother, never have done this before."

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm used to custom fitting everything. I think it's better if they get fitted by a person before we feed the measurements into a machine to fabricate the rest of it for us." the Lorath looked at the other woman's feet before directing her to a stool so she could get at the bottom of Fieke's feet, and measure them properly. "It seems you're a Size 9 Wide in Yamataian measurements." Spinner remarked searching through one of the cabinets (How had she moved so quickly?) and finding one of the black combat boots, as well as a dress shoe in the suggested size. "Here, try these on for size. you may prefer another size for comfort, but these are what you really should be wearing." However, Spinner looked at the boots then back at Fieke's feet and seemed concerned, but she didn't say anything.

Fieke glanced at the rather small boots, and back at the scale. "Ah - not that I'm doubting you or anything - but perhaps we should go up just a few sizes?" Then, seeing the, ahem, quite hostile look on Spinner's face, the Abwehran clamped her mouth shut. Choosing to fight the lesser enemy, she attempted to cram her feet into the Size 9 Wides. After much grunting and the acquisition of a stubbed toe, the Nightwalker was defeated and she looked back up at the Lorath Tailor.

It was obvious from the highly distressed look on Spinner's face that she had realized she had done something wrong. Looking at her measuring tape, she realized she had used the wrong side of it to measure the feet and hadn't bothered checking the measurements. her ears and wings perked up, and she was obviously peeved at herself. Tearing the shoes off of Fieke's feet, the Lmanel began yelling in Lorath, indistinguishable words to the Abwehran, as she not so gently 'tossed' the shoes into a wall, before diving back into the shoe cabinet, still yelling in Lorath. Before too long, a huffing, angry looking Kur'As'Co returned to her probably bewildered charge, holding a properly sized boot and accompanying dress shoe "11 and a half Wide!" she angrily corrected herself, handing the footwear over before pulling out a pair of scissors and cutting her tape measure to bits with them, in some kind of rage. She made her way to the back of her little shop, and grabbed another tape measure out of a drawer, shoving it roughly back into her proper pocket. She disappeared behind some kind of screen for a moment, and Fieke could hear a muffled scream, followed by a crash and a thump.

Fieke carefully put the new boots on, finding that they fit quite well. Then, standing up, she took a few steps and had to concede that they fit much better than just 'well'. Then, with a crash and thump, Spinner seemed to have quieted down.
Having read her name on her uniform, but not having been properly introduced to the Tailor, the Abwehran wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. Deciding she better check on the Lorath, Fieke walked closer to the screen Spinner had disappeared behind. "Ma'am, are you alright?" The Nightwalker asked, then to, hopefully, raise the tailor's spirits she added, "The new boots fit perfectly."

After a moment or two of what sounded like a person stepping around, the screen came crashing down, spinner behind it. The Lorath was fighting with some flesh-colored bug-like monstrosity that had somehow managed to hold her mouth shut and was trying to jam a set of pincers into her neck, but Spinner was doing her part in fighting it off. Still, she looked like she needed help.

Shocked by the appearance of an enemy, the Abwehran quickly moved into action. Dashing back to her sword, Fieke ripped it out, letting the sheath fall to the floor with a loud clatter.
Happy that she had decided to wait and try her dress shoes out later, the Nightwalker put her combat boots to good use. She savagely kicked the creature, once, twice, and again until it had been knocked off the tailor. Pouncing after it, Fieke stabbed towards the creature, trying to spit clean through.

During the process, Fieke's boot had also managed to connect with both Spinner's hand and her face, but it had gotten the parasite off of her, and the creature had tried to run, but the Abwehran was faster and indeed managed to stake the creature to the floor. It squealed a bit, and flailed some, but ultimately perished as its bodily fluids drained out. Spinner managed to push herself up with her good hand, but her bloodied nose and awkwardly shaped left hand showed that she hadn't come out unscathed. Spinner, however, didn't seem too angry anymore, glad to have not become a mishhu's plaything. "Well" she started, grimacing as her pain slurred her words "At least I've got you fitted..." she muttered, vaguely coherently, before collapsing forward towards the Abwehran woman.

Frantically wiping the blood off her sword, Fieke let it go the same path as the sheath had; as she let go of the blade and it clattered to the floor. Rushing to catch the tailor before she fell, the Abwehran made it just in time, carefully placing the tailor down on the ground and away from the Mishhu corpse.
Then, walking over to the phone, Fieke dialed the number for security. When she heard someone pick up on the other side she begun immediately. "This is Private Fieke Amsel at Spinner's tailor shop, we just had a Mishhu attack. The beast is dead, but the tailor herself is unconscious and wounded - she'll need an ambulance." Catching her breath, the Nightwalker glanced nervously at Spinner - and the wounds she had personally inflicted on the Lorath - as she waited.

A responder quickly assured Fieke that they were sending Security and an ambulance to their location, and asked her to stay on the line so they could be updated if anything happened. The responder notified the Abwehran that the forces she had requested were being dispatched.

Meanwhile, Spinner lay on the ground, unmoving except hor her chest, luckily she was breathing, and seemed to be fine, aside from the aforementioned damage to her face and hand. But behind the screen lay what appeared to be the lorath's bedroom, and part of the wall paneling had been damaged, a hole about the size of the parasite mishhu. It was obvious now how the mishhu had gotten in, and now skittering noises alerted the Abwehran to the possibility of more mishhu.

