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Laz Public Network [Heavily Encrypted] Alex/IPG Communications


Inactive Member
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

I have recovered these items which may be of interest to you. I am listening them here first to give first dibs. That which you do not want I will either keep, return to families (if corpses), or sell.

* NAM Ship-Based PA Assembler (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 29-88, IC: 2609-1289-114)
* FIRE1 Powered Case (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 31-26, IC: 832-1851-54)
* WATER2a (Broken) (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 30-7, IC: 237-687-34)
* Datapad with NAM Emblem (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 10-63, IC: 677-5790-72)
* NAM Briefcase (filled with daily notes of a presentation and a few family pictures)(S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 33-63, IC: 2136-5538-93)
* Buoy Interdiction Generator (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 10-55, IC: 607-1872-64)
* Various FMD/UMD Charges (40 Charges) (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 12-29, IC: 393-1101-40)
* Various FMD/UMD Charges (40 Charges) (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 20-28, IC: 617-2101-46)
* Cerebral Chip (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 7-58, IC: 463-4929-65)
* MEC (With Frozen Head Inside) (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 15-21, IC: 372-477-35)
* Dead NAM Caretaker (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 9-70, IC: 687-2507-78)
* Dead NAM Caretaker (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 7-71, IC: 547-4175-78)
* Dead NAM Pilot (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 23-72, IC: 1713-5385-93)
* Dead human in military uniform, 2 limbs missing or severed at waist (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 88-6, IC: 497-321-84)
* Somebody's cybernetic eye (or other minor body part) (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 86-9, IC: 745-318-85)
* Somebody's cybernetic eye (or other minor body part) (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 41-8, IC: 344-505-45)
* Random severed chunk of flesh (S Nepleslia Ring, TC: 52-4, IC: 213-153-50)
Dear Ms. Burning,

We will be happy to compensate you for the following items:

Any others are yours to do with. Our thanks for recovering lost personnel. Please forward us the amount you require for compensation.

- CMDT Shang
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

Well, I was thinking something along the lines of 35,000 DA. I am also saving up to purchase other items, which include possible elements of interest. Second Chance Salvage Company is selling some NAM-related items, but my offer was too low for them. I'm working on trimming down the personal items I wanted out of the deal so I can afford the remainder.
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

I have obtained the following for your review and interest:

Coordinates for an intact secret facility for mass cloning Mishhhuvurthyar soldiers
Stasis Pod containing long-lost Nepleslian actor (Cliff Rainey, young guy with neon orange eyes and dark red hair and a cybernetic left eye. Lady Gaga status)
NAM Briefcase (old documents listing the perks and flaws of the various E-series armors and recommendations for the next generation of PA; obsolete by now)
NAM EMP grenade
NAM Ship-Based PA Assembler
2 SAVTECH Jane units
P/P System
PA Durandium Plates
Skirt Armor (40 DARTs + 40 Charges)
Power Armor engine parts

I spent a lot to get this stuff, and hope for compensation to be able to continue to do so. I also would like to make a request.

I would like to wait to turn over the actor until I've gotten a few drinks in him and have managed to have a night of fun with the pent up man. He and the Savtech Janes seem rather open to the idea and are willing to provide photographic and video evidence of our endeavors for IPG review. Please acknowledge.
Re: First Message

Done. The funds have been transferred.

Re: Second Message

40,000 DA for the information IF it proves actionable (will be paid once we have confirmed the information)
45,000 DA for the rest

If the amount is unsatisfactory, please inform us as to how much you spent.

Regarding your other plans, we have no problem with your delivery plan as long as they are capable of going through a debriefing.
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

Agreed! Also, here are the records of that night for review.

4sum.vid attached
4sumpicfolder.zip attached
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

I'm responding to earlier offers to pimp out my Impulse Power Armor. It's a Military Grade model which is cobbled together from two destroyed ones, but is thankfully sound. If the numbers don't match, that's why.

In any case, one major thing I need done is for it to better fit my curves. I'm no fatty by any scope, but I wouldn't be able to breathe if I tried to squeeze myself in the Power Armor as-is. The rear end could also stand to be shaped to my caboose better. I'm thinking removable panels for the chest and groin possibly, not only for ease of replacement or repair from damage, but also for purposes of fun and distraction. Perhaps even placing certain devices under the panels for some 'enhanced function', if you catch my drift. Attached are my dimensions and biometrics, though I'm sure some of you boys already have these on file after the last files I sent you.

I'm also interested in improving the Impulse's general weapons technology and capabilities, though I'm not sure how far you'll be willing to improve her or in what ways. I may just have to trust you to make sure she's made into a sweet, butt-kicking machine above and beyond what can be bought stock.

biometrics.dat attached
From: Alex Burning

I'm interested in adding the following to my Power Armor if possible, in addition to the aforementioned panels. Please note that the power armor is heavily modular and has a number of hardpoints. If this is too much, let me know since I'm just throwing out my dream list. I don't mind testing new equipment either. The Impulse makes for a good testbed because of the modular nature.

