Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: 188604 Heavy weapons man.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Hart
  • Start date Start date

Alex Hart

On, Planet 188604, 四月 (shigatsu) third. (After Kuvexian Raid)

Alex was at the sky guard recruitment station, helping out since one of his "Subordinates", if there was such a thing in the Sky Guard, had to go and see to his children and had asked Alex to cover for him.

Yinsar Kine shuffled across a hallway in the recruitment station, peering about the area for people to avoid. He made sure he stayed as close to the walls as possible, avoiding eye contact with those who passed by him, choosing instead to fiddle with a small circular device in his hands, tweaking small levers and miniature dials.

Alex saw the man, slightly older than himself, hanging around the recruitment station. "Can I help you?" He asked?

Mildly annoyed, Yinsar shifted concentration to the younger man attempting to speak with him. He pursed his lips, about to simply ignore the stranger, before finally recognizing him. "Uh... erm... No sir. I'm fine sir, thank you sir." He attempts an awkward salute, trying his best to correct his posture from it's usual hunched position.

Alex gave a little grin, being in charge of a militia had its perks, but more often than not he wished people would do away with the formalities. "Relax. Are you here to enlist in the guard? My name's Alex and I can help you with that if you'd like."

Yin looked down at his feet and shifted awkwardly. "Uh... Yes sir. I look forward to serving, Mr. Alex, sir." He fiddled with the device in his hands a bit more before realizing that some might see it as rude. With the slightest of sighs, he quickly deposited it in a pocket, hoping Alex wouldn't mind it too much.

"Cool. If you'll follow me we can get you some flight suits, and put you in the database to make sure you get paid. Everyone else is already out training, but I can take you out to do some myself." Alex said as he lead Yin into a room with a tailor robot. "What's your name anyways?"

"Um... My name is 'Yinsar Kine' sir. Some people call me... err... well... nevermind." He stared up at the tailor bot for a small while, trying to figure out it's function. "Hmmn. This is a tailoring unit, right?" He sounded far more confident while speaking about the device.

"Yeah, I don't really understand how it works, but its able to measure you for a flightsuit without you taking off clothes, so that helps the whole process be a lot less awkward."

Alex pulled up a diagram of a suit.

"The main suit is white, but you can choose the color of the highlights. Any particular color you like?"

Yinsar nodded with understanding, tilting his head a bit while looking the device up and down. "I see. I think black would suit me best, sir."

Alex nodded.

"Alright, if you'll stand still the robot will fit you." He said as he selected black on a touchscreen. The robot circled Yinsar several times, measuring his dimensions with a laser scanner.

In about a minute, a folded flight suit popped out of a slot.

"There we go."

Yin stepped up and stretched his arms out to either side, giving easier access for the laser scanner to perform it's function. His eyes followed the movement of the robot, curiously pondering what made it tick. He didn't dare try to take it apart and find out, of course, for obvious reasons.

Yin shuffled over to the machine and looked at the flight suit. The young man turned to Alex. "This is... erm... this is nice. The quality is good, sir."

"I like them too." Alex said. "Follow me, I'll fly us over to the hangars at Sybio."

He nodded, grabbed the suit, then obliged and followeded his superior.

------------- Later, at Sybio Airbase -----------

Alex landed on the airstrip and opened the cockpit of his fighter, allowing Yinsar to get out.

"We're here."

Yin hopped out of the cockpit, and stood next to Alex, looking around curiously.

Alex began to walk towards the hangar, yellling to some technicians. "We've got a new recruit. I'm taking him out for some training."

The technicians wheeled a plane out to the two, midway between the hangar and the airstrip.

"Here, you can use this for now to practice." Alex said. He used his neural link to his fighter, something unique to him, to wheel his own fighter over to stand beside Yin's fighter.

Yin's eyes widened, obviously admiring the craft. He moved forward and circled the craft, taking in the various complexities to the fighter. "This... this is... beautiful." Eagerly, he leaped into the cockpit.

Alex hopped into his own craft. "Alright, clear the runway everyone, We're taking off."

In the cockpit, he took another moment to examine the controls. A surge of excitement gushed through Yinsar. This is what he joined the Sky Guard for. This is what he has lived for. Sitting in the seat, he couldn't help but crack a wide smile. He gingerly reached out, grasping the controls, enjoying the moment.

