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Half-Life comics.


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Inactive Member
I warn everyone: Tiffany links have been known to be hazardous. Either they have lame, distasteful jokes or lead to areas of doubtful security for the health of your computer.

I commend any brave (and daring) person whom dares to click on the links JoMidori provides with anti-virus protection and any software which protects from internet ads, spam, etc. Anything less would be taking foolish risks, as far as I am concerned.

No, I am not picking on her and I am not joking. I've simply learned the hard way not to trust anything Tiff shows.
Bah! I have calmed myself down! Some are tastless yes! But I have a odd sense of humor <_< And these are funny though! I promise! And if not, I will never post links on here again promise ok? If not one person honestly laughs, then I will stop ok fred?
On the subject of Half-Life comics...

Not exactly a Half-Life comic, but still half-life related and funny to watch ne'er th'less:

G-Man's having a wonderful time!
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