Maintenance/Salvaging Equipment:
Tool for welding or cutting, could have an alternate weaponized form. Sufficient for cutting through hull sections for ship entry or the removal of salvage from a hulk. Possibly arm or hand mounted.
Item Collection Module, combines graviton beam projector with a winch which can connect to items or deploy a cable netting for towing a larger number of small items. Perhaps integrate into DART Launcher? Cable netting may be electrically, thermally, or plasma conductive for use as a weapon including for capture.

NAM HPAR-01a Heavy Penetrating Assault Rifle - "The Money Shot" (fitting name for a weapon I'd use)
DART Launcher
VBCS Knife
Integral Plasma Projectors
Some sort of ranged directed high energy weapon like an Aether or Plasma Rifle

ACE Combat, or a Savtech JANE failing that.
Comparable sensors and communications to NAM units
Though I'm Nepleslian in mind and spirit, I've got a Yamataian body and can use stuff like mind-machine interfaces if you've got compatible stuff lying around. If the non-invasion neural probe works with my biology, that's fine.

Mass Mesher, or "Snakeskin" failing that

Aether system primary, with a secondary Ionized Hydrogen intake and storage, preferably coupled to its HONEY PUNCH fusion reactors or any superior NAM replacements for stealth purposes.

Your gravitic and magneto-plasma tech seems much better than my unit's basic propulsion. Please add an alternative if you think it beneficial. The Push/Pull system looks interesting as well -- provided it doesn't make the unit more fragile.
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

I am contacting you after another salvage run, this one particularly massive since I just got a far larger ship to handle larger loads. First, I have several ships and ship parts which I would like to be cleared with you or any applicable agency, as they seem to have met with foul play. Some have corpses in them. Once they're cleared, then I can sell them, scrap them, etc unless you claim some of them. I'm not sure if you take Mishhu ships or not.

Justicar, full of holes
Vampire, more holes
Jinkan, Full of holes. and bodies
Ge-Y1-5a - "Henkei" Patrol Variant, Hatches blown out by boarding party. No bodies.

Vampire-class bridge (lots of junk floating about, control panels and electronics all ripped out)
NMX ship's bridge (possibly with occupants still inside)
Elysian Thunderbolt-class bridge (really old tech inside)
Origin Standard Bridge, (Blood-smeared but servicable.)

Rear half of one Tivurnthinth class patrol ship

Finally, I have these items which I believe that the IPG has authority over. If there are some you do not want or have need for, please let me know. There's a pair of Red Hills (which I assume to be Nepleslian military and to be claimed) and a lot of Power Armors involved this time. And bodies. Lots and lots of bodies.

5 x SAVTECH Jane
6 x Escape Pod With Live Personnel
2 x MEC (With Frozen Head Inside)
Cerebral Chip
3 x ID-SOL (Dead or Alive decided by mod)

3 x Dead human in military uniform, 2 limbs missing or severed at waist
10 x Somebody's cybernetic eye (or other minor body part)
4 x Headless Body
2 x Dead NAM Engineer
5 x Dead NAM Caretaker
3 x Dead NAM Pilot
2 x Dead NAM Researcher
7 x Dead NAM Security
2 x Dead NAM Worker
6 x Random severed chunk of flesh
6 x Dead Power Armor Pilot, Pirate

3 x AIR1b
4 x AIR2a (Broken)
2 x FIRE1a
6 x FIRE1 Gattling Forearms
3 x FIRE1 Powered Case
FIRE1 Unpowered Case (150 ARROWs)
4 x WATER1b
3 x WATER2a
5 x WATER2a
7 x LBR-02a
7 x Leg Based Launchers (20 ARROWs)
2 x Skirt Armor (40 DARTs + 40 Charges)
3 x FMD-01a
2 x UMD-01a
4 x Various FMD/UMD Charges (40 Charges)
3 x P/P System
3 x PA Nerimium Masks
6 x Monoeyes
3 x Mass Mesher System

2 x NAM Disabled Ship - Rare, Contact Fian (Red Hill-types)
4 x NAM Prototype Object - Rare, Contact Fian (Pre-Production of later Mass Production Object)
5 x NAM Ship-Based PA Assembler
2 x NAM Briefcase (Generic Stuff)
5 x Datapad with NAM Emblem (Generic Stuff)

Scapegoat Escape Pod (unused)

3 x Genetic Scan Grenade (largely useless)
5 x Ship�s Black Box
7 x Crate of Mail
2 x KS Card (mod determines amount)

Cargo Container Full of Vordachibeans - Nasty little buggers
A bunch of shrunken heads from Essia

Please get back to me with your decisions and instructions. Feel free to also double-check my civilian sales for any other items that the IPG deems necessary -- In spite of a good-faith attempt to report everything I feel that the IPG may want, I've just sorted 2,000 items.
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Dear Ms. Burning, we would be happy to take charge of the objects in your list.

However, we have no need for the various damaged craft you offer save for the Tivurinth. The more NMX hulls we have to study, the more we can learn from them. We will have to inspect the various ships' bridges to see whether we want those or not.

