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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Hand To Hand, We'll Pound The Ground

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 41
RP Location
Sirris VI - Anvil Base: training/war games hall
The hall had been cleared of most of the equipment, leaving only exercise stations outside the large sparring ring that had been arranged. Troopers and naval personnel watched from the observation areas on the upper floors as combatants clashed below in a impressive show of skill. There were a couple training pairs going at it below, but there being plenty room for more.

Nora swung the prop sword, the far from lethal weapon made of a padded exterior over a weighted frame to simulate the weight of her favorite glaive. The large blade was easily side stepped by the bored looking Lazarus who carried a much lighter weapon, the end of the staff of his sim scythe popping her on the rear. She gave a eep as it tumbled her forward, "Damnit! No fair, and why aren't you swinging back?!" she grumbled as she stood again rubbing her sore posterior.

"Because it's not much of a fight when you're so damn slow. You prefer a large weapon to deal more damage, but you waste energy and speed to do so. A faster enemy can easily best you Nora, SO YOU MUST IMPROVE. You need to go faster, react quicker, and not focus on swinging harder. Adapt, don't use the same one horse bullshit trick every time.", Lazarus chided annoyed as this had been the tenth round to end in such a way. To be honest, he was disappointed, but he figured training would be needed. Weiss had clearly taught her grade A marksmanship, but her CQC needed desperate work. "Again."

Mark Tazar lifted his sword, as Whisper did likewise, "Remember, posture straight, feet apart, and don't squeeze the handle. Firm grip. Now....begin." whisper said as Mark rushed him. His blade was swung in an arc which clashed with Whisper's blade with a thump, before he twisted he body in an attempt spin himself around to perform an over arcing slash. As the blade was coming over his head, Whisper side stepped and whapped Mark on the back of the head, causing the man to drop his blade and grab the back of his head from the sting, just as Whisper's blade was struck across his inner calf, knocking his leg out from under him. "Oh come on!", Mark cursed as he face planted into the mat.

Whisper cave a chuckle, "You're impatient, think your actions through."

Kessler circled against Ceilia who did the same, both having practice knives, a bout between siblings. "Come on sis, come at me and lose again. I thought I taug- grf fuuuuu", was all he managed to say as she flipped the knife in her hand before throwing it straight into his groin. Kess dropped his own knife, as his hands when to guard his assaulted assets, only to find Ceilia scale his shoulder and her legs having him in a choke hold. "okay okay, I yield, I-----I yield!", he wheezed out unable to get out of her hold. Ceilia let go after he toppled, "Yeah and I remember every lesson."
RP Date YE 41
RP Location Sirris VI - Anvil Base: training/war games hall

The people in the upper floors seemed to be numerous, and it caught the attention of the latest of the Mechanoid members of the faction. Nyx decided to go and observe what was going on in this area. Everyone appeared to be looking downwards, indeed and she had been hearing sounds coming from down below so she turned her sights to the same direction, and observed the activity. Her audio sensors picked up not only the sounds but the words as well.

She did not have the sensors that allowed her to sense how people feel, though in this situation she felt she didn’t need it, as she heard the words from the first two combatants she observed below. The woman appeared to be getting annoyed, or at least as annoyed as she understood the emotion.

As she watched, she noted that the weapons they appeared to be using weren’t usable in actual combat, but from the purpose here, they seemed usable as far as she was able to see, and something told her, that she should go down there, and join in, participate if they allowed her. She acknowledged that she shouldn’t use her own weapons, so she had them secured safely before she returned and slowly made her way to the lower floors.

On her short trip, she observed Mark and Whisper, noting how Mark appeared to be impatient, and how Whisper used that to his advantage. She noted how all she had heard appeared to be wise advice indeed.

Now she was in the hall, and she passed the exercise machines, Machines that would be useless to her, but very useful to her organic Faction mates. Soon she stood there, where the other sparring people were. “Greetings Big Brothers and Sisters! I am new, anyone care to face me in this particular style of training? I will observe the proper use of weapons of course. “ She stated clearly so that they could understand her.

