Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: 188604 Haruhi's Side of things.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


ON > This happens at the same time as the battle of Osman city

The rest of the team jumped out ahead of Haruhi, followed shortly after by Errowyn in her fighter. From where she stood back on the ship she could see the battle start to unfold. On one side was a group of soldiers in a plethora of mismatched uniforms, on the other were rows of soldiers in blue, firing from their position in trenches. As the power armored soldiers landed, they made quite the formation around Uso, blaring something on their external speakers, being as intimidating as possible only to end up being fired at by soldiers with muskets.

In no time at all, the cannon teams re-aimed their weapons to join in, only to be vaporized by columns of light from Errowyn's fighter.

Then over the all hands channel Haruhi would hear Uso yelling, "Yes! GO DO THE THING! Keep blowing them up until they realize they need to surrender. Errowyn, have a look around, let us know if you see anything that looks like a general on either side. We want to grab as many in-charge people as possible." A she spoke the Ragnarok soldiers were busy charging towards the trench, as Uso punched someone's head clean off.

Haruhi watched everything unfolding. The team seemed to be doing a pretty good job making a mess of things without her and she wondered if she should just hang back and save her explosives for the mining operation after all. From what she could see, the people on this world had absolutely zero chance of opposing them. It was going to be a slaughter, even if they did manage to do a little damage to some of their power armor, nothing they had could match up to modern energy weapons.

"So, what's the word, boss lady?" Haruhi asked over a private channel to Uso's armor.

"Fuck... they are scattering already..." Uso said, watching the rebel army turning tail... though Haruhi could see the blue coated soldiers attempting to put up a real defense, dogpiling the power armors as soldiers lit TNT to make a desperate charge.... only to get blown away by precise fire from Errowyn. "Imma check out that hill... looks command centery I guess... just see what you can find. We're going to need people to run this place who know this place."


Haruhu could practically hear the sound of the rifle Uso had grabbed as she threw it at a mounted soldier, knocking him off his horse and impaling him into the ground as she made a rocket assisted leap towards a hill overlooking the city where cannons had been only moments before. As Uso bounded off towards the hill, the rest of the group headed into the city. This left soldiers to scurry for saftey on the flanks. From her vantage point she could also see the few soldiers scurrying around the sides of the battlefield, a large open area to one side, a mountain that cast its shadow over the city on the other.

Haruhi adjusted the power to her anti-grav drive, floating farther away from her ship and casually drifting over towards the hill Uso was making for. She kicked in the telescopic view from her suit's cameras and zoomed in on the hill to see what was there, if anything of interest was there. Maybe it was a command post like Uso suggested, or maybe an artillery emplacement or something full of explosives she could pop.

Haruhi would see people fleeing in all directions. The cannons had already been demolished, and Uso would arrive shortly after, landing right ontop of a rather ornate looking red coat, "Damnit.... Someone got smart and is trying to blend in with the rank and file... look for someone without a jacket that should be wearing a jacket... probably running away from this hill somewhere." Uso said, cluing in Haruhi on what to look for. Haruhi would also get a good look at the soldier who stood up from his hiding spot and fired at Uso, his bullets bouncing off her face plate... leaving Uso to pick up a cannon ball and slowly walk over to him, caving the man's face in with the heavy projectile.

There were more soldiers behind the hill too... racing up it in order to see what was going on. They hadn't quite seen the carnage, as they had been tending to what looked like horses in the backfield, though when they saw Haruhi floating overhead they immediately tried readying their rifles, hurriedly loading them with shot and powder.

The big guns were gone already. This miffed the little neko. She wanted to blow up something that would make a big explosion. She spotted the group loading their rifles and floated down towards them and deployed a pattern of a dozen or so of her small flash bang grenades, which landed among the soldiers and went off with blinding light and thunderclaps.

"Don't even think of damaging my candy!" she boomed over her armor's external speakers, though there was little chance any of them understood what she said after the thunderclaps and since she was speaking in yamataigo. As they writhed from the audio-visual assault, she smacked their rifles away from them, then took aim with her own. "Surrender!" she demanded of them

The soldiers were shouting, looking at each other and then at her, confused, and quite a bit scared. They didn't quite understand her.... but it seemed like they were speaking a language quite close to trade.

She'd then hear Uso speaking in her ear over Comms, "Don't play with your food Smalls," She said.


Smalls would feel a slight pressure against the back of her head for a moment. A soldier hiding among an overturned cart had shot her in the head with his rifle while she was trying to get the other group to surrender... of course, it felt only like a soft tap, the bullet doing nothing against her armor.

Haruhi rolled her eyes. "Surrender if you want to live!" she repeated her command in trade this time as she swung her rifle behind her, using the armor's sensors to locate the attacker and pick him off with a well aimed scalar blast, then aimed the rifle back at the dazed group before her.

They were all nodding "SURRENDER!" They shouted back, putting their hands up and just standing there. They didn't look to be that old, maybe in their teens or early 20s...their clothing made up of a mis-match of just about anything they could find, and all of it covered in dirt. Almost immediately she could hear the sound of someone trying to strike flint, one of her prisoners pulling out a stick of TnT and trying to light it while hiding it behind one of the other prisoners.

The armored mini neko strod over to the one trying to light the TNT and swept her armor leg in a whirring kick, punting the explosive into the distance. "You're an idiot" she said and backhanded him. "All of you, drop your weapons and stand over here" she pointed at an empty patch of field a half dozen meters away from anything that could be considered a weapon. "And who is your boss? I wanna talk to him before more of you morons get yourselves killed because he doesn't have the balls to give up when he know's the fight is lost"

One of the soldiers immediately pointed to one of the others... and then they all collectively stepped back... except for one.

"Ahh.... poop...." That soldier said. "I... I surrendered!" He insisted.

Haruhi grinned. "Hi there" she said as she walked over to him and placed an armored hand on top of his head to keep him in place. "Wanna call off your soldiers? You can see you have no hope of defeating us, just gonna get sooooo many of your people needlessly killed" she said. "And if there is one thing we are good at, it's killing rabble like you lot"

"I... I did I mean... These guys are the only ones I command now.... assholes...." he said, the boy practically shaking as Haruhi put her hand on him.


the explosive Haruhi kicked finally exploded, the blast a good distance away from where they were standing,

"What are you? You the aliens the government has been hiding?"

"We're the new management" Haruhi replied, tilting her head a little, unphased by the detonation. "You have a way to get the rest of those fools to drop their weapons?" she asked, nodding at the raging battle below. "I'd hate to have to bring in an off world work force" she added with a grin the man could not see. "But if I have to, I will"

"Noh.. no I sware!" he said, "Aaron said that you'd come to destroy us all.... I... I don't want to die."

Haruhi switched off her external speakers for a moment to talk to Uso, "So, captured about a dozen over here, including an officer, but he doesn't have the ability to call off the army down there anymore" she reported.
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"Don't worry about it... I think their leader ditched his uniform and is blending it... There must be thousands of them out here too... just cut those guys loose... no wait... make em watch from the hill.... yeah, do that." Uso said, rambling a bit, "I'm going to gather up everyone we've gotten so far. If you want to drag someone around and see if they can spot the leader guy running around feel free to." Uso said.