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"Hawk" Fighter/Bomber

The 'action' is reliant on those damn shield systems I'm trying to work out. Was on vacation, so I was not able to bug. We'll speak of this hogwash later.
Need shields to get this thing approved, and the wiki garbage which is not really important to the working of the item. I ask that whoever is reviewing this, please grant some flexibility in regard to the wiki organization, due to certain powers that be interfering with my capability to simply plug articles in at this time. I will do so for as many systems as possible however.

Need this before the war, thanks.
D-d-d-d-d-double post! The article has been heavily edited and has been modified to include all those nifty little separate articles that I could manage to wedge in there.
You have belly mounted torpedo space, and a belly mounted counter measure launcher there as well? Is there enough space? Also, I'd like a name for this 'Lorath Made Drive System' for the FTL if you don't mind?
Soresu said:
You have belly mounted torpedo space, and a belly mounted counter measure launcher there as well? Is there enough space? Also, I'd like a name for this 'Lorath Made Drive System' for the FTL if you don't mind?

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... pace_drive
That is the original Wiki article to the drive system. As for the countermeasure launcher, it utilizes mini-missiles, like the Mindy, thus the launcher is quite small, plenty of space.
I'm personally interested in what synthetic leather will be like from a race which never had any cows.

I also object to the strength of the hull, which means that a heavy starship weapon is neccesary to damage it. I just think this is over the top for a bomber.

What bio-neural interface system is actually used? How does the PSRS and so forth actually interact with the brain?

Out of interest, what drive system does the cockpit use and what speed can it achieve? Is it itself armoured or shielded?

Energy/matter conversion? Oh please don't tell me that got approved ... that should have died with QnS. No insult intended Zack.

That's all I've got.

Actually, the Lorath have a sort of... rhino... hippo... cattle equivalent. Anyway, the term 'leather' can be applied in a generic manner for any material which originates from a cured hide. Mmm, editing this in after, but the texture would be something of a soft suede, rather plush and soft on the skin.

The hull strength originates from the 'Structural Layering System', which has been applied to the Winter, with a similar DR rating for the armor, while being a smaller unit.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... ing_system
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... ter_series

Also, I don't know if you've noticed Zak, but even SMX pods have weapons capable of cutting through that armor. Positrons for the lose.

As for the interface to the pilot's mind, I included a link to the Neural Interface System which was submitted some time ago.

When I thought about your question for the ejection pod, I rethought the issue and I made the pod's means of thrust be a gravity drive. Far more efficient for planet-fall and dealing with scalar, thanks for the idea.

As for the energy/matter converter... do look at the Panther attack shuttle, and also some of Wes' recent submissions include it.

Thanks for taking a look.
My issue is the level of sharing that this portrays going on between the 5th and the Lorath, when really there has been none played out. No-- I am not doing this to hurt your plot Doc, I am trying to encourage the Lorath to become a more active part of this community.
Andrew, I can't even MENTION the Hawk itself until it is approved. I need it approved before I can RP with it. If it gets approved, the Lorath can do some chit-chat, say "Hey, we wanna share this with you" because the bulk of the systems, save for the SPINE compatibility and mini-missiles, originate from Lorath R&D, the same R&D which was established with the Winter project, due to the majority of the components originating from or are being carried over from it.

Either way, the thing has no technical errors, and the matter of RP behind it would be a simple matter of a hand full of SPs or a single JP... hell, it could already be done if you count the sim run as legit IC, which I would like to.
A little aggressive, I did not imply that it was going to impact approval --I made an observation. That is all.

Damn that's a lot of weapons.
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