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Hello Everyone!


Inactive Member
Hello everyone! I'm kind of new to this whole "online roleplaying" thing in general. I have played a couple of games IRL and on Pen and Paper, but nothing like this yet. However, I am very eager to try it out! Hopefully, I am a great addition to this community! Now, I am not sure how long I will be able to play each day, as my personal life may interfere. But I shall try to make room for this as well! Oh yes, to be honest, I'm not much of a 'details' kind of guy. I like to get straight to the point and not beat around the bush. So I am primarily looking for RPs focused on ship to ship, mech to mech, and man to man combat. So I wish all you warm-BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD-sorry, that happens sometimes.
Hello FearTurkeey. Welcome to the site. If you need anything let me know. More than happy to help. (Sincerely the CrimsionFucker)
Welcome! If you're looking for active plots to join, might I suggest checking out the new plot I am starting called Orochi Squadron? I'm aiming to make it a great place for newbies to quickly jump into the action side of SARP, and get a feel for PA combat and adventure fighting the NMX menace. Hope to see you there.
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