Star Army

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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Harm Less

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Inactive Member
Harm's dreams were banished by her clock as it informed her of the time with a rather unpleasant noise. Her arm soon emerged from the covers of her bed and found the machine, using its interface with a forceful slam. Sleep soon returned to her as she nuzzled the soft pillow below her head.

Harm was then awakened again, by the same clock, five minutes later. Reluctantly she pulled the covers off her body and headed to her shower. She turned on the water and within moments was met with a warm mist inside of her bathroom. As she pulled the T-shirt off her body and stepped out of her undergarments she started to wonder if Kip was watching her through this steam. Her face couldn't help but suppress a laugh and smile at this probable truth as she stepped into the shower. It was just then when a cold shiver went through her body even though the water cascading over her was quite warm. "Hmm...,â€
((Hope you don't mind Zack and Thomas correct me if I'm wrong))

As Harm was on her way out Kai was on his own way toward the spaceport in preparation to leave with Elena in tow. He stretched a bit as he walked, it was still early in the morning of the next day after his "conversation" with Zeke, they'd been so kind as to private accomodations for the night.

"Brother where are we going?" Elena asked as she rode piggyback on Kai's back as she was too sleepy to walk straight.

"Time for us to head home, I'm gonna let you live with me like we talked about last night." He answered her.

"Yay, though I'll miss Uncle Kip and Zeke." She said smiling sleepily.

Kai smiled back at her and looked ahead and around spotting Harm coming out of a adjacent corridor. He walked over to intercept her.

Hi Ms Harm, Kip's told me about you. Would you happen to be one Uso Tasuki?" Kai asked her telepathically. He smirked at her "Hi there pretty lady." he smirked, having a feeling it was Uso frm what Kip had mentioned and she looked a lot like the neko he remembered.
Harm brushed a strand of her black hair out of her face as she continued down the hallway, her hair flowing out behind her unrestrained. ~I can't say that I've ever been introduced to a Uso Tasuki~ She replied mentally as she continued forward with a, "Helloâ€
Kai looked at her, and over her and blushed a bit hearing her response. "You look awfully familiar, like I've met you before; but then again ladies as pretty as you are rare." he smiled.

Sorry then, just you remind me of someone with that name whom I had a small attraction to or crush on. he replied telepathically. Kai shifted Elena's weight on his back a bit, he still thought this was Uso just with changed hair color, she had a similar build and such.
Kip watched with intrest. He was monitoring the heat signatures, pulse rate and other tell tale signs of Kai (since he no longer scanned Harm beneath skin level), and could effectively tell what he was feeling.

This promised to be intresting, given Kai's obvious to Harm, and his efforts at flirtation. He wasn't ready to show himself, but just spectated, hoping that Harm wouldn't return Kai's feelings. He didn't know what he'd do, and the feeling of not knowing something scared him.
He focused for a moment and yanked Harm back with the power of his mind and held her aloft for a moment so she couldn't walk away this time. Looking right into her eyes, his own filled with something indescribable as his thoughts rang in her head. Somewhat laced with the pain of the sting her words had laid upon him, reminding him of his chain of failures back then and worst of all: being so dense as to ignore her...the one thing he hadn't wanted to do.

Uso, the past is the past nothing can be done to alter it. What I did back then was a mistake. You may not listen or even care anymore but I am glad to see you, and...nevermind. He told her blushing slightly.

"And this young woman is my sister Uso, I haven't had a lover for years now." He said verbally, his voice quiet in the end. "I wallowed in my utter failure from the Seigi so I hid myself in shame." He still hadn't let Uso down yet as he wasn't finished.

I'm sorry for being so dense I really am. If you'll let me have a chance I'd like to make it up to you.
People change over time, I accepted that I was a failure back then and have moved one. I'm just trying to live a life of peace in this time. He told her, amused by the fact that she couldn't negate his powers, she wasn't strong enough. But it didn't matter really as he would set her down anyway, he had no further reason to suspend her.

He smiled at her and shifted Elena's weight again so it was comfortable. "Mmm brother don't drop me" she whispered to him. Kai nodded to her and tightened his hold on her gently, then turned back to Uso or Harm. "Alright then Harm, perhaps you'd like to go for dinner tonight then?"
~heh, you sound just like someone else I knew in a past life,~

"Dinner will have to wait, I'm quite busy after all, so how about lunch instead? I hear that this ship has quite the number of places to get a decent bite to eat.â€
Kai nodded. "Yeah I'll do that, have to see if Kip'll let me get an apartment here for a short time, I do have a home I should return to at some point." He said. "And I'll see you about Emry's?" Kai suggested.
"That will be fine. Have kip send me the time and table number and I will meet you there.â€
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