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Forum Game Has your character ever...?

Has your character ever fallen out of love?

*continues the sad train*
Yes, Faye has fallen out of love with her two former mistresses over the years. Maybe even forsaken hope on love itself...

Has your character ever cried themselves to sleep?
Arbles and Argenta did it off-screen a few times. Araxie did it in a JP where Uso broke her mentally.

Has your character ever had to do something they didn't want because of poor communication causing them to think they were going to do something else?
Not yet. Although wow that's a really specific case, thanks Arble for going way too into detail.

Although I do have a "Character did something they didn't want to do" story and a "Character communication failed" story.

But since neither of the stories have both, no story. :3

Anyways. Gonna chuck a question.

Has your character ever dated anyone before they were officially enlisted in the Star Army? No, Nekos do not count for this question sadly.
No, Hanako basically got exploited be genetics corporations from a young age and never got to date anyone until she was in the Star Army, and I think she's only had one date (?) which was one of the Love Day matchmaking JPs.

Has your character ever acquired a memory or skill by downloading it instead of the traditional way?
Mimi Merkur was loaded up with a lot of Sierra Merkur's knowledge and a skillset to make her useful to Sierra, but it was technically before she was fully sentient.

Has your character ever had to re-sleeve into a different body without dying first or having to upgrade for SAoY reasons?
Reactions: Wes
Yes and no. Chlorate had to transfer into a gynoid body because she was previously inhabiting a drone for a body, but that was before she joined the Star Army. Although, before that, when she ended up in the middle of a battle, she had to transfer into a FARS drone because the FA4-A Grunt she was inhabiting was disabled and about to explode.

Has your character ever broken the law?
Considering Lane isn't officially "on-site" yet, no.
But with the creation of his application, possibly? I don't know yet. He just wants to be a good boyo but I think other stuff might get in the way of that. Stuff he might not even have control over.

Has your character ever been in a situation where they absolutely hated doing something, but they did it for a friend/close buddy?
This is kind of a deep cut, but when Hoshi built her cabin on Tami, she had my other character Deio Asuka build it with her. While Hoshi took to being a yak rancher and wasabi farmer really fast, Asuka was less inclined and kind of hated it. She didn't ABSOLUTELY hate it, but it was certainly something that made her realize her ideals didn't align with Hoshi's. Now when she goes, it's with the rest of the crew and she really only stays in the air conditioned ranch house or next to the pool (gotta darken those freckles somehow!).

Has your character ever drowned?
Hmm. I suppose Director Shida got briefly kicked out when I was absent and not playing them (they’re still on loan now too!), but that ended up being a sly maneuver to save the Star Army and SAINT from enemies within and it turned out to be a really great story in the end.

Has your character ever been shown in RP cooking a meal? If so what was it.
(Clarification: you were still banned at that time.)

Mikael and Yingzi were shown to be making mooncakes for the matriarch of the Motoyoshi. It is a shame it will never be known if she had them summarily executed because she hated mooncakes or loved them . Speaking dying, has your character ever died, respawn, and die again shortly after returning from the dead?
Nope! Only one of my characters has ever died, and that was a reasonable tactical error. You don't bring a lab tech into a power armor field mission in insurgent territory. Took a little while to get her right body.

So has your character ever voluntarily pulled an extra duty outside their job description?
Kinda. When the Res first started we didn't have a cook. Sanda volunteered to act as cook until one could be found. She prepared a big fancy dinner that I remember I did some research on how to make sushi but we never wound up rping it getting eaten.

Do any of your characters have an arch rival?
No, my character does not have a rival...not sure if I should have one but if I did it would be someone from his past. He would be angry about his leaving the gang he belonged to when he was young and try to rub in the fact that he's rich because he works for a company that is making stuff for the Star Army, at least that's the idea. Not sure if that would even make sense at all.

Has your character ever had a best moment In your favorite rp?
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