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Interest Check Havok Festival YE 40


Inactive Member
This is an event I've been brainstorming with the help of @Ametheliana, @Zack, @Jack Pine over the last few months. It is the brain child of my character, Jax, as a way to promote his business, Havok Customs (think Harley Davidson meets Stark Industries) and dull the boredom of being a multi-millionaire entrepreneur with too much time on his hands.

What is the Havok Festival? It's essentially "Coachella in Space", located on planet 188604. The main difference between Coachella and the Havok Festival is that along with live music from some of the hottest artists in the galaxy, the Nepleslian Airbike Circuit has agreed to host a series of races throughout Osman City- the main hub of the planet- and the surrounding desert. If you've ever played the Forza Horizon games, you'll know exactly what I'm getting at here.

TLDR: Airbikes, hovercars, land vehicles, and small ships going hecking fast through city streets, the desert, and the sky. Live bands playing everywhere, hipsters wearing feathered hats, nifty little food carts on every corner, and fireworks.

Basically, it's like the Hanami Festival hosted on Yamatai each year, but a whole lot crazier. Anyone can come RP at the festival, and the very first thread will be Havok's showcasing of its newest products. If you have a racing team, you can enter to win up to 15,000,000.

Lemme know what you think!
I will definitely be entering the DR1 motorcycle and Raven sports car into this. Might also try and get a merchandise stand for FSC, OHI, and S6. The boom in tourism would be what the local businesses and economy need.
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