As recompense, we are willing to offer you 650,000 DA and free repairs on all the damaged non-NAM vessels.

Our other informants in Yamatai suggest that the Essians may be interested in your wares.
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

I'll gladly accept that, and thank you for the lead. I'll look for a way to investigate that independently...perhaps just post an ad and see if they bite. My contacting them outright would be strange. The ship I obtained is also a massive Caravan-class craft, which lets me transport just about anything I desire. Please let me know if you want to use me as a courier for larger quantities of items. I have 4.5 million cubic meters of storage on this bird.
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

I've got more salvage, so please get back to me. Here are items I believe you almost certainly have command over, including about 20 peoples' heads/chips and some SAVTECH Janes. One of these things looks like a military high-propulsion test craft, but it's not complete. There's also more NAM Elemental PA and 9 NAM ships.

9 x Contraband (Space drugs, Neko DVDs, etc.)
4 x Large chunk of a https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=nepleslia:c3a *Coordinates of salvage location and drift vectors included*
11 x Escape pod from a Hray
8 x NAM Ship-Based PA Assembler
8 x FIRE1a
5 x FIRE1a (Broken)
2 x FIRE1 Gattling Forearms
8 x FIRE1 Unpowered Case (150 ARROWs)
6 x FIRE1 Powered Case
4 x AIR1b
4 x AIR2a
10 x AIR2a (Broken)
8 x WATER1b
6 x WATER2a
9 x WATER2a (Broken)
8 x Mass Mesher System
10 x P/P System
7 x Monoeyes
5 x Skirt Armor (40 DARTs + 40 Charges)
6 x Leg Based Launchers (20 ARROWs)
4 x LBR-02a
7 x UMD-01a
7 x FMD-01a
9 x Various FMD/UMD Charges (40 Charges)
9 x NAM Disabled Ship - Rare, Contact Fian *Coordinates of salvage location and drift vectors included*
5 x NAM Prototype Object - Rare, Contact Fian *Coordinates of salvage location and drift vectors included*
6 x Datapad with NAM Emblem
6 x NAM Briefcase
4 x Crate of Mail
6 x Genetic Scan Grenade (largely useless)
8 x KS Card (mod determines amount)
5 x Escape Pod With Live Personnel
5 x Ship�s Black Box
9 x SAVTECH Jane
10 x MEC (With Frozen Head Inside)
10 x Cerebral Chip
5 x ID-SOL (Dead or Alive decided by mod)
8 x Dead NAM Caretaker
5 x Dead NAM Engineer
5 x Dead NAM Pilot
6 x Dead NAM Researcher
4 x Dead NAM Security
5 x Dead NAM Worker
3 x Dead human in military uniform, 2 limbs missing or severed at waist
10 x Headless Body
12 x Random severed chunk of flesh
10 x Somebody's cybernetic eye (or other minor body part)

Here are some which you might have authority over, let me know if you are claiming them or leaving them in my hands.
NMX ship's bridge (possibly with occupants still inside); I don't know if you want the bridges of these things or not, honestly. I don't have much use for it besides selling or scrapping it though.

11 x Ravager, 4 intact 3 servicable, 4 parts only; The Mishhu may suck, but they make some decent Power Armor. Some of these are actually ready to fight right now! If you don't take 'em, maybe I'll have 'em act as drones or something... *Coordinates of salvage location and drift vectors included*

10 x NAM ELEMENT-era power armor structures, basically armor pieces and frames intact, no sensitive military hardware; I don't know if these are legal to own or not. Probably, but I should give you first dibs anyway. I just hope that this isn't the start of some sort of illegal civilian conversion program. Sending coordinates and vectors for course extrapolation just in case. *Coordinates of salvage location and drift vectors included*

There are also three of the more recent Red Hill variants that are in easy to fix condition, and I'm still combing them over for any cargo and such, but they seem to be civilian. I'll let you know if I find anything strange.
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

Just an update -- the Red Hill models are straight civilian units, and are looted of cargo. If you want first dibs buying them or have an interest in checking them over let me know, but there seems to be nothing out of place. Just drop by at *coordinates* to check them out if there's an interest. This particular spaceport could use an unexpected IPG visit to keep on their toes anyway.

Dear Ms. Burns,

It is with deepest regret we apologize for the delayed response. The presence of various NAM starships is quite intriguing. However, as you cannot identify them for us, we will have to offer the standard 175,000 DA bounty for them. Added to that, our offer of 25,000 DA for all other items listed above, the sum comes to 1.6 million DA. Would you prefer a lump sum transfer or payment in instalments?

New policy regarding older generation ELEMENTAL Power Armor now allows their sale on the open market. You are free to sell them or use them as you please.

Your friendly neighborhood IPG
From: Alex Burning

Heavy Encryption

I'll accept it as a lump sum, and thank you very much! this will pay off my ship years early! Make sure my name is correct though, please. I'm not Ms. Burns. I'm Ms. Burning.
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