Her Ear turned as her audio sensors took in the sounds that were going on, including the sounds her feet had made as she walked into the area.
Spark pulled at the skin tight cloth shirt, moisture wicking spandex rarely being quite as comforting as a rifle in her hand and an undersuit hugging her form. Still, her red eyes flashed as she watched over the group of sparring partners, waiting for one to come to her.

Ruffling hair as she noted Celia's use of her balance and smaller weight to drop her opponent with casual ease. No need to worry about her Actually, that could be interesting.

Thusly, the woman pushed herself off the wall, ropes of knotted muscle under the thin top defining themselves as she moved, not quite like her batch sisters, but similar enough to be easily of the main run. "Celia! Nice work! I think we could learn a few things from each other."
Sirris VI
Anvil Base
Training Hall

With a nervous expression of excitement across her colorful features, S6-SS-000021 listened to the sounds of grunts, taunts, and blows as she entered the training hall. Clad within a set of skintight leggings which emphasized the uncanny width of her hips, a black crop top that generously showed off her toned core, and a pair of white hand wrappings for protection, the biosynthetic infantrywoman kicked her tennis shoes off to reveal a pair of small feet which were also covered with white wrappings and walked towards the center of the hall.

A loud and boisterous greeting immediately attracted her attention. 000021 turned towards the woman and took in the sight of a winged woman with matte black skin, who bore fox ears on top of her skull. Upon immediate inspection, 000021 assessed that the woman was inorganic, yet quite sentient. Fortunately, 000021 was not one to discriminate in selecting her opponents. She raised her hand to volunteer herself as an opponent for the gynoid, while picking an electro-short sword with a blunted edge from a nearby weapon rack.

"Me!" 000021 called out to the gynoid, as she ran towards her with an excited glint in her heterochromatic eyes. "I volunteer myself as...tribute." She added, immediately realizing that she stood very little chance at beating a tall, heavy, and metallic gynoid with her size, especially when utilizing a short sword with little in the way of reach. "Well? What are you waiting for? Let's throw down, girlfriend!" 000021 spoke excitedly, in an unconscious effort to conceal her fear with an astonishing amount of elation.

Without further warning, the diminutive soldier assumed a martial stance and held her short sword out in front of her in an defensive pose. Then, she lunged towards the gynoid with a powerful leap, intending to quickly close the distance between herself and the gynoid in order to maneuver in range for a strike...
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Sirris VI

Anvil Base

Training Hall

Her audio receptors picked up the sounds of people coming in, most chose to ignore her call, which was understandable, she was new, and indeed a combat-specific Gynoid. But she wanted to participate, and see if some kind of bond could be created. Bonds were important apparently. Her audio receptors picked up a voice, a girl saying Me! So she turned to the voice, to check and see if she was talking to her.

Yes, it appears, judging by the fact that the owner of the voice was running towards her, that this was the one who spoke to her. There was a certain glint in her eye that she recognized as having seen it before. Her opponent was excited, likely as excited as she was. She noted the weapon 000021 had chosen and so she grabbed one similar to hers, she didn’t want to really hurt her, so she made sure to choose the right one,

She was called a girlfriend, but she recognized it for what it was a nickname since she wasn’t having relations with her. “I am ready when you are big sister,” she said to her and mirrored her opponent with the same stance.

She was indeed ready and she decided that since 000021 came into existence before she did, she will let the other go first. She concluded that it would be deemed polite, and it also gave her opponents chances to attack her. Her optics saw the impressive lunge attack and saw how she leaped at her. Her processor calculated how long it would take for her to get there, and the short sword she too now held began moving up, as she prepared to defend herself from her next attack. She didn’t know what would be coming next, but she was certain she could defend herself against it.
Sirius VI
Anvil Base - Training Hall

Lena sat on one of the bench press stations ringing the sparring floor. She was bent forward, arms between her knees and idly tossing a practice knife between her hands as her ice-blue eyes followed the action of the various combatants on the floor. The tanker was wearing fatigue pants, the faded green color of an old Nepleslian uniform, with faded boots, fingerless green and black exercise gloves, and a double-padded black sports bra. Her outfit showed off her toned arms and stomach, as well as the numerous small scars she sported, plus the black tattoos that curled around her right forearm.