Fieke would notice what appeared to be the grip of a pistol sticking out of one of Spinner's bedside tables, but that was considerably closer to the ominous hole in the wall than her sword was. still, it might help if there was indeed another parasite in the wall. In the somewhat near distance, the nightwalker could hear what appeared to be sirens, coming closer to the building.

Upon hearing the skittering from the back wall, Fieke let the receiver fall from her grip and she began to move forward. Ignoring the allure of the pistol, as it was too close to the wall, Fieke picked up her sword and stepped a few feet in front of Spinner. Listening to the approaching sirens she watched the hole warily, her main now job was to protect the tailor until relief arrived.

The tailor began to stir behind the Abwehran Nightwalker, a soft groan escaping her lips as some semblance of consciousness slowly began to regain itself for Spinner, but she still was nowhere near awake. The scratching sound in the wall, however, was more of a concern. The shards of wood paneling that had made up the back wall of the shop began to move slightly, and a few pieces even fell further into the wall. The scritching, scratching noises grew even louder, and the tension grew for the Abwehran exponentially for every moment that nothing happened.

And then it happened. The sirens grew ever nearer, but they were too late for this second mishhu parasite, which flung itself through the hole in the wall at the Nightwalker with the force of a small cannon, practically. It hurtled through the air giving out a bloodcurdling shriek as it attempted to grab onto Fieke's head and neck area, the softer skin and easy access to nervous system making it a great place to latch on to.

Fieke had tried to go over what could happen while she waited, but when it actually happened she had no time for that. The Misshu had just barreled itself forward, screeching and she had no time to think. As the parasite came towards her, her reflexes took over, years of training kept her grip on her sword firm.
As the creature came into range of her blade, she struck out with all her strength. The blade whistled through the air as the Abwehran attempted to cleave her attacker in two with a quick, strong slash.

The Sword continued on its course, nearly unhindered as it clove the parasite in twain. the two pieces of the dead bug tumbled oddly through the air before smacking into Fieke's dense body, spattering her with blood and juices before falling to the ground in a heap. It was then that the Security forces barged into the shop, heading through in near-military style, going through the one-room shop and quickly searching for any other signs of parasites.

As this happened, the tailor was moved to a stretcher and brought outside, and a security officer with the rank of sergeant grabbed the Abwehran's shoulder and pulled her outside. "You did good work there, private." he said, seeming apologetic for what had happened. "Now you see why we need good people in our security forces. The internal sensors on this station are having trouble tracking the parasites in this sector because we don't want to big brother and designed the station to prevent that, so we need to come and weed out the last few manually. Thanks for saving the tailor; I don't want to think what would have happened if she was alone when that thing showed up..."

"Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir." Fieke responded to the sergeant, and then with a small and tired smile she spoke again. "I'm just happy I was there to do my job. The tailor's a good person and she seems as if she'll end up alright, thankfully." Looking down at her blade, the Abwehran knew she really needed to clean it. Not seeing anything around to wipe if off on, Fieke just sighed and found one of the few spots on her shirt that was still clean and wiped the Mishhu's fluids from her blade.
Peering closer at her clothes, and what they had become sprayed with, Fieke become slightly disgusted, turning her attention back to the Sergeant she spoke again. "If you don't need anything else, and seeing how getting a new uniform was my original purpose - well, Sir, do you know of anyway I could find some clean clothes quickly?"

"Umm..." the sergeant was kind of at a loss for the moment "Well, did she complete your clothes before the incident?" he asked, not sure of what to do. "If not, I'm sure we can get you some spare clothes from Spinner's shop." he cleared his throat, looking around at the commotion that it had caused. "You know, I wish these damn demons had never existed. We would all be having a much nicer time if they didn't."

"Thank you Sergeant." Fieke stated. Then, looked from the injured Spinner to the mess that the back of the Tailoring shop had become she shook her head. "And yeah, we would be better off without those little monsters. Now, Sir, if you'll excuse me I need to find a new set of clothes before this stench turns my stomach."
Politely nodding to the officer, she walked back into the shop first picking up her sheath and then continuing on, attempting to find a suitable change of clothes.

The place was now hectic, but it wasn't long before Fieke would find a set of clothing that nearly fit her, and these were in a section that wasn't assigned to anyone, even. Within a few minutes the nightwalker was out of the shop again, but the ambulance containing Spinner was long gone. The sergeant was still present, but he was occupied with other things. Another security officer came up to Fieke and told her she was released to go back to her lodging and would have to submit a report. He offered her a ride, and drove her to the housing block where she was staying.

Fieke thanked the officer for driving her back for a second time and then said goodbye. Walking back to her quarters the exhausted Abwehran put her sword down on her bed, planning to give it a thorough cleaning later. Then, looking over towards her desk she remembered the report she would need to write.
But, my blade isn't the only thing that could use a good cleaning, the Nightwalker thought as she glanced towards room's shower. Shaking her head ruefully, Fieke decided she had done well enough today and could afford just a little bit of luxury.
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