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"Hawk" Fighter/Bomber

I'm wary of its extreme sensors.

Also, why would it have SPINE if it's for Lorath, not Nekos?
It is for the joint 5th XF-Lorath force going to Bizranko.

So SPINE is on there incase I decide to help boost the Lorath contribution by giving them some pilots. :lol:
The sensor package has already been approved on the Winter PA application. Due to the size of the Hawk, it would be all the more feasible for the application.

Oh, not to mention the Lorath are willing to manufacture the Hawk design for the 5th XF, or even allow manufacture rights.
Went over this. We need to have another discussion before I put something up on it.
Noticed Doc made some edits on here, I want to give everyone another chance to look it over. Go to it folks.
Well, I can't really say much regarding it would repeating myself; the technology is virtually identical to the Whirlwind, so it might be better to keep all my perceived problems with both of these units (the trying to do everything at once vibe) to just the Whirlwind thread.

However, I did notice some inconsistencies: 500 MT antimatter bombs on this unit to DR 8. 500 MT nuclear bombs do only DR 5 on the Whirlwind. MT is a unit of energy, so regardless of whether it's nuclear or antimatter-fueled, the damage done is virtually identical so shouldn't be different -- right? (Before you throw that old "antimatter annihilates stuff!" book at me, note that at 100% efficiency a 500 MT bomb would only annihilate 11 kg of mass; most of the damage would have to come from energy yield, so it really wouldn't make a difference in damage).

Other discrepancies include weight-class: The Hawk weighs much, much more but carries much less firepower it seems (compare 30 point defenses vs the Whirlwind's 4), and is defensively much weaker.

I'm not sure if Wes' "no-copypasta" rule applies to simply variants or to all ships...but regardless, I'm seeing a large amount of copy-pasta between the Winter/Whirlwind/Hawk systems. Well, nearly all of these writeups are parallel/identical save for the chassis itself (where stuff is mounted, how many guns it can carry, speeds). They all share the same multi-tiered shields, same propulsion systems, repair systems, control systems (but not cockpits), cross-over weapons, mesh-based construction...maybe you should consider starting an index in the future if you're going to standardize stuff across the board on your creations. That would both remove the TL;DR (or submission rot?) factor that seems to be the lack of replies by the player base on these threads, and streamline future designs so reviewers don't have to re-read ten pages of text over and over -- only the new stuff that needs approval.

Err, I think this might be getting too tangential since it's not directly related to the chassis itself, but I just thought I'd throw this in anyways.
I'm not sure if Wes' "no-copypasta" rule applies to simply variants or to all ships
"No Copypasta" applies to all ships and mecha. A ship design is a collection of systems. All systems (especially weapons systems) should be submitted as separate articles and approved individually.

Ships with copy pasta systems descriptions should not be approved.
Wes, I don't know if you've noticed, but every technology submission takes at least two weeks to get through this turkey shoot, in some cases a whole month. Submitting every single bit of technology for pre-approval is asking for someone to wait around six months before they do anything productive.

On the topic of copy-pasta... Wes, I-- never mind, this will get me banned. I'm just going to go, and do something else? Alright? Fuck it.
Actually, it makes life much easier for me as a tech evaluator if things are broken into small chunks. This way, we can cut down on the time spent waiting for review -- only the really overpowered systems will get slogged down.
In future posts, I'll be sure to do that... I do tend to post weapon technology before-hand as you are aware. Note the year wait it took me to get antimatter weapons approved.

EDIT: Jess, the DR 8 comes from it directly converting the armor it comes in contact with to energy... thus, a nuke which merely heats the armor and batters the armor with kinetic force can deal only so much damage, while the antimatter goes about breaking the bonds of the material and converting it to energy, thus delivering more UMPH. Now take your nuke crusade elsewhere.
She's not on a nuke crusade, mate. She's saying that 500 megatons is 500 megatons, not matter what's making the boom, and stating that anti-matter only terminates matter in an equivalent amount to how much anti-matter there is. She was making no comment on the effectiveness of anti-matter, just that there seemed to be a discrepancy between two DR ratings. And remember that the anti-matter itself has to actually come into contact with the armor, not just be near it when it 'splodes to cause termination.

I'm not quite sure how the AS-7 deploys its anti-matter, but unless it actually spits the stuff out before impact, then it's just a really, really powerful bomb. However, popping the a-mat out the front means that termination is only viable in a vacuum, as termination between the anti-matter and atmospheric gases occurs if it touches air, and once again just makes a big explosion.

I understand that my post seems a little disjointed and rambling, but that's 'cuz I'm really tired and am running only on caffeine from a can of Bookoo.
I see nuke crusade... but about the antimatter deployment...

Yes, AS-7 torpedoes utilize a directed reaction system, as do some larger Lorath ordinance.
That dosen't mean it isn't true.

Anti-matters negation of matter only would remove an extremely small amount of mass meaning that it doesn't justify an increase in DR.


Even with a directed blast system for anti-matter Derran's Rule would still apply.

So what Doc's argument boils down to is that between 500lbs of Feathers and 500lbs of lead, the lead is heaver because it is lead.
Or, we can say I don't give a damn about Derran's rule, or this useless prattle which does not belong in my thread, and simply say I was basing this off of the DR system, and I would also like to indicate that smaller Lorath ordinance accounts for the amount of antimatter present.

Now do me a favor laddies, get out.
Excuse me for putting in my two cents here, but...

Since when is it that you need to know antimatter calculations to design a weapon? Once again something is changed due to a small group whining louder than anyone else. But I say "nay" your getting beyond reason.

Well heres the deal, it is not required that you go through some advanced mathematical calculation to design ships on this site.

The submission must meet a reasonable level of plausibility and scientific explanation. Too complex can be just as bad as too weakly described. The staff can determine such application and will attempt to point you in the correct direction

Until the DR rating scale changes officially, Antimatter weapons are the DR listed for antimatter weapons. Nuclear weapons are the DR that I put in the locked post. THE END.
You should also be "linking in systems"

An example would be most newer KFY Star Army ships:

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... _and_parts

This also will help will browsing :) This is the direction we are trying to move the entire site in Tomoe. Starting with YSE on down.

Also you dont need to post the list if it is already approved technology.
I advised him to since a lot of the list is reused in submissions. It is an effort to streamline future submissions by putting the weaponry in one place and pre-approving it, since he seems to like to have many of his submissions utilize a library of cross-compatible weapons.

It is meant to give that impression rather than having each submission have the weapons repeated, and people making the mistake of thinking that each one has a buttload of independent weapons, rather than a single multi-compatible library of them.
Any action on this?