A smirk tugged at her lip as she watched Ceilia quickly overpower Kessler with a well-placed knife-to-groin shot, then take him down with a chokehold. A good gambit, if a bit of a dirty move. Not that Lena put much stock in "honorable" combat. The tanker rose to her feet then, rolling her neck and shoulders as she stepped onto the sparring floor, practice knife held reverse grip in her left hand. She circled the other pairs, approaching the fallen Kessler and his victorious sister, nodding to the latter who was being approached by another partner before squatting down next to Kessler. "Probably should wear a cup next time," she mused in a quiet voice, a hint of her smile on her face. She extended her right arm to help him up, her scar-tattoos writhing along her forearm. "Care to go a round with me?"
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Sirris VI
Anvil Base
Training Hall

000021 decelerated her momentum on a dime by planting her left foot against the ground, before taking executing a hard and agile cut towards the gynoid's own left. With a single aggressive motion that appeared to originate from her hips, 000021 shifted her weight to assume an offensive stance and lifted her short sword in a high position in order to deliver what seemed to be an overhead strike towards the gynoid's left shoulder. The blunted blade of 000021's short sword swept down towards the feminine robot in a swooping arc, and was even executed with a savage-sounding yell that seemed to echo across the premises of the training hall...
Sirris VI
Anvil Base
Training Hall

Nyx watched her move, The sword arm stopped its movements as her mind quickly calculated new information, which made her change the direction, and heard the sound as their swords met. The contact helped her a great deal because her opponent wasn’t an ordinary human, she was strong, unfortunately, she couldn’t decide whether their other comrades were as strong or not, but even so, she found the woman to be a good opponent for her. She was in the process of moving her sword when her audio receptors received the yell, which caused her to become distracted, which allowed 000021’s sword to make contact with her metal body before she brought the sword up. “Yell sounded savage, I am impressed, it caused a distraction, allowing you to hit, good job big sister,” she said to her. As she lifted her sword and stepped back ready for more, she knew she would have to be aware of the Yell now.
Ceilia raised her hands with a small shake and a smile, "Sorry, but I have a few things I need to get done. Was just catching up on a lesson with big brother."

Spark nodded, calling her batch sister into another corner of the mat. "Another time, then. Armora! You're up!"

Two women of white hair and red eyes circled each other, the larger raining down feints and light jabs in an attempt to anger her smaller, swifter sister. A short spiked pixie framed a grinning face as she stepped to the side once, twice, no. As her toe touched the ground, she spun suddenly, her bulk belying surprising speed in her backspin and open hand slap that was meant to shake hair loose from a tight braid.

Armora felt the hand before she saw it, the slap echoing in the large open room, but almost lost over the other three pairs of sparring partners. She grunted as the snow white haired woman stumbled back. "These tactics are highly illogical. Please return to start combat conventions.", Armora said before trying to do a spinning kick to her sister.

Spark was more than strong enough to catch Armora's knee across her abdomen, locking it in with an elbow before attempting to jab a thumb into the inside of Armora's hip. "Your hair looks nice. Like you condition. Is that a fresh haircut, sis?"

The point of Spark's exercise was not to practice her forms, or even to teach Armora something she might not have picked up yet, but to anger her. The painful jabs were meant to annoy, and not incapacitate, as though Spark was toying with her sister. Armora was still faster, but Spark may very well have been meaner.

"Indeed, it is a braid done by Aztec. That is however irrelevant to this exercise.", Armora relayed neutrally with a short grunt. Using her sister's grasp on her leg, Armora used it with some strain as leverage to swing down with a balled fist.

