Star Army

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RP: Space Pirates [Halna, Black Moon Tunnels] Mick's Repairs and Mods


Inactive Member
Mick was a rather portly man, of indeterminate origin. Most of his friends betting pools favored his birthplace being somewhere in the cesspool of Neplisia, but he had yet to favor those wagers with certain information, so the pool only continued to grow in wait. He stood on the edge of one of the large circular elevator shafts, looking up at one of the platforms that was descending to the bottom floor on which he currently resided. Given that it had been his idea to set up some shops in this abandoned mining facility, no one had griped when he claimed one of the lift tunnels for his own, maintaining the only way in and out while charging docking fees. After all, It gave him the perfect place to set up his own little repair facilities for starships. Behind him, in one of the many hangar caverns that populated the walls of the bottom of the shaft, his mechanics were scurrying like ants over some old beaten transport craft. The owner didn't want certain authorities asking questions as to why he carried such heavy weaponry, bordering on the illegal, on a ship designed for transport. Mick didn't ask questions, and his men did a good job, thats why his customers had even followed him out here.

The platform finally reached his level, and the hatch lowered on the new arrival, a slim man, his face pocked with scars, walked out and greeted Mick with a wave. Mick gave a grunt, and started to waddle his form over to meet the other, mechanics coveralls stained with sweat, grease, and other nameless substances. Once they were close enough that the echos from the work didn't drown out their voices, Mick spoke in a deep grating tone that indicated years of smoking something quite toxic. "Hey Jim, got work for ma boys?"

The slender man opposite of him stood a good foot taller than him, and responded with a grin "Yeah, a 'customer' got a little feisty, and shot my ship full'a holes, the usual discount?"

Mick gave another grunt, and began to dig through his greasy pockets, pulling out a well-stained peice of paper, and his eyes began to scan through the list. "Mmm...two recent arrivals with your notes...good work, though maybah you should pass da notes to some good cooks instead of those worthless thugs we have living upstairs now, much more of dis chow and I'll haftah go on a diet." Mick grinned as he spoke the last and shoved the flimsy back into his pocket. "I'll getya some new ones when we send you back out, keep spreadin da word for ma." He gave a wave to some of the mechanics that were sitting on toolboxes and gave a deep cough before barking orders for them to start moving the latest job into a hangar.

Jim shook his head, and soon made his way to the nearby shack, which was basically a container crate with the word 'Payments' stencilled above the leather flap that acted as a door. After he paid the docking fee, maybe he would check up on those thugs...they had told him about some of the entertainment that was beggining to gather in the tunnels, and he hadn't felt a ladies touch in too long.
Jelan made his way, in a somewhat stumbling gait, back to the Midnight Death. Being bad with names, it had taken him a while to come up with one for the jet black Sojourner, but he thought it was suitable...and if his crew didn't like it, they could eat vaccuum. He had already accumulated a sizable crew, and could probably lift off now, but there was just a few more positions he wanted filled...Noone could pilot the damn power armor right now, for example. Soon his boots were sliding from the dirt of the tunnels to the steel of the repairshop at the center of the elevator, and he gave out a ringing call across the bay "HEY MICK!"

When the portly man's head rose up from the insides of some starfighter, he made his way in that direction, already fishing out a crumpled 100k bill. "Hey Mick, I'm gonna be leaving dock soon to go work, but I still need a few more crew members." He slid the 100k bill into the man's greasy hand, and spoke again "Mind sending some of your guys out to the brothel, bars, the like to try and get me a few more?" After Mick gave a nod and an affirmative, he smacked the portly man on the shoulder, leaving of course grease on his palm as he started off "Thanks Mick!"

With that out of the way, he made his way over to the docking bay where his own ship was located, an annoyed little sigh as he saw some of his crew playing some dice game outside the ship, bottles laying about. Definately not the well-trained machine he worked with back in Neplislia. "Soldiers, if you leave Mick's bay a mess, I'm gonna dock you shares. Understood?" He said it in a harsh, drunk voice, but only in passing. Bar fight after bar fight had given him quite the reputation among his crew, as well as numerous armwrestling matches, so he knew they would do as they were told. Soon, he made his way up the gangplank, and towards his corridors.