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RP: 188604 Hearts Torn Asunder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gunhand4171
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Raphael walked through the halls of the palace, with a somber look. He began training his new officers, but that wasn't why he was so upset. It was time for him to do it. He had been dreading this day for awhile but it needed to be done. He steeled himself as he opened the door. "Hey Juju." He said softly as he entered the room.

Julie had sitting in the middle of the room playing with her dolls. She had changed since the scangeing mission. She was apprehnesive about any new people, only trusting Errowyn and Raph. "Mr. Angel!" The little one exclaimed running up and holding out her arms to be hugged.

Raph happily abliged as he bent down and picked the little one up. "Hey Juju." He said giving her a long hug.

Julie turned her head. "Did you see dollie? She got a new dress." She said pointing at the doll. Raph sat down on the floor, allowing the girl to run and grab the doll to show Mr. Angel.

Julie ran and grabbed dollie. She ran back and sat on his lap. She held the doll up. "I made it!" The dress was a strip of cloth with holes cut in the fabric for armholes. Crude ties with thread to hold it on in place.

"It's so beautiful sweet heart. I am so proud of you!" He said planting a kiss on her forehead. "What else have you been doing today?" He asked attempting to stall for time.

Julie leans against him, picking at the dress she had made, pulling thread out the bottom, leaving behind a fringe of threads. "Not much. Looked out window. No flying buildings in courtyard. Where Ewwow..in? at. She leave too?"

He smiled softly. "Ms. Errowyn had to bring Ms. Uso on an errand. They will be gone a few days. But, I will be with you until Ms. Errowyn gets back. How does that sound?" He asked ruffling her hair.

"She no around no more. She left in weird noisy building that had windmill fans on top," Julie spoke softly. "She dont like anymore?"

"No, no, no baby girl. She does like you. She must have something important to do that is all." He said as he held her. "She likes you almost as much as I do..." He said giving her a toothy grin.

"I wanna go outside. but the door is always locked. Am I a poisoner?" Julie looks up at him, eyes wide.

"No little one." He softly cooed. He scooped her up and opened the door. The two guards outside her door began to protest that Uso had given strict orders. Raph fixed them with a glare that could melt the bulkheads of starships and continued walking. He brought her outside and into the gated courtyard. He sat her down and sat near the large fountian in the center of the yard. "Here we go. Is that better?" He asked, eyeing the guards that had followed him, silently telling them to scram.

One guard just scowled at him, radioed something in his radio, and both of them strolled off. On the wall towers where there were guards. One that could see into the yard with the fountain turned and faced inward at them.

Julie smiled, relaxing as the big men with large guns had left. "Momma and I always came out here when the weather was nice. But not nice anymore. Too much dirt and plants dying." She spoke sadly as she stood up and ran around, leaving her little foot prints in the fine silted dirt.

Raph cringed inwardly at the little girl's comments. Here was more proof of the terrible things he had done. Part of him wished that he woul have never signed on, the other glad he did... If he hadn't been here, who know what would have happened to her. He hadn't been the one to kill her parents, but still...

He just sat there his eyes glazed over, half watching Julie, half hating himself for what he had become. A monster...

Julie found a ration can and ran back to the fountian and scooped up some water. She ran to a plant that was still alive and struggling. She poured the water on the plant, cleaning it as the water pooled at its base, being absorbed into the ground. She had purpose in finding more plants to water and clean. Just enjoying being able to run around. She soon grew tired of watering plants and set the ration can next to the fountian. She climbed up on the rim of the fountain and walked around the edge.


"Eeeeeeeek!" As she tumbled to the ground when a section of the fountian collasped.

Raph cursed himself for not paying attention. He bolted up with inhuman speed and rushed around to her side. He scooped her up and began inspecting her, finding only a few scapes. "You're okay. You're okay. Shhh." He softly cooed as a sob prepared to escape Julie's lips.

Julie sniffled and whimpered a bit. She settled down. "When can I see Mommy and Daddy?" Looking up at him. Eyes wide with something missing. Even though she had Mr. Angel. She still wanted her mother.

'Oh no...' he mentally panicked. 'I can't do this. I can't do this. It will kill her...' He thought quickly, then another thought hit him like a bullet to the chest. 'You already have ruined her life.' Tears began to form around Raph's eyes.

"Baby, we need to talk..." He said sitting down and held Julie tightly. "Mommy and Daddy..." He paused, lost for words. 'gods frogive me for what I am about to do.' He thought. Again another thought crossed his mind. 'I will burn in eternal damnation for what I have done...'

"Mommy and Daddy have... passed away..."

"Killed? Because they are king and queen? Am I next?" Julie interrupted as she squirmed to get away from Raph.

He let her go. The huge elysian suppresed a sob as tears streamed down his face.

"I hate you!" She screamed as she ran towards the door leading into the Palace. Only to be brought up short by one of the Guards. She backpedaled away from him. He stood there blocking the door, keeping her in the yard with Raph.

Raph tried to follow when the guard appeared. "Julie, I am so sorry. I am sorry!" He nearly yelled as he attempted to reach out to her.

Julie stamped her foot in the dirt, she yelled back "If yoo are Sowwy! Bring me their heads! Who killed my momma! My Daddy! My Anny!" Stomp stomp stomp... each raising a cloud of dust.

The Guard just snickered, shaking his head at Raph as he stepped back inside,

"An an ... Eddie! Annnn... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I want my mommy!!" She cried a she screeched, throwing a stomping tantrum.

"Julie, I can't! I can't bring them back." He pleaded as he saw the guard snicker.

'You murderer/ Devil/ Killer.' Swam through his mind at high speed. His mind was going to snap. He was losing grasp of his mental faculties. "Julie..." He attempted to reach out to her. He tried to embrace her. To have for her someone to grieve to.

At first she tried to evade as she could barly see through the tears, then pounded on his chest when caught, calling him insultive names till she exhausted herself. She just went limp in his grasp. sniffling and whimpering. "woom..." she muttered.

Raph held back his sobs as she let him have it. He finally held her, picking her up and silently obeying. He carried her to her room and laid her in her bed. "Julie? Do you want me to..."

"Go away!" She screech as he talked to her. She buried her head under the pillow trying to shut him out.

Raphael stood as the tears streamed down his face. He left without another word. Softly shutting the door behind him. He wandered the halls aimlessly until he reached the roof. He looked out on the city, seeing the carnage that he and the crew had brought. 'You did this!' His thoughts screamed. 'You murderer. You killer.' He fell to his knees, releasing the sob he had been holding. One thought running through his mind over and over again. 'You ruined that little girl's life...' He looked to the sky and screamed. "Fuck this planet!" He yelled as he began to sob.
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