Spark's response was to tuck her shoulder, drop a knee, and push forward, hard. It didn't stop Armora's fist from catching her across the side of the head, but the impact was greatly lessened as Spark let go during her throw. Better to not break her sister's leg. "Looks better than the last time I cut it. You and Aztec a thing, now? I mean, I gotta know this in case he's in my fireteam."

The white haired woman dropped to the mat with a "oof" after her fist made contact, "I do not understand what "a thing" means. As well, the last time, was after you administered unauthorized drugs into my body." Armora rolled back to a crouched stance before standing up and resuming her combat stance.

At about that point, Spark backed off a bit, staying low, waiting. "By a thing, I mean have you confirmed if that man's head is the only bit of horse anatomy he has?"

"I still do not inderstand what it is you are implying. This discussion seems irrelevant to the current activity.", Armora stated dismissively as she began to advance on Spark. Once she was within a couple feet, she try a few punches in rapid succession to test her sister's evasion and defense skills.

"Oh, it's relevant." Spark grunted, letting the blows land on her forearms and shoulder, but keeping her head out of the way. With a sudden forward movement of her hips, her leg shot out, rising upwards between Armora's legs at the attempt for a cheap shot.

Armora took the blow with a grunt, clamping her thighs on the knee as she moved to wrap her arms around Spark. The plan was to bring her down after Armora bashed her forehead into Spark's to disorient her first, before making the grapple. "Aztec is a soldier, one with an impeccable service record. I do not understand what kind of connection you are alluding to."

Spark let Armora grab her, before grinning widely. "He is a good soldier, with an excellent record. He's also sweet on you. I've seen the smile you get when you're near him. Scoop him up before I --Aagh!"

Armora's head had made contact, and Spark instinctively tucked down to protect her nose, the impact setting her ears ringing and throwing her balance for just a moment. This was something she'd trained for with Bravo, but her guard had been down, as her sisters had never tried that before. With a quick motion, Spark wrapped her leg around the back of Armora's knee, leaning forward and drawing her leg back.

Armora let's her leg be pulled with her hold still on Spark, throwing her weight back as she does in the hopes of bringing her over the clone's head. "Like you did Lt. Commander Istavan?", Armora asked almost seemingly without implication, her tone in it's usual cold neutrality making it hard to discern any emotional inflection on her voice.

The throw slammed Spark down on the mat hard enough to shake the floor, and she had a moment of trouble rolling to her feet. But she wasn't sure what hurt worse, Armora's words, or the fact that she didn't know what they meant. Between the seeming innocence of the statement, and the still stinging pain at the man's death, something in spark simply snapped as she realized that her emotionally dead sister had gotten a rise out of her first. With a guttural roar, two hundred and sixty pounds of muscle turned and rocketed to her feet, using the motion to throw everything she had into a brutal uppercut.

The white haired clone was just turning around as the uppercut came, having just returned to a standing position before the strike dazed and sent her tipping over backwards. She had not calculated such a sudden and brutal reprisal, and it confused her, an expression that showed as she was knocked to the floor on her back. A grunt had been given on contact, but a groan left her as a hand went to her face. "That was highly aggressive, even for this simulation. Have I said something to activate such hostility?"

The sudden surge of aggression ended just as fast as it had begun, with Spark instantly on top of Armora and poised to slam both fists into her chest. But she froze, clenched and her body coiled like a spring as she saw a flash of fear cross Armora's face. "I..." Breath hitched, and her voice cracked for just a moment before Spark stood and walked away from the ring. "We're done, here. I cared about Rorik. And I failed him. That's a subject best avoided."

Armora had still been confused as she suddenly had found her sister's weight on top of her and both fists raised as if for a brutal finishing blow. Something could be felt over her body, a sensation she had never felt before, one that she did not like at all......fear. An emotion that washed over her face as she had looked up at her sister, and the anger displayed, which only dulled slightly as the woman walked away.

Once the weight was off of her, and she was left alone in their corner of the mat, the snow white haired clone pulled her legs to her chest. She was still processing that lingering emotion, not bothering to wipe the blood that dribbled from the corner from her mouth, Spark's punch having broken the skin on the inside of Armora's cheek against her teeth.