"I am ready, sir."


"Alex Tasuki; Launching!"

Alex shot off into the sky, letting out a whooping laugh while doing a few rolls.

"Yinsar Kine; Soaring!"

His smile grew wild, and his fighter zipped into the sky. Yin, without hesitation, put the fighter into full throttle forward, feeling the joy and adrenaline of flight coursing through him.

"This mouse has wings," he chuckled to himself.

"Alright Kine, lets see what you've got." Alex said. "You seem to have a pretty good handle on flying, but lets see if you can hit me. These guns are loaded with paint rounds."

The Mouse cracked his neck in his helmet and stretched his legs a bit in preparation.

"Your will, Warden."

Yin yanked on the controls, sending the fighter to a higher altitude before eventually flying completely upside-down towards his superior. His eyes flicked to the various gauges stationed in his cockpit, noting and memorizing a few of the prominent numbers. A free hand engaged his weaponry, turning it's safety function off, then drifted towards the cluster of Datapads that made up it's computing system. He spent a moment trying to navigate through the various menus and familiarize himself.

He fired his weapons towards his superior, not really expecting to hit as much as simply evaluating his target's performance.

Alex weaved lazily around the shots, not wanting to give away any hint of the advantage his neural link gave him, but he felt the rounds coming uncomfortably close to his/his fighter's metal 'skin'.

Yinsar muttered to himself, simply thinking out loud and working out his next few actions.

He began to rapid-fire both of his weapons towards Alex, giving him something to focus on while Yinsar configured the system computer to his wishes. Fine tuning various settings to his needs: speed.
Alex dodged the fire and pulled behind Yisnar by deploying the mecha legs to act as braking thrusters, pulling behind Yisnar. "You'll have to try harder than that." ( is basically what he did)

Yisnar notices his superior slowing his craft. With a slight grunt, he kicked his fighter to maximum speed. After a few seconds of putting distance between them, he turned hard and zipped directly upwards.

Alex sent a few shots at Yisnar, enough to disrupt his plan, but not enough to pose more than a challenge.

With an irritated click of his tongue, Yin was forced to change direction, opting to instead come back towards Alex. He rapid-fired his W3900s towards his superior. At this moment, the distance between them was considerable.

As he fired his guns, he threw his fighter into a long series of barrel rolls, the idea was that it would help dodge fire.

Alex flew in a helix to shake off the fire coming at him head on, and passing within a few meters of Yisnar as he flew overhead.

As they were about to pass one another, Yinsar Kine couldn't help but grin wildly with anticipation.

Some part of his knew what he was about to do was out of line, but a greater part did not care. He flicked a switch, and his mecha arms unfolded, reaching skyward in an attempt to CATCH Alex in it's grasp, the guns firing constantly.

Alex was grabbed by the mechanical hands, the guns firing paint rounds into the underside of his craft.

"Stand down, you've won." Alex said. "That was pretty clever."

Yinsar muted his microphone before he laughed gleefully to himself. "Oh yes, this is it. This is what I've been waiting for."

He calmed himself quickly, and unmuted his mic. "Heh. Ok, sir." His mecha's grasp relented and withdrew into the fighter's hull. Yinsar checked the computer system for any reported damage to his fighter.

Alex began to fly back to the airbase. "C'mon back. We need to help scrub the paint off of our fighters."

Yinsar blinked a few times. "Erm, sir, I believe only one of us got-"


Alex's fighter had deployed an arm and was firing over its 'shoulders' at Yinsar, painting the front of his craft into a spectacular array of colors.

"I thought you'd rather help clean your own fighter than mine, so they both had to get covered in paint you see." Alex said in a mirthful voice.

Yinsar went completely silent, muting his mic and releasing a string of curses before reactivating his mic. "Yessir, of course sir." He ground his teeth together in mild fustration.

"Remember though, you won't be getting a personal fighter until after you're promoted to a sky knight."

"I am aware, sir. Thank you for the reminder." He sighed quietly. Perhaps not today, but some day he would get to call a fighter his permanently. He just had to be patient.

Just a little...while... longer...