As Armora had said such a unknowingly hurtful thing, Whisper had turned his head as he was tossing Mark Tazar over it like a ragdoll. He had used the momentum of the man's charge to redirect him for a unpleasant landing. Even he felt the pain of what seemed like a remark with little implication, as he shared Spark's sentiment on the matter. And as he saw the hurt on her expression, he knew he had to say something......maybe it was time? As Spark stormed off, she would soon find herself intercepted by the armored man, a suited hand suddenly grabbing her by the upper arm. She instantly turned, arm coming up to land a powerful blow across the faceplate, but stopped as soon as she recognized the faceplate, freezing stock still.

"Meet me by the memorial wall in the center of the park. We need to talk.", would be the only thing he said before releasing her and leaving himself.

Spark's anger turned to confusion, and then to worry, as though she was about to be disciplined for almost killing her sister, or almost striking a superior. Her eye gave a slight twitch as she relaxed, a low growl escaping her throat. Again, she turned and marched off to change into something less sweaty.

Kessler groaned as he was hesitant to get up, damn that girl had one hell of an arm. It didn't register at first that there was someone there offering him a hand as he was fighting back a surge of nausea. So when he looked up and saw the offered hand, he was rather surprised at first. After a moment to give his stomach a chance to settle and not upchuck, he took the offered hand. "Yep, lil sis learns fast,....and does her brother painfully proud. Goddess, I need to watch that arm of her's, give her a real knife and she'll some poor man from across the street.", the man gave with a chuckle that had a slight wheeze to it. Kessler paused though as the altercation happened between the clones, then turned back to Lena. "Sorry, Kessler Ryzka, member of WRAITHS. Yeah, if you don't mind me taking a minute to make sure I didn't just lose a few things."
Lena gripped Kessler's hand and hauled him up, holding a hand to his shoulder to support him. She took a moment to look the man over, giving him a good-humored smile as he spoke. "May be time to start wearing a cup. Handy, even with power armor," she said with a quiet chuckle, then straightened at the mention of WRAITHS, moving to attention. "Trooper Lena Aldea, SSAF tanker, at your service, sir." She spoke formally to Kessler's chest. "Take your time, sir."
Sirris VI
Anvil Base
Training Hall

000021 was genuinely surprised to find that her strike had connected, which manifested on her face in a wide open expression. However, she wasted little time in capitalizing on her advantage. Once again, she let out a high-pitched and throaty yell, which was even more shrill and feral than the last one. She immediately exploded from her previous stance and initiated what appeared to be aggressive sidestep towards Nyx's left side . However, at the last moment, 000021 planted her foot and exploded towards Nyx's right side in an effort to deceive and to dodge any high-arcing cut that the gynoid would deliver from above. At the same time, 000021's short sword came down in an viciously arced cut which was aimed for the back of Nyx's left knee joint.
Sirris VI
Anvil Base
Training Hall

Nyx had noted her reaction by the look of surprise on her face. In hindsight, as a Gynoid she never needed to shout or yell, but it seemed that perhaps Humans did. Since this seemed to be the case she set the information to her memory, which she made sure to pop up when fighting an opponent, she knew that it was a possibility that others may use the tactic. 00021 yelled again, she noted, but this one appeared different more shrill she would call it, and perhaps something more than human. Fortunately, she remembered that humans did that so it didn’t distract her this time. She watched her move, and when she had calculated what she planned on doing, she began her first attack with a high arcing cut, which her sparring partner had dodged magnificently. She noted that this was an attempt at deceiving which she could applaud.

Her optics caught the glimpse of metal as it came close to her. A calculation predicted where she was about t go, and using speed and reflects only a Gynoid could, she moved the blade forward towards it, to try and block the attack. She wasn’t going to get another hit as far as Nyx was concerned. She tried to lift the sword with the blade, now above her own blade, to try to push it away as she prepared to do a vertical thrust upon her partner, knowing full well that the sword was blunted but still intending on going for a non-vital area.